Buff hybrids

Buff hybrids.

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>Hybrids are suck and completely useless!
No. Let me educate you. Hybrids are entirely contextual and fill their niches effectively, given gear and context.

>But I can't raid as a retardin
No shit. It's not supposed to raid. If you want to raid as a Paladin, you raid holy and get the meme ret pvp gear as holy.
Retardin is good at:
wpvp given gear

>But I can't raid as protadin
No shit. It's not supposed to raid. If you want to raid as a Paladin, you raid holy and get the meme protadin gear as holy.
Protadin is viable at:
5 mans
Tanking Onyxian whelps
Stalemates with Prot Warriors

>But I can't raid as Boomkin
Earn respect with your guild as a class that isnt a cuck class and level a druid alt, people will let you raid farm content and get some good laughs. (Solid meme spec)
Boomkins are viable at:
Giving spell crit to mages and warlocks in their group
Pulling aggro while doing no damage and going oom in 10 seconds
Using mass amounts of consumables just to keep up with a mage in level 50 questing greens

>But I can't raid as a druid tank
Yes, you can. If you are good, and have the gear, and earn respect, your guild will let you offtank, or even MT Ragnaros (Dodge, FR and raw HP are the most valuable stats for Ragnaros, all of which a bear excels at. Parry and Block do not apply to Ragnaros.)
Druid Tanks are viable at:
5 Mans
Tanking Onyxia welps
Tanking Ragnaros
Giving Leader of the Pack to their group

>But I can’t raid as a cat
Yes, you can. Earn respect and prove your worth with consumables and you will be able to keep up with the standard mediocre rogue in prebis.
Cats are viable at:
Doing average dps
Giving Leader of the Pack to their group

>But I can't raid as Elemental Shaman
Yes, you will go oom as elemental in 10 seconds in a raid. However, Elemental is the strongest pvp spec for ranking that shamans have. Look up hand of edward the odd and chain lightning. Get elemental raid loot as resto, just like paladins get their offspec loot as holy.

>But I can't raid as Shadow Priest
100% False. There is one (1) spot for a shadow priest per raid, given the group has enough warlocks to make shadow weaving worth the debuff slot.
shadow Priests are also retard op in wpvp and duels.

>But I can't raid as Enhance Shaman
False. There is usually one (1) spot for a meme shaman per raid, given the shaman has enough gear (some guilds will require an r13 minimum), and nightfall(!). Improved windfury totem is nice.
>but nightfall is for offtanks
Offtanks aren't available to spam hamstring 100% of the time.

>But I can’t raid as Discipline Priest
False. Power Infusion as a viability depends on your guild’s initial progression loot rng and threat ceiling.

>But I can’t raid as Survival Huntard
False. It is viable when you hit the upper echelons of gear level, in generic terms. It is 100% viable all the way through gehennas to kt spamming rank 1 wingclip with nightfall.

>But I can’t raid as Beast Mastery Huntard
False. If you get Lupos before he is nerfed to doing phys instead of shadow damage on his auto attacks, you can pay your healers to keep him alive and he will top the meters during bwl shadow vulnerable trash and also chromaggus shadow vulnerabilites, and do average dps all the way through mc this is actually fun

>tfw being able to re-experience vanilla wow for the first time again
>talent trees
>gold was important (saving 100g for a mount was a big deal, getting your talents right was important because respecs were expensive)
>world pvp
>skill > gear (otherguy, drakedog, world of roguecraft)
>no death knights
>shaman and paladin are in the factions they belong
>pvp ranks
>AV's objectives actually mattered
>no arena
>no flying mounts
>no lfg or cross realm trash
>no quick travel
>lore hasnt gone down to the shitter yet
>cool quests like the mount quest and rogue pick lock quest
>no daily quests
>no pet battles
>40 man raids (that actually require coordination)
>no multiple raid difficulties
>5 mans actually felt like real dungeons
>no more data mining
>way more skills to utilize
>no e-shop
>no archeology
>no achievements
>no vehicles
>no transmog so people don't run around in retarded clownsuits that break immersion
>armor design wasn't garbage that belonged in an anime
>world felt dangerous
>professions were fun, unique, and useful
>no blood elves, draenei, worgen, pandashit or goblins
>b-b-but no one wants it
>nost peaked higher than retail
If you want any of these changed, you don't want classic. You don't know what classic is. Fuck off back to retail and don't ruin the one good thing we finally get.

eat shit faggot druids

rets are top dps in MC when using spell damage flasks and mana pots

boomkins have the highest burst dps in the game due to mobs having really low arcane resist, the problem is they run out of mana fast

>everything else
only viable for dungeons and soloing


If by buff you mean give them raid wide buffs so you have an excuse to bring one, sure. But they should never be even remotely competitive with a pure DPS class.

