
>I play d4
>In that case, I play c5
>pawn take
>Even though this isn't the best move, it's interesting what will happen next

>I play Crystal Maiden
>I play Nortrom
>In that case, I'll wear Bkb
Why is esports community so single minded?

Other urls found in this thread:

Video gamers have autism, to an even higher degree than chess players.

More like... SHIT.

It's not the community to watch out for since you'll either show others your merit or get shat on enough to try something else, it's devs themselves banning unconventional play for "trolling" that's the problem

You sunk my battle ship

I haven’t played chess in years.

>not posting the video

Well your opponent isn't really going to insult you for being trash unless they're cocky or trying to teach you

Imagine if the chess committee or whatever decided to add a new piece.
The Knave, or something, and it can go on the same square as another piece.
The chessboys would go fucking apeshit. Dota autism wouldn't even compare.

Oh, and apparently castles move.

Dota is an "esports" game, so the players will absolutely sperg out over anything that might hurt their ranking.

See also: TF2 vs Overwatch.

>MOBAs are cancer

Who would have thought?

>Play black
Chess desperately needs a balance update. It's been god knows how many centuries,

David Sirlin tried.

Chess players could keep playing to old game
Videogame patches are near absolute.

Chess sucks though because everybody runs the same team.

So has Bobby Fischer.

Because chess requires mindplay, that player chose a move that may not be optimal at the moment, but maybe it's part of his plan to fuck with the opponent.

Meanwhile mobas are basically rock paper scissors, you can't play a shit character because you have a plan.

Chess isn't a team game, so there's no one to be mad at your mistakes.

>Because chess requires mindplay

There's your problem.

>brother and I are big chess nerds
>I always open with King's Gambit
>brother always responds with Fischer Defense
>usually win
>one day he declines the gambit with Falkbeer Countergambit
>try again
>try again
>quit playing chess
Fuck you Falkbeer.