RIP Forces

Sonic Forces has 4,000 day one sales.

Sonic Mania had over 64,000.

Iizuka BTFO

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Sauce for the Mania sales


>comparing a game thats been out for a day versus one thats been out for months

You could not be any more of a stupid fuck. kys retard

>Overhyped nostalgia chugging 2D Sonic prequel game sells more than its 3D sequel counterpart, which comes from a franchise that has been known to have subpar 3D titles


Look at the dates, you illiterate nigger.

Sonic should end here.

Try actually looking at the images. The 64,000 is day one sales.

Which games do you think Chito would like?

STALKER, NieR: Automata, and maybe even Mad Max.

i think most people who bought sonic forces bought it on consoles, so a steam chart isnt really representative
then again this could be the case for sonic mania as well


>yfw sega makes puyo puyo fever 3 to make up for lost profits like how they rereleased PPT to make up for chronicles flopping


>Steamspy sales estimates less than four days after launch

Wanna know how I know you're a retard?

Puyo Puyo seems to be their bandaid for when Sonic sells poorly.

So in other words, if you want more Puyo Puyo, don't buy Sonic games.


I guess even Sonic fans have their limits. Which means FF fans are now officially the most braindead zealots out there.

I only buy good Sonic games. Mania was the first one I bought in well over a decade.

Puyo Puyo is Sega's bandaid full stop. Almost every time a game does poorly, even another Puyo game, they put out a Puyo game to make up for it.

What if a Puyo game sells poorly?

they make another puyo game.

the puyos just don't stop

>even another Puyo game

surely 64,000 is still a lowball because half the people who wanted mania bought it 2 weeks early on consoles


steamspy shitposting is getting out of hand, you know its not accurate in its first week or so
also you know that games sell the least on pc, especially japanese games since they've been on consoles for decades

>puyo puyo fever 3
Never going to happen thanks to Ringo and Ally :'^(

That's what happened to Puyo Chronicles, user. Sega rereleased Puyo Puyo Tetris with all the DLC and localized it to make up for Chronicles.

>implying they'll bring back Ally
Chronicles was a complete failure, user. Nobody liked it.

what was bad about chronicles? i never was aware it existed.


Yeah I bought Mania on PS4 to avoid the Denuvo flavored AIDS

>I can't read
You could not be any more of a stupid fuck. kys retard

Peanut Butter AIDS

How's about SEGA shut Sonic Team down and just let the Aussies make the Sonic games?

We didn't get Binary Domain 2 because of that gay money sinkhole of a dev.

The artstyle was in a really ugly 3D style that at best looked like project Mirai and at worst had some really, really fucking bad models. (Ocean Prince being especially terrible) The story and universe was reset again for a new universe with Ally and Rafisol, the latter of which is a literal palette swap of the former and also the least interesting final boss in the series. The main gameplay mode was a shit RPG-puyo fusion which wasn't fun at all. The 24 limit is kept, and 5 extra characters (Onion Pixy, Dongurigaeru, Lagnus, and a few others) are locked to a singleplayer-only mode called "Skill Battle". Skill Battle is literally an even WORSE version on Puyo~n.
Also, it was the 25th anniversary game.


>"M-Mania sold like shit. Forces will beat it out in sales, e-easily!"
Forcesfags BTFO

>Stop comparing PC sales to PC sales!

Here are the spells, for reference.

This sounds more like there'll be more stigma against steam as a platform.

>Generic Ice spells from doing math based spells

Couldn't they have at least tried?


did anybody say this? I thought general consensus was that forces was for people like chris chan

I'm not really a fan of the whole chibification thing (it seems to have affected several of my favorite things as of lately for the purpose of making the characters "cuter"), but at the same time, the models don't look THAT bad either. The animations are actually pretty impressive and almost deliver the same energy the previous 2D animations had. Although the Ally and Rafisol thing is pretty bad and almost OC-tier (even though we should have seen it coming what with the ominous introduction of Ringo and the rest). I guess they didn't want to make Satan (or Ecolo to a extent) the villain again.

If only they released this shit when DeviantArt was still a thing...

In general people kept saying that Forces sadly will outsell Mania. But to be fair, they were talking about the fact that SF have physical realise and Mania don't.


That last one is fucking hilarious in hindsight

>a drop in the ocean compared to Sonic Team's game