No changes, No shitters please.

>epic riding cost 5k gold
>mounts were 500g
>patch 1.12
>epic riding costs 500g
>mounts cost 5k
>exalted AV ram costs 15g
>warlocks and paladins BTFO

this is bait

rets pull 600 dps with conc on single target but they can only sustain it for about 50 seconds while wearing dungeon gear

rogues with full t2 and BWL weapons only pull 650 burst and ~530 sustained dps

you're a shitter who has never played vanilla while it was current

Is this bait?

fuck off nobody believes your meme sp ret build


>damage dealt is the ONLY metric that matters!!

If you want to be suboptimal, that's your prerogative, I'm not forcing you to bring the best classes. I'm just saying a hybrid class shouldn't compete with a pure DPS class in terms of damage. It's literally bad design.

How many bosses in wow vanilla had enrage timers anyway?

half the bosses in naxx
a few bosses in aq40
aq20 had one or two i think


Step 1: Look at this
Step 2: Think about it

This is with 1.7, not everyone is fully bwl geared.

MC and BWL aren't even real raids, you have to class stack to beat them while under geared.

they will not be making any changes whatsoever to the game, it will simulate patch release and that's it.

>they will not be making any changes whatsoever to the game

yes they will

half the "cheater" addons from wotlk/cata still work perfectly in vanilla because the api is the same

they'll also definitely change the camera settings to be more like modern wow because it's going to be the first thing people complain about if it's kept as it was originally.

Gayest fucking thing I've ever read.

>you are forced to do this waah!

Who still plays this shit and when will you cocksuckers promptly fuck off to /vg/?


People will find new optimizations and mechanics to make classes better. I think people understand these days people sucked ass at games back then, people could carry dead weight until AQ40

People have been clamoring on that Feral DPS is shit in Vanilla but then wowhead.com/item=8345/wolfshead-helm is apparently broken as fuck on private servers because of powershifting.

most specs are more viable than people think, everyone has 1.0 instead of 1.12 stuck in their heads

>mfw they will most probably cap servers at 4k
Dead on arrival. Nobody need vanilla servers with less than 10k online.


>rogue pick lock quest
>1 hour long lockpick grinding in Redrige

Prot Paladins are the best sub 40 man tank, being amazing in ZG and AQ20. They can still tackle a lot of 40 man tanking too they just sort of fall off and require very interesting gear setups.

Nein Nein Nein

I've been trying to optimize my 1-20 leveling routes in preparation for poopsocking and trying to be one of the first 60s. My main problem is I want to play Undead and I'll either get fucked by wasting 20 minutes running to the barrens at level 12 and getting stuck into the first pack, or doing the optimal 1-15 route through Silverpine and then getting stuck in the real pack doing the early barrens quests.

I have the same problem with Night Elf routing, I was thinking about playing Night Elf also, but their route is even worse than UD. You can stay in Darkshore longer than you can stay in Silverpine, but there is no way to not get fucked when you enter the pack in Loch/Westfall.

I'm 100% confident in my ability to get to 6 faster than anyone else, and then 10-12 faster than everyone else, and then if I do the optimal route to 15-16 faster than anyone else, but then I get fucked. I feel like it's impossible to escape the pack as UD and Night Elf.



>being amazing in ZG and AQ20
when they're wearing t2 and aq gear

>tfw playing Vanilla for the first time on a private server

This shit is pretty fun. I think this is the first time I've actually died to an overworld mob in an MMO since the early 2000s.

Its almost like gear is useful and helpful to tons of people.

>Hybrids in Vanilla having decent itemization options

Only after they gear up by raiding as their healing spec. Even then they're still considerably worse than the usual specs.

>first time playing wow ever was on Elysium 6 months ago
>mfw killing some kobold for a wristwatch in the mines and watching the other kobolds respawn slowly as I try and down him


You will not be first to 60 as any undead classes.

Hunter and maybe warlock will be first.

>'m 100% confident in my ability to get to 6 faster than anyone else,

Don't be to sure. There are many people just as autistic as you out there who have been doing this 1-60 for the last 10 years on private servers none stop trying to get first to 60 with each new server that pops up.

I'll also add that many people have been leveling 1-60 selling characters on private servers.

While I have no doubts on your confidence, I do doubt your abilities since you would know that undead are a very bad choice to hit 60 first.

Its still there, you gotta know where to hunt. That Deathbone plate is a dream for paladins.

I know the feeling.

It's a good feel and it stays until you hit 60 and get geared.

