Find a flaw
Find a flaw
The community
casualized rts
The world is not square
The mechanics in itself are extremely simplistic and require no foresight or intelligence to execute.
The skill ceiling is incredibly low.
Reminds me of gladiatorial games but without the satisfaction of having the gamers killed at the end.
its too symmetrical.
the map lacks the dynamic asymmetrical balance that leads to developing team strategies.
t.never made it past silver in mobas
Wrong, I only needed half a match to find out how stupid the genre is.
symmetrical gameplay is fucking boring
Well that was easy
Same boring layout, no true objectives because people only care about sitting in lane until someone over-extends and get caught out or makes a misplay. Objectives that do exist in the game provide menial incentives where you're better off ignoring, especially if you have the better team comp-- which is impossible in a genre where balance is all but existent, and random players never work together before the game even begins.
>lose all progression each match
>free so full of retards
>matches go for way too long given the limited gameplay
the baron is embedded in red's top jungle, letting them poke from FoW which gives them a 5% higher win rate
Hero selection and jungle need to be removed.
I really wanted to enjoy this genre but I just can't. This is the most boring piece of shit thing I've ever seen. It doesn't help I lost a few friends who did nothing but play League or Dota when they came out, so we kind of lost contact.
I love games with only one stage played!
Casualized WoE
As if precasting on choke points wasn't simple enough
the camera. its not exactly topdown, so it gives an unfair advantage to team 1.
thats wrong though. the blue team had a 2% advantage, and riot adjusted the ELO on the matchmaking.
This one.
>play half a match of chess
>realize there's only 6 units that can only move 6 specific ways
>realize this game is stupid and an insult to the genre of boardgames
The fact it has a dumb and unnecessary item/equip system instead of it simply letting you jump back into the game.
t. brainlet
Chess is incredibly complex compared to this shit
Sorry I wouldn't know that considering I only played half a game of chess in my entire experience with the game. See where your logic falls flat yet?
The map is extremely simple and it doesn't require any skill to navigate it properly. The jungle is extremely boring and the fact that it's mirrored doesn't actually bring any depth into the game.
The fact that it's the only map played competitively is even worse.
Tf2 had the perfect map designs for competitive and casual play
He's not the same guy
>pretending to act like a fourth party defending a third party because your logic is undeniably flawed on an anonymous imageboard
It's the same fucking map every single time in every single game and nobody takes alternatives seriously. I dream of a moba with actual map and layout variety
online games are boring and repetitive. Competitive online games are boring,repetitve and have shitty communities. There's no reason to play them when you can play a good singleplayer game and enjoy yourslef
>I dream of a moba with actual map and layout variety
HoN had alternate maps, nobody played them
Chess in your first game will seem like you have many options, while your first MOBA game will seem like you have none.
That tells me all I need to know about the game I'm playing. MOBA are repetitive, encourage conformity instead of creativity and all end the same way, while very few games of chess will be similar.
The very concept of lanes is a bad one, because it only allows for movement in one direction (or two if you count going backwards).
The lanes are not of equal length and the middle lane has a proximity advantage towards both lanes whereas either bot or top does not.
>same exact DOTA map we've been playing on for the past 15 years
Jungle needs to be removed or at least made like DOTA where its not mandatory
It's all the same shit?
>removed rote memorisation from RTS and turned it into a thinking mans game
>people who spent thousands of hours memorising build orders are still mad
Like I said,
>nobody takes alternatives seriously
I would like a moba with no single "main" map, just a handful of different ones, similar to shooters or RTSs, but still with minions, towers, etc., just with different layouts
>inb4 impossible to balance
As long as different heroes would be good for different maps and there would be a few viable options for every one there would be no problem in that.
The corner towers are too close to each other. Both teams are supposed to have a long and a short lane.
>league isn't about rote memorization
It's literally memorizing the matchups: the game
Hots is the only one that rewards creativity because it's such a cluster fuck.
>The mechanics in itself are extremely simplistic and require no foresight or intelligence to execute.
How so? Compared to what?
>The skill ceiling is incredibly low.
Can you expand on that? Please cite your own experience as you do so.
MOBA is nothing but rote memorization. It requires almost zero thinking.
Compared to any other sport or game of skill it's simplistic.
The skills required are to put together a game plan ahead of time which is superior to the other team's, take out all the obsolete character etc and you have a select few choices, which almost always will be standardized.
