What the fuck happened to monolith soft?

What the fuck happened to monolith soft?



I miss the days when Sony IPs weren't all grimdark, gritty realism.

Or when they were good

More detail with a big budget still leads to uncanny valley, and Nintendo runs games on an overclocked portable XBOX360. If they added detail it'd be like SO4.

I wanna fuck that girl on the right.

>all the shota porn that will inevitably sprout very soon
No nut november couldn't have come more in handy.

And yet Xeno2 can be far worse than both previous Xeno titles but it'll still be 10x better than the unfinished piece of turd that was FFXV.

More proof that graphics mean fuck all

hahahaha what a shit game
what a shit company!

They make video games, not interactive movies with butchered plots.

I know right? FF has been dead for decades.

I love how Sup Forums hates Xeno 2 just because of the MC's design. have you seen the game?

>Sup Forums hates xeno 2

yeah it plays like a single player MMO but with worse combat. it even has the stupidly oversized, empty map to go with it

Yes, I dislike Monolith's character designs. I wish they'd try a different art direction than generic anime style once more. XCX was in the right direction but some characters looked really strange.
They still make far better games than Square Enix.

>have you seen the game?
Is this webm supposed to make it look better? I have bad news for you..

>have you seen the game?

Yes. Looks like waifu garbage.

it's funny because you could say the same thing about ffxv

Yes, it's an anime trash.

>XCX was in the right direction but some characters looked really strange.
XCX was generic anime + down syndrome. X2 is just generic anime.

Looking back at Xenosaga, the only time they've done not-genereic-anime is the first Xenoblade.

This is actually an artstyle, and while I'm not the most fond of it, it sure beats everything else they've shit out that looks as bland as bland can be.

Oh fuck time to preorder

You're right.

>they're all terrible, but the one that looks least anime-y is less terrible
Wow! Aren't you a salty fucker.


I still want my giant robots. It's not going to feel like Xeno without them.

It reminds me a lot of FF12/FFT in ways. I just don't like the eyes, they look odd, but everything else about it is great.

Generic anime strikes me as being disposable trash. I'm sorry the genre you love is so rife with utter garbage

Maybe her final form is an SD gundam

what if i lovev BOTH grimdark AND waifu simulators?

>doom n gloom edgelord vs some cartoonishly stupid looking teenager

i fucking hate the ITS MY TURN TO PLAY XENOBLADE kid but i love all the waifus in it


The thing is...monolith was always animu, looks like you guys forgot about xenosaga and xenogears

Don't forget Vagrant Story for more of that vibe

Shame the armor design was terrible. Something X really improved upon.

Please never post those two games in one image ever again
Who am i kidding it will happen sooner or later anyway because of the XV autist

One is a fun adventure game with 10/10 OST, locations, atmosphere and fresh combat, the other one is another Souls corridor with the same shitty circle-strafe combat and glitches.

God, I'm proud that I never bought a PS4.

>One is a game you haven't played and the other is a game you didn't even own a system for

the absolute state of nintenkiddos

I don't know. FF12 always looked like it had style of its own. For PS2 models those characters were expressive as fuck because of their eyes and body language.

who dares summon me?

The eyes and cheeks in X bother me too, whereas X2 is considerable more palatable as far as the models go. Roles reversed in concepts.

But that's beyond the point.
Being generic doesn't mean it's bad, but more of a "lost opportunity" of making something out of the ordinary.

And since we've started with the projections... if you're really so salty about that it would seem to me you're just looking for an excuse to hate on a general fanbase and the implied association with its prevalent traits, tropes or themes.

If your problem was just with the art style you'd probably be more indiferent than angry.

Old Square did it a number of times. That's also one of the sellings points of Octopath imo.

ps2 was capable of some really nice aesthetics. emulation just brings out all the effort devs put into games even though display resolution of the hardware couldn't do it justice.

Nothing. They're still making good games

>Generic anime strikes me as being disposable trash.
alas such is our fate

>I only play mature games for mature people like me

Maybe I'm just getting too old, but that old looks like absolute shit.


