Protag is younger than you

>protag is younger than you
>protag isn't balding
>protag is taller than you
>protag has friends

I don't know how people can see video games as escapism when this shit is so common. How delusional do you have to be to think "yeah, that is so me" when playin vidya?

Other urls found in this thread:

I play Hitman, checkmate.

>tfw 25 and still look like 99% of JRPG/anime protags

Sorry baldcucks

So you're 25 but still look 9?

>protag has more money than you


nu-male detected

>can still /ss/

What is this meme? I see it everywhere now.

Just use finasteride ma dude

>what is this meme

pre-mature baldness is very strongly correlated with being a nu-male. Even more than the beard and glasses combo.

>literally blood money
Again, check fucking mate. Hitman is the protag to answer your shitty post. Keeping rebating this will show how hypocrite you are.

According to who? Because I've been shaving my head since I was 18 due to thinning and I'm the complete opposite of bugmen.

Wouldn't that indicate that nu-males actually have higher testosterone on average than others? Have they really been the alphas all along?

>I'm the complete opposite of bugmen.

you posted a weeb fire emblem image, are balding and you are on Sup Forumseddit. You are nu-male or a failed nu-male (extreme beta)

Testosterone isn't the only cause of pre-mature balding.

I have never felt the need to physically self-insert. Even when I watch something with multiple love interests, I'll "root" for one pairing over the other over how much I like the characters and think they could work together, not based on how much I feel I resemble them. I always feel like I'm watching a story about other people, not a "what-if" scenario about hypothetical me, and I don't mind it at all

No. Low T causes hair loss. If they're bald and fit it's one thing, but if they're not you almost always know what the culprit is.

So everyone who posts on Sup Forums is anothony burch? Damn, that explains everything

But trannies who get pumped with estrogen get better hair.

>it's a "I'm an expert on hair loss" thread

Sup Forumseddit is full of total faggots. Remember everyone here is a weenie retard who sucks dicks for a living.

>tfw you really were Anthony Burch this whole time

we don't bald in my family, it's against the rules

That's not how escapism works

Not lifting?

that isn't how escapism works, tumblr

>Low T causes hair loss

The chemical that causes hair loss in men is a byproduct of testosterone you retard.

nu-male has lost every scrap of meaning it could ever have
i argue it's even further gone than cuck

I can get immersed in a story without pretending I'm part of it, because I'm actually well-adjusted

>How delusional do you have to be to think "yeah, that is so me"
Well it's a good thing I'm not delusional enough to actually think the person in the game is supposed to specifically represent me.

nu-male and cuck both mean concrete things that are obvious to non nu-male cuckolds. Libtards like you just try to appropriate these words and misuse them so they don't have power.

Cuck is still pretty good, numale just went from "feminist ally-type man" to "attributes I dont like"

>protag is weaker than you

>thinks I don't like

nu-male detected. only redditors use this phrase.


Same here, 26 and still intact.

What other meaning did nu-male have besides "person I don't like"?

>libtards like you
people still use cuck correctly, but there are plenty of people who use it as a generic insult
nu-male is the new term replacing hipster

The de facto current meaning of cuck and nu-male is literally "person I don't like".

>tfw can self-insert in most japanese porn
These shitty genetics finally paying off.

nu-male used to mean that pussywhipped sort of 'progressive' sjw man
you know, the anthony burch type
now it means literally anything

But I see it used all the time on this site!
hipster can still be differntiated from nu-male though, though the two can be similar.

>protag is male

it literally means sjw guy with beard and glasses

nu-males and hipsters share many things in common, the main difference is the hipster is narcissistic while the nu-male is mostly just insecure.

it's quickly eclipsing hipster, probably because they have a lot in common
that's exactly what i said, dumbo

so it doesnt mean literally anything

>nu-male used to mean that pussywhipped sort of 'progressive' sjw man
So basically, "person I don't like".

