Meet a cool person in a game

>meet a cool person in a game
>look them up on steam
>furry/anime profile picture

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Great thread


what's this?

thwanks for the bwump

Dumb sissy


what's this?

here's a bwump for you

>Furfag on Steam but not irl


>tfw too autistic for common memes, anime or furfaggotry and thus forced to be creative




good thread

>blaming insatiable anglo bloodlust on the white man

believe in the heart of the cards




only bakas are off by one


Try THIS on for size

Dumb anime poster

Now watch this 4

>not having a picture of your face as your steam pic


right here

Right here fám

In the /trash/ where it belongs



Every Americani ever met online.

>make cool european friend online
>find out they're gay

>tfw playing Grim Dawn solo
>moving on the portal knights next

What happened to that nun?

she didn't get dubs

During some conflict, the dead were unearthed and postured throughout the city.

Eastern europe.

wtf i thought someone just threw shit on her

He's so cute bros

goebbels was truly our guy

This is literally me

I just use an obscure picture of a cute tomboy girl that no one can tell is a girl or boy

>meet a cool person in game
>chat on vent/discord for years
>comes out as trans
>starts coming on to you hard
>reject advances
>haven't spoken for 6 months
What a shame

>draw a feminine anime character
>"it's actually a boy!"
Fucking anime niggers

your first response should have been this

No a real picture

>Have a nice convo with someone in a game
>They try adding me
>I don't really want to add randos but whatever
>He starts bitching about my anime avatar and spouting Sup Forums memes
>Tell him I drew it
>he gets apologetic and requests futa porn of his waifu
Promptly blocked.


>meet a cool person
>find out he's the propaganda minister of the 3rd reich

>turns out he's even cooler

why did none of the nazis realize that joseph was a blatant fucking kike himself i mean just look at him

This. Furfaggots and anime niggers are the scum of humanity.

Can't wait until North Korea nukes Japan again and puts an end to this cancer desu

looks german to me

Every fucking time

The Germans as a people are the most Jewish body in existence.

WW2 was one big false flag to throw up a smoke screen.

You're thinking of russians

>meet a cool person
>he takes you with him to a jew hunting safari
>shows you cool german castles and shit
>gifts you cool looking uniforms with skulls and shit
>lets you fuck innumerable sexy female camp inmates
>shows you tanks, planes and shit
>tells you, you are a superhuman just like him
>tells you, that both of you will conquer the world
>is by far the most badass and metal friend you ever had
>some anglo fucking scum appears and kills the best friend you ever had


Have you considered that maybe people who like anime are cool?

You can relax Joe he cropped the Jews out

guess he was only human, after all.

>meet cute girl online
>start getting close
>Skype eachother regularly
>decide to meet irl
>save up all my allowance for months
>finally fly over to where she lives
>we connect even better in person
>she is more beautiful than I ever thought
>we agree to take things to the next level
>I take her shirt off and start kissing her as I play with her big very convincing titties
>at last. This is what it has all lead up to
>remove her panties
>What the shit!? mfw I have been kissing a girl(girl) like a fucking faggot. Just fml
>fly home instantly, go on Sup Forums, and start a meme thread about gay furry anime avatars or some shit out of anger

What kind of fucking sicko would you have to be to have a cropped porn avatar? I'd never do something like that.

>meet a cool person
>he asks you if you know how to get air superiority in the skies of london
>"you what m8?"
>he asks you if you know how to counter the mobility of the T34 or how to poison roosevelt or how to withstand very low temperatures
>"wtf? are you drunk?"
>it turns out the cool person is literally Hitler

>got an image of goebbels from r/historyporn
>has the compulsive need to post it

fuck off, reddit

>get added because i'm godlike at cs
>turns out guy is like 1 hour drive away
>be friends for about a year
>he wants to meet up
>h-heh y-yeah m-man
>f-for sure!!!
>delete him

What's wrong with just being online friends? I've shared too much cringey shit with you and don't want you getting that close BRAH.

>not blocking him right after you find out he is Sup Forums
Every time I meet some of you freaks you get insta-banned.

That reminds me
>April fools day
>/mlp/ and Sup Forums are merged into /mlpol/ for lulz
>shitstorm never happens
>they form an alliance
Furries are fucking weird man.