>I've been trying to optimize my 1-20 leveling routes in preparation for poopsocking and trying to be one of the first 60s.
Leveling and wpvp is the only fun part of vanilla. Why you want to skip this part?

>tfw first time WoW casual
>gonna enjoy leveling at a moderate pace with a couple friends who are also gonna play
Feels good man.

>there shouldn't be limits, consequences, flaws, or repercussions
>everything should be streamlined


sorry but prot paly was trash except for pvp, there's one instance of a BWL geared paly tanking an MC boss and it was made as a joke and he had to be innervated like 5 times, they can hold threat for trivial content like a rogue can does not make them good

powerful gameplay

I'm still hoping I can find some kind of group to play with before I start.

Trying to refresh myself on stuff at the moment so I'm not completely lost when it releases.

Stand the fuck back everyone. I got this.

>Slightly buff offspec's such as Ret, Boomkin ect.. to where they can be 3rd or 2nd tier DPS specs and where if they are played perfectly, spend shitloads on potions, buffs and gear correctly they will then be able to budge into tier 1 DPS. They must always be battling an up hill fight.

For example allowing rets to refresh all seals on a target from other paladins, giving moonkins an aura buff which only effects other party members, giving a pally tank a taunt, giving shadow priests some kind of effective mana reggen for party members ect..

Nothing that will effect pvp or pve at all but something that will just allow them to be seen in a team 2 raid with perfect gear, consumes and skilled playing in order to hit a top 10 DPS in a raid.
>No duel spec's but cap the respec cost at around 50g
>Nerf the over powered gold farming locations such as DM farming
>Fix any obvious glitches or bugs before they get introduced in any patches
>Give warlocks a break with their stolestone's despawning after an hour and the loss of a bag space
>Allow for right click instance resetting

Possible additon
>The ability to alter the game files for the better graphics without getting banned for those that wish to have this option when they play

>Bad game design is good game design because it arbitrarily decides a bunch of specs are useless.

BWL geared means nothing if they didn't gear properly.

>>Nerf the over powered gold farming locations such as DM farming
I want this, but I have to wonder how else the chink bots can fuck us over.

How to ruin vanilla the post

Which warlock spec was best for damage in Vanilla?

I know this may be crazy for a nu-wow baby to grasp
But once upon a time the process of leveling a character actually took more than a single afternoon of dungeon grinding and there are people that enjoyed this process of slowly traveling across everything the game world had to offer.

>chink bots
>on P2P retail

pve or pvp?

aff/demo for pvp aff/destro for pve

i could be wrong tho

God this is a wall of retard. None of these are even good points, it's just gibberish trying to make a decade-old game's decisions look genius in retrospect.

They exist, though not as horribly as nost.

Argue why these are changes that would ruin vanilla and not make it better

Affliction is worthless pve thanks to debuff caps.
Demo is fucking laughable.
Destro is the only option.
You're basically a shadowbolt bot no matter what you build.

I wouldn't expect it before 2023 or so, realistically.

Fixing glitches and better graphics are the only ideas worth entertaining.

Nost was about 60% chinks bots.

me wunt extra thing in vanilla

me thnik it make game better

Those were all pretty tame compared to some of the shit I've seen.

The only particularly controversial thing at the moment are balance changes, which I think most people are for if Blizzard do it the right way without fucking up the PvE/PvP dynamic or making everything homogenized like retail.

That being said I understand why people wouldn't want balance changes given Blizzard's track record with it and the community's idea behind what "balanced" is.

I can't wait 'til the Classic servs come out and nobody plays hybrids because nobody wants to get stuck in the healing role. Same thing happened in private servers. People talk big about how hybrids being only healers in raids is somehow a good thing instead of a deep flaw, and yeah nobody plays hybrids even if they like the class.

you must've unlocked the secret /GEAR/ that makes all vanilla paladin specs god tier

seriously stop with your paladin memeing it'll just disappoint people

>Affliction is worthless pve

>Destro is the only option.

Specs should always be viable, having worthless specs was one of the worst parts of classic wow
Shit post, kill yourself.

What's wrong with improved graphics or interface?

I'm giving the classic servers a year at most before Blizzard realizes nobody actually wants Vanilla servers and are only using it to morally justify playing free WoW on private servers.

It won't be long until people remember how shitty those tedious days leveling in shitty places like Desolace, Barrens, Ungoro, and Plaguelands actually were.
Only thing I'm kind of looking forward to is world PvP, namely the Hillsbrad wars.

Why would it be limited to these?
>Fixing glitches and better graphics are the only ideas worth entertaining.
These would be things that were overlooked by the devs and were in way vanilla was originally.

If you believe glitches or bugs are worth fixing then the fact that off specs were overlooked means they are worth fixing also.