>29, all hair intact, taller than OP, have friends

lmao numale detected

now it does, just read this thread
this retard says anybody balding is a nu-male because "reasons"

What kind of fucking tests self inserts into video games

Your playing someone else's FICTIONAL story, it isn't suppsosed to be you

The fuck is wrong with you

Maybe we could combine them. Nipster.

to me that sounded mostly like a joke

no, those are just some of the physical warning signs. Pre-mature balding, a severe lack of muscle, being skinnyfat or chubby/mildly obese, tacking pictures with your mouth open etc.

nu-males have a distinct appearance and personality from hipsters. Being a nu-male describes the essence of the person themselves, it's essentially an omega male who is more functional in society. political views and shit are all just correlated.

No, i don't think so
because it was the same poster who got quite defensive at us criticizing his usage of the term

>damage control

LMAO what an insecure balding nu-male.

>hipsters are just nu-males with more testosterone
Maybe it wasn't such a great solution after all.

see, that problem exists in all other facets of entertainment. people insist upon themselves when i comes to the media they like. prove me wrong.

These days it's hard to tell, Sup Forums has been really pushing the whole low test = balding recently.
Also they tend to define themselves with pop culture and capeshit apparel.

see, there he is again

>balding cucks falling for the high test meme

You aren't balding, especially at a young age because you are alpha, you are balding because you have shit genetics, which reflects in your personality.


>pretty buff
>have gf
>older than most of my friends

I'm fine with being Auron, senpai.

>dad and grandfather started balding when they were 19
>tfw 21 and have a head full of thick hair

I know OP is memeing but I'm sorry for you anons with thin hair

are numales fans of tbbt or that is mostly redditors?

a little of both
there's a lot of overlap

Sup Forums didn't push anything, the trend of premature balding was identified as a massive red flag whether it upsets you or not.

Mostly old people. My grandma, aunt, and dad love that shit but I never hear anyone my age mention it anymore.

wtf is tbbt?

oh you sweet summer child

>the trend of premature balding was identified as a massive red flag
I also believe in broscience.

Red flag for what? Pro-communism? Also see lots of whites in support of BLM and feminism. Is being white a red flag too?

That sound you make when you stick your tongue out and blow

alright reddit, just tell me what it is

numales are redditors.

TBBT is mostly for dumb boomers now, started out as a numale show, now they have moved on to rick and morty and adventure time and shit.

does this thread look like google to you, nigger?

The Big Bang Theory.

>pattern recognition is "boscience"

this denial is astonishing

>red flag for what??

being a nu-male bugman. You clearly don't understand or don't want to understand what a nu-male is, probably because you are one.

> Is being white a red flag too?

yes, being white is a red flag for all sorts of depraved and beta shit, it's just too broad, so you look for other more strongly correlated things.


is louis ck considered a cuck?

>get back from the dermatologist after finding out I was beginning to bald at age 22
>sit in the car with a stunned look on my face
>plant my face on the steering wheel and weep

Realizing I was going to lose my hair was probably the most traumatic thing I have ever experienced in my life. I probably would have never gotten over it if I hadn't spent 12 grand on a hair transplant


yet has excellent hair but is easily classified as a bugman.

I can't play any single player game for more than an hour because guilt and shame pile up.
I can't play any multiplayer game because I'm too anxious to interact with anyone.

Louis was cuck king until bill burr eclipsed him.

>selection bias is accurate pattern recognition
I guess this is what should be expected of a board of conspiracy theorists.

Yet Max Payne 3 was pretty gewd.
Hell, so was STALKER. Strelok was short as fuck.

>Zelda OOT was my first game
>In a way, kinda looked up to Link
>I'm older than all his incarnations (as being able to play him)
>Still kinda look up to him

Yeah this place sucks. Let's go back.

>protag isn't cute
Eew gay

there is no back
this is the only place I've known for 11 years

Cut this faggot shit out, you're not kewl

>almost bald when i was in my early 20s
High test boys


FSH is actually the hormone that affects baldness and that is affected by many things, testosterone isn't even among the most relevant.

Not everyone who plays video games is a fat bald virgin. I'm 6'4 have a 8/10 face, an active social life and I still play about 6-8 hours of Vidya a day. The rule is, hide your power level, it really ain't that hard :)

No one believes you.

>being this low test
Might as well start your trap phase before you become all wrinkly