Do you play with japanese or english voices?

do you play with japanese or english voices?

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I usually play with the original voice, but if the original voice ain't English i just add subtitles to it.

No voices because I'm not an idiot manchild who plays glorified movies.

I play DBZ games with japanese voices

Voice: Japanese
GUI: Japanese
Chat: Japanese

How weeb I am?

Recommend me some good anki decks for a beginner.

I play with the voices in my head.

Spanish voices

If the English dub is bad I just mute the voices.

Depends on how awful the dub is, that said I'm getting to the point where I can now tell when translations are taking a lot of liberties so I can't win either way

Make your own you lazy fucking pleb.

I've been using Anki for five years now- five fucking years and not once have I ever used anyone else's deck but my own. And you know what, user? My dick is huge.


>tfw have started getting to that point as well

Localization teams are a mistake

English if it works, I prefer the mother tongue, especially if a game is really comedic, as a Japanese hamming it up and hitting uncomfortable decibels isn't nice to hear.

Original voices unless it's the kind of game where dialogue outside of cutscene isn't subbed then I pick French.

Japanese, of course. I ain't no westaboo.

>Waseda in the background

Both. Simple as that.
Sometimes I like to hear 声優, sometimes I like to hear Voice Actors. Sometimes I like to read 日本語 and sometimes I like to read English.
I enjoy both as much. I wish all older games had a language swap in options, and thank you so much for the convenience in modern games. Sometimes I want to hear Melissa Fahn, sometimes I want to hear 田中理恵.
容易です! Fucking IME disabled

Started Japanese calasses amonth ago or so
>Got a new job that takes all my free time
>i'm always tired and can't learn much from classes

I had to cancel it until i get into a new project at work that takes less time of my week.

>Passed this point and now able to follow along with Imports so no shitty translations if I don't want to.
Not perfect yet but I can follow the story pick up on what traits characters have started understanding the odd word play every so often. Thank fuck most of these games use flash card tutorials that you can always re-read if you forget or didn't really understand something.
Asia English subs are surprisingly not as shitty as localisations now so if that's available I sometimes roll with that.

started jap classes too, got a gf and both dropped that weeabo hell

頑張ってSup Forumsさん!


it makes me want to eat the baguettes





the one you build yourself, while doing generic grammar books and reading.


use the one in the startup guide, though their usage of kanji right off the get seem daunting
and always build up your own personal deck of the shit you stumble across

I'm only in love with 2D girls.

>Regular games
English voices+text
Japanese voices+text
The only exception is certain jrpgs

Take it easy, Tyler Durden.

It depends on the game.
If the english/European localization is bad I keep it in Japanese with subs.

On a side note if you have The Division installed try to play it with with Japanese voices and English subs/menus.
All that radio chatter and things made the game entirely better due to the gits vibe.

Mi gusta!

This took me too long to understand. What game?

moon adventure remix rpg
Or a different combination of those words. Game was pretty hard to read to be honest, I had some troubles going along.

>people go out of their way to shit on the Heisig method
Enjoy your bro cool wrote deck memorization with maymays, you insecure dweebs.

Depends. I use whatever language the game originated in.

Depends on the game, but usually Japanese assuming it's a Japanese game.

Found it, thanks

Heisig is great for hiragana and katakana. Personally, I think it's an absolute waste of time for kanji because you're better off spending that time actually learning words or individual kanji along with its readings.


always original language. if a game only offers dubs, it's not worth playing.


Depends on the game. Usually English if it's the default: if it's a multiplayer game or something where I've run most of the story content once already I'll switch it to a different language for fun, Japanese if it's available.

>playing The Division in French
>playing Titanfall in Japanese

I'll always have subs on of course because I don't know Japanese because it's hard work to learn.



>he plays dubs
enjoy your botched localizations


The way I use Heisig is as a supplementary tool. I would recommend it to everyone who is learning Jap, but don't spend too much time on it. The bulk of your vocab building exercise should be reading actual native-level material (starting with baby-tier materials like Puyo Puyo, of course) and the occasional Anki deck (preferable your own, self-compiled). Do try to finish Heisig, but I do personally think Heisig overestimates the importance of his own method.

I'm at what I consider to be intermediate level (can play simple Jap games like most RPGs, but not quite at the level where I can breeze through VNs), and I daily learning routine is
-Anki deck for Heisig's
-Anki deck for vocab
-Actually reading manga in Jap (preferably shonen-levels, since they have furigana)
-Try to progress further in my Jap RPGs (with a dictionary by my side)
-If I feel the need to refresh, skim through my grammar textbooks every now and then

>Bad habit of picking Nip up and putting it down months later
>Never progress
>See these threads
>Know they'll make me jealous
>Still come in anyways

Why do I do this to myself?