I always found it interesting that Front Mission of all franchises was this bastion of normalcy back in the day when Square was doing its fantasy games and crazy character designs.

That's not going to make things better.

>Dark Could 2

maybe next time post a you know GOOD game.


wow, I knew it was bad but I didn't know it was THAT bad

>Anti-weebshitters getting blown the fuck out when Xeno reverts back to its true colors

did you faggots play literally no other Xeno game besides the nintendo ones? this series has ALWAYS been anime as fuck.

From games honestly are the most overrated games ever. And it all began with Dark Souls 1 and that "you are really hardcore if you like this game" marketing. Until that moment, magazines like the Famitsu even gave those games a fucking 5/10.

Then casuals on NeoGAF fell for the marketing. Then Sup Forums fell for it. Then reviewers fell for it, mostly because they didn't want to get shitstormed because of jaded fanboys.

All the art design in From games is stolen from other movies, games, manga, real life shit, btw.


fuck off

You don't have to play either of them to know if they are shit or not since they are so similar to their predecessors.

Switch can't handle realistic player models..

Or this game was worked in two years and it shows with the Tales of artstyle.

This. it's a babby console. Mouths moving when characters are talking is for babbies too.

Yes, the character designs are shit and the gameplay looks like a boring piece of shit.

Both of them are weebshit what's the difference?
One is a finished game and one isn't.

>everything that is remotely anime is = Tales of

They already said they went with the anime style so they can make the characters more alive and give them better rxpressions, btw. Everyone looked dead in X.

>XCX was in the right direction

Both wrong.

You are probably very young, though.

>Everyone looked dead in X.

and same eyes in this game is better how?

They got bought by Nintendo, forever tainting whatever spark of talent they had possessed earlier in life.

>everyone looked dead

XCX has the worst artstyle in any Xeno game, followed closely by Xenosaga. Xenogears was just SD sprites with portraits so that doesn't really count. So far, they haven't topped Xenoblade Chronicles, but XC2 is the least offensive out of all of the rest. You can criticize a lot about XC2's art, but nothing in the game looks worse than this.

t. sonydronie

First part of this webm convinced me to buy the game

>t. triggered weeb

Enjoy precious lightning loli.

>greentexting a t

t. antiweeb SEETHING that Xeno went back to it's "BOY FALLS IN LOVE WITH HIS SWORD" roots

I don't even care, I've only played the ps1 game and haven't finished it. I'm just saying this looks bad

Holy shit she’s so cute

This isn't official art, is it?
Someone choose to carefuly place that loli sideboob highlight right there...

>cartoony is bad
We should remove insecure teens from this website.

fucking weaboo pedophiles, go back to Sup Forums

Any webms of the attractive glasses girl?

More like Grimdark cloud lol

Yeah it's a massive downgrade from XCX in every way at the cost of a yet another shonen love story.

Rex looks a lot better like that.

Xenosaga has the best artstyle, really evokes the 80-90s scifi/mecha anime feel

Can't do. They sent me from there.

Alas, the path of the master race is a lonely and ingrate one.

Got a little bit of everything for everyone

Sup Forums is just Sup Forums lite and Sup Forums is literally just Sup Forums lite, going into one without expecting the other is textbook no-theory-of-mind autism which you clearly have

>literally every other Xeno game had a love interest besides XCX
>XCX has a blank slate MC

really feelin' those visions...

She is so superior to Pyra it's ridiculous.

Your obligatory cute flat

>Comparing XC2 monolith soft with your shitty open world FFXV square enix.
Kill yourself

unironically my favorite design

I love her mallet and frizzy buns

I disagree. But they're both pretty good regardless

Since we're apparently co-opting the shitposting thread, I finally got around to making webms of my wife.

I like how they were the two main candidates for best girl until the moment we realized they were one and the same.

Talk about a way to unite a community!
That is until they introduced the heavy weaponry with the lolis.


Hang in there good taste user

Yeah they are, I don't dislike any of the designs so far. Except Rex.

>fapbait art
Come on, we can do better than that.

That is absolutely perflation!
Found my best girl.