The rest is just clicking at the right time from time to time, which is almost no skill. Most of the variance in skill in MOBA comes from having a team which is least likely to massively fuck up.
>I would like a moba with no single "main" map,
Then go play HotS.
I bet LOL would be easier to play and control on console. Just like Diablo 3, suprisingly
yes thats what HoN had, everyone played the same map because turns out mobas aren't about the fucking map and anyone who thinks so hasn't actually played them and just projects their RTS experience onto them
>I played Dota or Lol and gave up after 5 games: the post
The red team always loses.
MOBA is a shit-tier term, I guess it was an idea from marketing team, because they can't say Dota-liike or AoS-like, can't mention the competition even when that competition doesn't even advertise itself. And so the useless term was born, it can apply to Dota, to Quake 3, to Worms, everything.
I would never waste my time playing 5 matches.
close, Riot came up with the term because obviously they didn't want to be a 'dota clone'
Really they should just be called Lane Pushing Games.
>online games are repetetive
>...but playing against AI isn't!
Completely retarded. Bet you will say "but muh story" right now, but all stories in videogames are literal garbage with the exception of maybe 5 games.
That doesn't help your case, you massive fucking retard.
>video games are so shit, that's why i only play games to designed to trick Chinese people.
I don't need to play 5 matches to find out a game is shit.
You on the other hand can swallow as much shit as you like.
the servers aren't region locked
of course, it must require skill because you have played over 1000 hours and enjoyed none of them, and if it didn't you would have wasted your time. don't worry user, you'll reach the end of the rainbow after 2000 hours surely.
>I don't need to play 5 matches to find out a game is shit.
100 matches at minimum are required to understand the game well enough to make that judgement.
Your opinion is worthless.
It's fucking boring just like every competitive multiplayer game. I gave up after 5 games and was already struggling to play.
you can dislike a game but to make an argument on why it's bad you need to understand it, which you don't
I really don't.
I'm better than you.
Chess is simplistic as fuck, yet the skill ceiling is quite fucking high. Simple mechanics don't necessarily equate to low skill ceiling.
No, you're just talking out of your ass.
>Baseball is just moving to points around a field after hitting a ball with a stick, it takes no sill
this is your post
Find a single flaw
>The bottom lane having easier access to dragon in a genre where securing the early game so you can snowball the enemy team is everything
>muh "game feel", muh imaginary self constraints
You complain its an ill conceived term yet you know exactly what it refers to and which games would and would not be classified under said term
Funny how that works, guess its a perfectly fine term then, huh?
Laning is boring and binary
You're such a retarded autist user. Literally outing yourself as a faggot who didn't even play the games and judges them anyways.
Tower Defense is a bad genre.
Competitive Tower Defense is a bad idea even on paper.
That's why some genius guys are trying to develop deep learning to play and win this game with a team of AI...
Not like chess was destroyed decades ago, right?
>while your first MOBA game will seem like you have none
This isn't even true. you easily have 80+ characters per game that each (for the most part) play incredibly different. That doesn't include itemization, laning strategies and spell builds.
>The very concept of lanes is a bad one, because it only allows for movement in one direction (or two if you count going backwards).
now you're just pulling stuff out of your ass. There's tons of stuff you can do instead of "go forward or backwards". But of course, you don't know that since you've never played it.
Blue has advantage with camera angle
>corner guy HAS to play air
what if i dont wanna?
all mobas are about some retarded ass high fantasy gay world
all characters are faglords with made up bullshit that looks like a pick from the worst jrpgs to ever exist
if it was castles, knights or some other shit it would be bearable
just looking at a pro match and listening to grown man saying the names of some faggot shit is the apex cringe
your game is cringe, sure the gameplay is simplified RTS
but the worst offender is your setting, it's a gaylord sissymaster cringefest
all your 'heros' are faggots
Literally HoTS too bad everything else is horrible.
Wholly agreed, thanks for putting it into words
It's shit, simple af, it's a dumbed down RTS-ARPG hybrid, the community is more cancerous than my grandfather's actual cancer and there's only one fucking map.
That image is incredibly aesthethic, if only he had different hair.
The community.
>mobers are simple casual baby garbage with no skill required
ok, what's your rank?
>rank? I only played 2 matches and never touched this casual shit again
why is this cringeworthy chest-puffing allowed? it feels like a lot of the detractors have never more than dipped their toe in. almost like they already made up their mind before even trying it.
I play video games to relax and have fun, not to play sports