Either something is considered or nothing is.

Levelling is fucking tits.

Most fun part about wow.

>I didn't play vanilla at all, the post

Maybe you should stop being bad at video games.
Things exist beyond the absolute min max.

Because it's not the original vanilla game user. Don't you get it? We don't want bugs looked at or things that were forgotten by devs fixed such as the useless spec's.

Whats so wrong with this?
It's called classic WoW not Classic WoW: Enhanced.

>people think prot/ret paladins suck because blizzard wanted them to suck so they would go holy (and still be shit)
>not because blizzard has no fucking clue how to make a game
most of the specs in vanilla were garbage yet you idiots still can't figure it out

Any other bros playing on Elysium right now? I am and I'm having fun. At least I think I am.

Can someone explain the hate for balancing different specs in classic?

It seems like most traditional people would want an RPG where every spec has the possibility of bringing something useful to the table or filling some niche.

Having a game where almost everyone is running the same spec seems more nu-wow like than most of the other shit they complain about.

Because some people aren't autistic and want the classic experience back without the buggy mess it entailed.

Why not just play on private servers then?

That experience has been available for fucking years m8.

anons have this nasty tendency to contort themselves into retarded positions in order to be the edgy hipster version of a hardcore gamer. They will defend shitty broken game design if it makes them seem harder than everyone else

All were viable at different things. You want all specs to be good in PVP and good in PVE, which is a stupid goal and not what we want.

They are useful, they're just not the best.

We had protadins and feral druids and managed to do almost half of naxx and get to twin emps in aq40.


Blizzard is a terrible class at "balancing". They would just make things worse.

Also, we like the fact that not every spec can do everything. You have to make choices. Some specs can only do PVP, some specs can only do PVE. This is fine and we do not want it changed.

The tedium is part of what us nostalgiafags like about it though.

No, no, stop. We're not saying it's fun for us. That's not why we like it. We're saying it's not fun for you. Your faggot ass doesn't get to hit cap. You get to burn out at 40. Newbies dream of having the patience or drug stash necessary to look like my toon, etc. etc.

Point is, you can't sell the elitist nostalgiafag on the difficulty or tedium of leveling. It's the thing they get the biggest nostalgiaboner over.

I will say there was more time to appreciate the zones when levelling was slower and involved grinding. You were grateful for quests or a new area to quest in. Hell, I even read some of them back then.

This, nobody is saying they're as strong as a warrior. But they're certainly not ungodly end all unviable.

Ret is very viable in PVP with gear.

Is this bait?
How can something that was literally in vanilla be more like nu-wow?

Also as if you needed more evidence neo/v/ is full of casual cucks the prevailing sentiment everywhere but here is no changes.
How the fuck did Sup Forums get to the point where it's championing casual baby mode?

>wow pvp
Not to mention gearing for a spec you can't raid as in vanilla is simply unrealistic.

What magical nostalgia version of vanilla WoW did you play exactly?

>'m giving the classic servers a year at most before Blizzard realizes nobody actually wants Vanilla servers and are only using it to morally justify playing free WoW on private servers.

They clearly said they are putting in the work for them to last as long as WoW lasts. This had no intention on putting all of this work into them for them to close down.

This is a long haul investment.

Which I agree with. They have many directions they can take classic WoW encase the numbers dwindle.

>Original vanilla game which never leaves vanilla patches
>Original game which progresses from vanilla>TBC>WOTLK and so on
>Original game which then allows voting by the community for development or directions people want it to be taken.

Would require a very cautious hand for this to work since most people are idiots and will vote for something stupid as seen by the ideas in these thread.

>Could take vanilla in a whole new direction of WoW for the new story which then either causes two different game timelines/stories or somehow merges if the classic becomes superior.

They are doing a smart move by bringing this back. It also allows them to in a way revert the stupid things they put into the game.

They went from a classic RPG mmo to a joke of a game. This is their chance to go back in time to where they can avoid these mistakes assuming they can somehow get the players over to the classic servers.

>How the fuck did Sup Forums get to the point where it's championing casual baby mode?

I don't think most are, it's just extremely extremely extremely good bait. I haven't seen such high quality bait in years, and we'll be having this threads until launch.

What about specs that do neither like arcane mage?

>mfw when im planning on rolling a mage

In Vanilla, specs can't do everything. Specs aren't equal. Most specs are either viable in PVE, or viable in PVP, but not both.

This is completely fine. We do not want "equality" like you.

So it's not aversion to balance changes being made, but more the fact that it would be Blizzard doing it?

Because the current design discourages people from experimenting with different specs. Do I need to explain to you what's casual about using a guide or forum posts to decide how you build your character?