Which MOBA do you play? No point in lying. I know you play at least one every now and then.
Which MOBA do you play? No point in lying. I know you play at least one every now and then
stop posting this thread
league is pretty good desu sempai
Someone please just pull the trigger on me already...
League/Hots as i'm a casual and will never try dota again
I did play Awesomenauts but now I don't play any because they're full of adults that behave like babies when they don't win.
>full of adults that behave like babies when they don't win.
Literally every single MP game in existence?
Does Gigantic count as MOBA?
what the fuck is wrong with the "T"s in this image
Does masturbating to Yordles count as playing the game?
I tried DOTA 2 but droped it after (ore during) first tutorial.
DotA since 2007.
DotA 2 since 2011.
I never touched anything else, really.
ASSFAGGOTS are for well... faggots
I can with all honesty say I don't play assfaggots as I think theyre fucking dreadful slow boring and toxic
MOBAs turn everyone into "that guy".
Heroes of the Storm
Come at me, bro.
Why do people support this trash. This is the shit that killed mmos. This is an mmo for an entire generation raised on adderall.
Heroes of the Storm is bretty gud, the /vg/ channel ain't bad
Heroes of Newerth, the only patrician choice besides original DotA
No, it's killed RTS.
>playing literally any game online
Online gaming is humanity’s garbage can.
went from league to hots. hots seems like fun, but it also feels pretty fucking boring at the same time. I think the fun comes from everything still being new to me.
Never played one, never will.
I really don't get what the big deal is, it looks fucking boring.
I don't get what you're on about. Me playing a MOBA? Sure I've tried, but after 2 matches I became bored. Literally the most unrewarding multiplayer genre.
Monday Night Combat is the only ASSFAGGOTS I got involved in.
This. I have never seen a moba without a godawful community that makes every game just terrible. No one wants to have fun any more. esports were a mistake.
a HOTS match every 3 months or so, and then I stop because MOBAs are fucking cancer and were a mistake
is this, dare I say it, the pinnacle of level design?
>this is the mind of a mobafag
I like that they use art for characters out of game since Moba models are by necessity pretty shitty and not fun to look at in detail. It also has that responsive controls thing going on that makes it feel nice in the moment. Nothing against Dota2 or Hots, I don't buy into game rivalry garbage.
None. MOBAs take a special level of autism to enjoy. Normal people don’t get enjoyment out of playing competitive games for zero reward.
Mobas are shit cuz they only have one map, not like 30 something balanced maps like Company of Heroes 1
Debate me, you know you're wrong.
I'm too dumb for MOBAs
no point in not playing this unless you';re addicted to dota or something. all three of the relevant mobas are cancer, you might as well play the one with 15 minute games and spammy abilities and shit.
oh yeah thats another thing. hots has a bunch of maps even though i personally am not a fan of that.
Is it still 2 support meta?
I guess you can consider Gigantic a moba. Its better than any of the big name trash but died so fast....
Been playing dota 2 since beta.
In the past i tried LoL,hon and heros but they were not my cup of tea
After years of DoTA and other maps like it in wc3 i just enjoy the casual play and fun map design. Blizzards stupid to push it as an esport but as a game its more fun and doesnt turn my friends into raging dipshits.
I used to play HoN and later Dota2 but I haven't played for a long time. I tried to get into it again and I had more fun but I kinda stopped playing because the friend I used to talk about it stopped playing by then too.
Enjoy your ban
oh so you never tried DOTA 2 got it
Main is League. I play 2-4 games a day.
I play Heroes every once in a while. A couple games a week
league and every league clone out there are just so fucking bland in their design in comparison
League, it has the most number of people and the matches are a comfortable length for me and I like the original (not in concept, just not from other properties) characters more than the franchise ones in HotS (which I also play from time to time).
Also, League has a playable Studio Ghibli character, my main
as a follow up, I'm too dumb for Dota and also don't have the time for 1-hour matches
Funny thing about league's "original" characters is that a lot of them come from an old Dota Fan Forum that Pendragon used to own. When he jumped ship and converted the whole site into a LoL advertisement he took some fan ideas from the fan heroes section with him.
>I know you play at least one every now and then.
I don't. This is my entire Steam library.
>playing mobas
I agree that most League characters don't have much raw originality in them. All the Mobas steal from each other intermittently.
But as much as I like HotS gameplay at times, I feel like the fact that they're existing character before being added confines how crazy they're able to get with their designs at times. Either that or they're jerry-rigging an existing character onto a play-kit from another game.
Still, I've been enjoying Bard since the 10-meep update and the nu-runes have been pretty fun too. It actually solves one of the big issues my friends had with League which is that you had to have the best runes and shit or else you were basically fighting against people with half an item already.
Also, I need a legendary Bard skin with unique interactions CMON RIOT REEE
Dota 2
I deleted it two days ago after a soul crushing losing streak and I'm downloading it again tonight