Hi, Sup Forums, Sup Forums here. I haven't played vidya in years...

Hi, Sup Forums, Sup Forums here. I haven't played vidya in years. Any recommendations for games involving cute barefoot women? Like this anime chick that somebody told me about yesterday. Thanks!


That's a boy you know.

That's a male


Don't listen to their lies; he's definitely a girl.


It's a fact and you cant deny it.

Oh for fucks sake. Thanks

get a 23ds and hack it. It has a stellar library and the price is very low.

I wonder if the n3dsXL is getting blacked friday

I don't think anyone ever argued otherwise.

Is the girl barefoot as well?

why would you ask that user

She can transform.

WELP please tell me what game this is and what system I need to buy


You can only get this game at gamestop by telling the cashier the secret word: Battletoads. They'll understand.

Fire Emblem Fates. 3DS. I'm a huge FE fag.

Jesus Christ I always forget how awful Corrin’s dragon form looks


Why would recommend a 3DS over a New 3DS XL to a TV fag?

I still have a regular 3DS from 2011, and I'm happy with it

>Sup Forums
>mistaking the male character for a female
Fucking wew lad.

>gets the boy version confused with the girl version

hahaha your gay now OP

The New 3DS XL is also a 3DS, ESL retard
They didn't recommend any model in particular, just the system the game runs on

>The New 3DS XL is also a 3DS
Tell that to Nintendo and its fags that claim it is its own handheld version.

>I still have a regular 3DS from 2011, and I'm happy with it

I have both and its more enjoyable on the new 3ds XL.

>lol Sup Forums tricks op to being gay
I love you guys

Literally how? My the circle pad on my 2DS from like 3 years ago is all beat up and I'm not even hard on it.

Which girl is cuter? Left or right?

Get n3dsxl or old school 2ds. Quality or Value, your choice.

The 3-d makes the graphics feel very interesting and magical in games where you can explore a 3-d world like Monster Hunter or Shin Megami Tensei 4

I also reccomend Xenoblade

AYO HOL UP what's the difference? Can I play it on both systems?

I broke my circle pad the day the smash demo came out, on my o3dsXL gold triforce edition

Still play with the broken nub, and on the plus side my thumb dosent even callous from it anymore!

there are 6 models of 3ds.

3ds xl

and a new version of each.

The new versions have increased processing power and access to a few games that the older systems cant play ( Off top, and this might be the entire list: Hyrule Warriors, Fire Emblem Warriors and Xenoblade) But the increased ram of the system makes games like Pokemon and Smash brothers launch much faster and not need to reboot the whole system to access the home menu ( Bigger games use the RAM allocated to the OS on older models)

I am a big fan of the 3-d feature, but the 2dses are very nice models. Newer models also have improved 3-D, with head tracking, for better viewing angles. Many players ignored the 3d feature on the original models, but found it much more usable on the newer ones. I found that the analog slider on the system made 3d very passable on the original models once you get used to holding your DS at the right angle and distance from your face. Nintendo games are easy to max the 3-d on, but third party titles might require you to work the slider a little. In Monster Hunter I play at about 90% 3-d. Megaten I played at Half. Bravely Default was fine at 100% 3-d, as is Kingdom Hearts.

Some of the newer games don't even offer 3-d. Notably, the last 2 sets of pokemon games and Dragonball Fusions ( an underrated Gem)


Jesus user, I really appreciate it! I'm going to go with a n3ds, fates, and warriors to start out with. Thanks again

Dont buy games, buy a magnet and a 32-64 gig sd card

Fates is 3 seperate games on the eshop, but you can get all the dlc in one click in the freeshop.

There are minimum 50 fantastic titles on this system. Stuff I had a mild interest in that I never would have purchased ended up blowing me away, like Kirby Triple Deluxe or kino falcon approved Luigi's Mansion

Also I am a huge fan of tactical RPGs but can never vibe with the Fire Emblem series. I am currently giving fates a shot though and regretting playing on hardcore mode even though I pick max difficulty on literally every other RPG.

tl:dr 3ds.guide

Also, Corrin is playarble in both Male(Girl) and Girl form in Super Smash

and there are fanmade retranslations and decensors of the jap fire emblem games.

He's cuter than the other version, that's for sure.