What's the best graphics card to buy for around £400 / 550 American Fun Vouchers $?
I want something to last. Also I'm sick to death of AMD. Every fucking driver update breaks a different video game.
What's the best graphics card to buy for around £400 / 550 American Fun Vouchers $?
I want something to last. Also I'm sick to death of AMD. Every fucking driver update breaks a different video game.
whats your current one? if 970> performance then wait for volta.
This. Also bought a 1080 for 500€ because AMD won't fix their god damn drivers.
Pretty old
Should I buy 1070?
Why would you, that's barely an upgrade at all.
Probably this.
Should I wait for 1.1k series?
>help me buy a graphics card
>I don't want AMD
there's literally two fucking brands doing graphics cards these days, if you don't want AMD then you've gotta pick Nvidia and have a choice between 1060, 1070 and 1080 depending on your budget.
>barely an upgrade
50% more powerful is barely an upgrade, ok mate
Brainlet here. I wanna stay under £500.
You can just barely get a 1080 for £499 Gigabyte brand. Is that shitty?
What's the different between Gigabyte, MSI, etc?
I spent $169 monies for a RX480 8GB, then tossed $40 at another 8GB stick of ram. Basically only for BF1 and Rainbow Six.
I am shocked at the performance of the 480, now my CPU is the bottleneck : /
Asus or MSI, user. Don't fuck with jewgabyte
>$169 monies for a RX480 8GB
>best graphics card
>sick of AMD
so... whatever Nvidia's top card is
there's something of a duopoly with these things, you know
Nvidia drivers are worse desu
>buying a 1070ti
Might as well buy a 1080 and not get cucked by nvidia with clockspeed restrictions.
1070 Ti is LITERALLY a 1080 that didn't make the cut.
If I buy a 1070 Ti instead of a 1080 is it really much of a difference?
Yes. Yes it is. If you really do frequent half-assed upgrades like this, it just means you're mismanaging your money. You could be buing something twice as expensive half as often and you'd consistently be on a higher end.
Wow no wonder you're bitching about AMD drivers in this day and age. By the time 4xx rolled out AMD finally fixed their shit and their drivers are just passive at best.
What the actual fuck, i bought mine for 200 few weeks after it came out
Ay yo hol up. So you be saying that you guys buy new GPU every year? What are you doing with older one then?
Wait like a year for GPU prices to drop and buy a 2080, Niger. Your 970 is gonna be a-OK for 1080p gaming in the meantime.
this guy's a faggot.
1070 is almost half better than 970.
check benchmarks
Benchmarks are bought by nvidia jews. Not an argument, you dumb cuck
We're all living in 2017 while this guy is living in the year 3000
I'm running an R9 290 and I have almost no issues. Just don't install relive and do a fresh install every 2 or three updates.
I very rarely have issues with any modern games still. Even Shillfront 2's Beta ran at 144 on ultra.
Brah wtf I want 2080 now!
Disregard the nomenclature, I mean the high-end chip of the initial Volta release. 1180, 2090, whatever.
I think there's a fairly significant jump between the R9 280 and 290 from what I remember.
Im not him but it sorta makes sense
2xx, 4xx, 5xx, 6xx, 7xx, 9xx, 1xxx, 2xxx
post feet
I just checked, you're absolutely right, it's almost 50% more capable.
Upgrade OP, but wait until prices slide down a little bit. And force AA through your card and turn off tessellation, that should help you in the meantime.
1070Ti if you're doing 1080p
1080Ti if you're into 144hz or 1440p+
I have her nudes with vagoo as well, but I can't post dat here
I've got a 290X and am now stuck on 16.11.5 drivers because AMD won't admit they fucked up around 5% of their chips, causing me to blackscreen every 5 minutes if I can't overclock my 2D clocks which they made impossible on newer drivers.
