Will Classic WoW bring back socialization in an MMO?

Will Classic WoW bring back socialization in an MMO?

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my god

Probably not as much as in the early days. Nostalrius and Elysium servers have a lot of communication between players, but less than there used to be.

fuck I read sexualization instead of socialization



Time to visit Goldshire / log into F-List.

Define "socialization".

I want to fuck a human


probably but I have a habit of avoiding social interaction in mmos

Of course not. It's gonna be the same shit as now, but instead, the kids will get to play the "classic" WoW they heard so much about.

I don't think so. People WILL socialize, but no more than other mmos like FFXIV, where people actually uses the SAY command more than SHOUT -Ignore the RMT bots- or so.

Somewhat. But its still a different era. Discord will effect it.

No.Because there is nothing to bring back. Even on Nost\Elysium you mostly just spam LFG\LFM for whatever you do without talking to your party. And just doing shit together in silence is hardly socializing. And in raids it was always the same no matter the expansion.
People who really want to talk just do that even with randoms from que.
It's just that the amount who want to socialize dropped drastically compared to early vanilla days.


Fuck your adoptive mother, you lecherous Goblin.


Nostr was full of chinise farmers tho
I don't know when did you play on nostr but man for me there was quite a lot of banter. When raiding there were always keks to be had. I stoped playing shortly after BWL hit and lags were unbearable.

No. Unless you consider Barrens chat, Goldshire and /spit socialization.

I hope not. Socialization is fucking shit.

No, and those who think it will are just delusional.
The interaction became from having to communicate through text, and being a nerd who can finally talk to other nerds.
Everyone playing now will be playing with their normie friends using voice com, and every other player will just be like an NPC.

Just wait and see. You are free to feel disappointed.

The devs will succumb to reddit epic raids in no time and be back to a lfg queu in no time



Depends on how classic it is. Does it have the 40 man raids and clunky group making?

Yeah because we didn't have Xfire, TeamSpeak and Ventrilo back in the day? Every server also had their own unofficial IRC.





>negroid complexion

I'm gonna fuck so many nelfs.

Why would it bring back socialization?


This artist has no idea how muscles work

I fucking hate how Blizzard made Warcraft this Pixar Disney cartoon looking shit. What happened to the Burning Crusade and WotLK cinimatic Warcraft that we knew?

if I liked socializing I wouldn't play games

I want to be a gnomish onahole

Alright so I've read a ton of threads on the wow forums, mmo champ and now some Sup Forums threads and are the changes that need to be made according to the overall classic community.
Many revisions done and things retracted.
>LFG tool most likely through addon
>LFD and LFR for max level
>better mail system
>no regreants
>60 minute buffs
>mage tables
>no more soul shards
>no hunter ammo
>itemization overhaul (no more paladins in cloth warriors in leather etc)
>updated models toggle *universally wanted
>Cheaper level 40 mount
>more quests, quest chains with no backtracking.
>AV timer
>more than 2 drops per boss
>reverse timewalking (modern day raids in vanilla)
>new raids later
>newer classes added in somehow *universally wanted
>hunter pets immune to aoe from pve sources
>pvp system revamp (honor points some way to buy pvp gear)
>guild banks
>tri spec
>more graveyards
>improved AH
>aoe looting
>improved interface (autoloot options)
>more flight masters
>progressive patches from the start
Anything else I'm missing before we send this to blizz?

WoW never encouraged as much as other mmos. You had to party in FF11 to even grind mobs. I had better convos in that than I ever did in WoW.


>Burning Crusade
that expansion looked like fuckin disney world desu.


No it won't

For us oldfags (30+ I guess) people were different and gaming culture was also different back then. Shit people would hit up conversation at the AH or bank just about anything. Young guns now just wanna make epic streams and ignore people unless it boosts their ego in some way.

Don't get triggered.

this is true
but unless they change things, vanilla doesnt have group finders so you kinda have to socialize a bit to do dungeons and raids

I bet people talk to find the group then continue talking to their friends in discord and the run is silent.

>socialization in an MMO
Name a single case in last 5 years

vanilla had LFG interface, but no automated dungeon finder obviously.


Get this shit copypasta out of here.

New drenai look stupid, the broken design is much better.

I want to "socialize" as a Gnome