>ywn hang out with nazis
They look like they were very fun people to be around

>tfw you will never be hitler
>you will NEVER be the Antichrist
Why live?

>meet no one online
>don't look anyone up
>carry on enjoying games free from degenerates

I don't use reddit sorry

Sauce me senpai

>accuses someone of being reddit
>literally knows one of the boards of reddit, which is impossible to do without browsing reddit
Sup Forums ladies and gentlemen!

>meet a group of people online at 14
>we're all meme posting faggots so it's all good
>over the next couple of years as we reach the end of our teens half of them become tumblr tier faggots
>I mean the whole shabang; genderfluidity, tuck frump, xphobia, shitty tumblr memes, and they can't shut the fuck up about dicks and tits and vaginas like children
>I'm still in contact with them but I don't know how to break it off with them

God, I'm such a pussy

Youre both thinking of all mainland Europe.

>ywn kill the king of the Jews with Hitler and revive the European religion
It's sad how things turned out

They aren't.

They're literally never cool.

Fuck off, weeaboo bitch.

you're not old enough to post on this board

god damn they did know how to dress though

why is evil always sexy

You some kind of God-hating degenerate?

You sound young. 20?
Don't worry. During the next 5-6 years, you will shed almost all of your current friends for new ones that are better suited to you. It'll just come naturally. What you're describing tells me it's starting.

>this somehow refutes or has any bearing on the point of the original comic portraying Jews
stay salty, soyboi, if Sup Forums had flags I'd bet you've been C O L O N I Z E D sometime in the last two hundred bills

Nice bait

>evil meme
oh my lol
the lads were sexy because Hugo Boss wouldn't have it any other way

people like that carry so much baggage. they might appear cool or calm by first impressions, then as soon as they get used to you talking to them they drop all their issues on to you willing or unwilling. Absolutely insane how they are all like that, same with weeaboos and teenagers. Constantly. I have tried to befriend these types of people too often.

Basically, just don't talk to me if you're under 21 / like anime / furry / gay / tranny / have issues in general. I'm just trying to enjoy my video games. Not be your steam therapist.

Why are you treating Sup Forums like your therapist? No one cares.

>you will never be born in the 3rd reich after it conquered the world and after it cleansed humanity
>you will never live in a world which is populated by perfect, beautiful and smart whites and you are one of them, because dumb or ugly people literally don't exist anymore
>you will never live in a paradise which even puts anime to shame
>you will never be told that you are a superior superhuman and be told how your badass ancestors conquered the world and defeated the evil jews. by whom? You guessed it: your pefect, beautiful female aryan teacher.
>you will never be issued official prostitutes and crystal meth by your government which does everything to keep you happy 24/7, virgins literally don't exist, the government requires every school to employ a sex educator which sleeps with pupils as soon as they hit 13, or a program which forces pupils to sleep with each other while the entire class watches, nobody is disgusted by that because like I said: ugly or fat people literally don't exist anymore
>You will never fly to Mars, because the government forces every student as soon as he leaves school to one time visit the aryan colony of mars to watch the achievements of the aryan race
Why live bros? It's gone. What else does the universe have to offer?



anime attracted socially inept fucks, and those people are socially inept because of some deep dark shit that they always thrust upon you in some way or another

check my 75

Wow, you're damn near spot on; I'll be 20 in a few months. That process started for me about a few months ago and I'm intrigued to see where it goes soon.
By the way I actually don't even talk to most of those people anymore. The main concern I have is cutting them out.

its funny that you're actually this incapable of reading comprehension.

Don't know about that one but the rest sounds ideal

Good. I wouldn't even take steps to 'cut them out', necessarily. May as well keep them at a far distance in case they have some way of helping you fill a need. Otherwise, start making new friends. Play an MMO, talk to people at college, start networking now. This is the fun part.

jk, check this 45

that was a decoy


This peace is what all true warriors strive 4.

Doesn't require much comprehension. You're complaining about shit that you'd complain about to your therapist. No one cares fuck off

Please stop. You are too much.

That was a nother decoy


I bet it's canada or sweden.

"I can't even"