How do titans stack up? My friend is giving me his 'old' rig with a titan x in it because he blew $5000 on those new i9s and got a 1080ti and some other shit. I asked him if that was even a good idea considering the titan x's power and he just seemed to not give a shit, so I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Obviously it's a bit worn, but is there any significant power difference between the 1000 line and the titans?
When the fuck is AMD going to release mid-end Vega?
Miners raped the 570-580 and the 56/64 are just worst 1070/1080
>tfw i've never been comfortable spending so much even if I have the money to do it.
>$600 for a 1080
>$300 for a 1070 and have $300 for other shit I want to buy
What the fuck are you playing?
I have no issues with anything but indieshit memory hemmorhaging games.
Sell it, what else? Picking up a 1080Ti tomorrow, my 1080 is going to a friend.
Send help
That's the thing, as long as I'm playing any demanding games it's completely fine, but whenever I'm just using windows/chrome/firefox/word/etc it crashes within 5 minutes.
When they release something other than reference cards we may get a break.
Have you tried a fresh install? DDU has a handy dandy tool for wiping all the old BS. Worth a shot.
Post link to mega then.
Miners you know.
>all these people complaining about AMD drivers and wanting to go to Nvidia for better drivers
Oh boy, are you in for a deliciously ironic surprise.
Captcha: place caution
The surprise of everything working as it should, old games not having problems and a sane UI instead of massive disorganized ricer buttons. Oh the woe.
>he doesn't know that nVidia was artificially limiting cards with drivers
>he doesn't know that they released an update a month ago that increased performance by 30% on some cards
>they released an update a month ago that increased performance by 30% on some cards
How can AMD even compete?
That was AMD that released the 30% performance upgrade, you doofus.
Patently false.
Plus, Nvidia drivers have on multiple occasions killed cards and monitors. AMD has never done anything of the likes.
Which cards? Asking for 750ti memecard friend.
I have a 680, should I upgrade?
AMD shill force in full swing. Still the same old FUD.
Nvidia drivers are very bad on linux.
>ad hominem
wow okay kiddo
Nvidia is better for games in the high end. No doubt. They are also generally more expensive in every tier compared to AMD, the current prices being an anomaly due to miners. The "drivers" meme has long passed. AMD has a renovated driver package that works decently well, is modern and intuitive, while Nvidia is still using the shitty Geforce Experience programs to lock you out of basic functions with the normal drivers.
You know, that shitty early 2000s interface program that requires you to login via Gmail or Facebook.
Keep on parroting about how great Nvidia drivers are. Meanwhile, my little brother was getting driver crashes every other hour, no matter the driver version. Swapped to an RX580, and it just fucking works.
What isn't?
Already tried it a few times, but I'm just gonna replace it with a 1080 soon
fucking jewvidia
>tfw upgraded from a gtx 770 to rx 580
While it's doing me well and all for 1080p, i can't help but feel i should've gotten a 1070 or 1080 instead.
Also might have to upgrade the cpu and mobo since recently it's been doing frequent framerate spikes.
> buying AMD
A true neophyte.
Fuck off retard.
For every single game there is a "AMD Crash" megathread on the support forums
Fanlets, when will they learn?
You could pay off that card in 3 months of mining
I kinda regret getting a 1080 instead of a Ti. I was just getting fucking pissed that NAND was overpriced when I needed an M2 and how RAM is overpriced. Yet here we are, with video cards still overpriced.
What the fuck man, it's like the worst time to build a PC right now.
1170 would make more sense, although 2070 is a bugger number brainlets will love
1070ti if its MSRP price, or 1080 if you can afford it
vega 56 would be good if partner cards existed, buy you suck at amd so don't
>Nvidia is still using the shitty Geforce Experience programs to lock you out of basic functions with the normal drivers
It's been a while since I've used GFE (Shadowplay was actually pretty ok until the 3.0.0 update, RIP), but I don't remember the driver level stuff being locked out in the Nvidia Control Panel or Nvidia Inspector being "locked out", you just couldn't control everything from GFE.
What does it lock you out of, exactly?