Everyone says Witcher 3 is the best game ever

>everyone says Witcher 3 is the best game ever
>download it
>so far it’s just several minutes of cutscenes which are boring as fuck for every minute of play

Am i missing something here? Do you guys actually enjoy this or does it get better?

>everyone says Witcher 3 is the best game ever
I never did.
I don't think any of my friends ever have.
Are you lying to me OP? Or did you literally bite the console mobs' bait?

TW1:Enhanced Edition is the only GOOD game in the whole series. The sequels were streamlined, consolized trash. TW3 is practically just "TW2.5".

It's not the best but I liked it a lot.

However I will stress the beginning zone which lasts quite a bit is weaker than the rest of the game particularly in side quests. In that initial starting area the side quests feel far more generic and once you're past it they start having well written plot lines that rival the main quest line and really blur the lines frankly (they can impact future quests and the world itself).

I would say keep giving it a shot but its also not everyone's cup of tea. Combat is certainly weak.

>so far it’s just several minutes of cutscenes
So... you have ADHD and instead of playing the game, you came to shitpost on Sup Forums after playing for less than a hour?

You have to actually be interested in the series to enjoy it. Also not having ADHD helps.

It's a pretty shallow game. There is ayyylot of content but it's all very mediocre.

Follow the footprints. That's the whole game

the game doesn't actually start until you get to Velen, White Orchard is an extended tutorial level

Stop trying to do le contrarian meme and focus on actually playing the game for a day or two before you make rash opinions of it

Game is a fuckton more enjoyable if you read all the books

What does ADHD have to do with a game being loaded with filler?

>for a day or two
>le it gets good at the final mission
remove the "Witcher" from "The Witcher 3" and you'd call it another ubisoft empty open world meme game.

>muh books

the books are trash after the short story collections and the worst parts of Witcher 3's narrative is when it feels beholden to the books in resolving the Ciri plot

There's 100+ hours of main game content, you sperg

by "a day or two" I meant like 4-5 hours of gameplay. I'm not talking about NEETs who do literally nothing but game from 12pm-4am

It gets better. I didn't understand the hype when I first got it either. Things pick up though.

I want to love the game but the combat just kills it for me.

i agree the cut scenes are really frigging boring. i find myself spamming spacebar a lot and not knowing whats going on

it's pretty good. i've put in like 50 hours into it so far and im not even half done with the game.

i like the game but it is one of the most overrated games ever and i can completely agree with op and no it doesn't get good after 4 or 5 hours, it's just the story the is capturing you while the game stays the same throughout, no signs or loot and combos will ever change the game.

>so far it’s just several minutes of cutscenes which are boring as fuck for every minute of play

I recall the intro, Vesmir showing you the basics and then you are pretty much set loose in the tutorial area in the first 10-15 minutes of booting the game.

Also, you are playing a RPG where most of the time you will be talking to people, tracking quests and some combat here and there in between, if you dont expect that from a RPG, i dont know what the fuck are you waiting from this game.

>There is ayyylot of content but it's all very mediocre.

Is the best side content there is in recent RPGs

Go straight to Novigrad and it becomes interesting. Or the Bloody Baron's keep.
Game is at its best when it comes to player relationships and characters

No, the gameplay is bad. You play the same way from hour 1 through to hour 100. It's an interactive storybook and barely an RPG.

>What does ADHD have to do
>Loaded with filler
You've answered yourself, twitcher.

>It's an interactive storybook and barely an RPG.

RPGs are by definition interactive storybooks with gameplay elements of loot, stats and all that shit you expect from RPGs, so i will say that it does the job alright.

However the gameplay for me was from fine to decent, it did its job and it never went to bad or terrible.

back to Clash of Clans for you, grasshopper

i agree with you op. forced myself to complete the game, put 93hrs in it, completely forgettable experience with pretty shallow ''choices and consequences''.

>oh you decide to let this werewolf guy kill this woman in a cave
>lol the only thing you hear about it is some npcs saying they found a woman dead in a cave and ripped to shreds
>you dont engage further in that story line
>you hear some npcs talk about finding the woman ripped to shreds in a forest by ''wolves''
It has it's ups and downs I suppose. I genuinely only enjoyed the Bloody Baron story arch. That's it. I really just forgot most of the other shit that's happened.

Maybe I'll try playing it again this coming summer while I get myself high on some adderall and see if it helps with anything.

You honestly expect to have experienced any semblance of what the game has to offer (a fucking open world rpg at that) in the first few minutes? Do you even play videogames?

>It's not an RPG, because it follows a story
>It would be an RPG if it was about evolving combat mechanics
What next? "It's not an RPG, because you don't make your own character"?

>multiple mentions of OP having ADHD in the thread
>user mentions he needs adderall to enjoy video games

it's like poetry

>What next? "It's not an RPG, because you don't make your own character"?
there was actually someone arguing about it in a previous thread a few weeks ago.
>muh wetcher3 is not rpg because you play as a premade character
anything's possible to argue about

Explain me something, and I mean it sincerely.
You didn't like the game and yet you've played it for 93 hours? That's... three weeks of playing, unless you are a NEET.
You've spend 3 weeks over a game you don't like. And you barely scratched the surface of it, by your own admission, making through what can be best described as "introductionary act", since Velen is one big filler serving no purpose for the main story.
What the hell? And I mean it.

Is like the faggots that say that Dragons Dogma is a RPG first and formost were in reality is just a fucking action game.

>anything's possible to argue about
But not everything will make a good argument thou

i dunno dude, i'm not sure if the adderall itself did it or some of the other kind of medication i was taking before, but it really just made me able to completely break out of reality and immerse myself in anything i was playing

>The 3
What did he mean by this

>you have to play more to decide if you like it!
>you played it that long and didn't like the game? what a sperg

>Man i dont like this shit
>I know, i will keep playing it 1 more hour to see if it gets good instead of playing literally anything else
>Opps i played this shit for 98 hours, this game is shit

No I mean, I completed the whole main story. If i were to jump back into it right now, I'd still have those 2 DLCs to start and finish. The combat felt a bit repetitive but that made it easy to ram through most of the enemies and get to the story points. I couldn't immerse myself at all in most of the game, I'd end up losing focus on what i was doing and couldn't keep up with what was being talked at times, i found a few other parts of the story interesting enough that i closely listened to them and paid more attention than the usual, i'd skip dialogues if the npc was doing one of those long drunken or slow talks.

I dont know, i didn't completely hate it or disliked it, but i didn't really like it either, it was just a good enough time waster.

This is literally the 4th Witcher 3 hate thread today and probably by the same Soulsborne Sonyigger still assblasted after nearly 3 years.


Normies like it

Yes, and?

its a tell tale game + open world. If youre not into either of these things you picked the wrong fucking game

The only witcher game I've played is 1. I'm about an hour in and so far I've:
Followed a big red arrow around
Watched cutscenes about how I'm a big buff special guy but I have amnesia
Clicked on bandits until they fell down

Do you ever do anything else? Because this seems really really bad. Awful, in fact. The story so far is the most cliched shit I have ever fucking seen. Literally amnesia and the overconfident rookie getting killed and a bad guy stealing a magic thing and then going hahaha and teleporting away. The combat might as well not exist because there has been absolutely no player agency at all. I run up to a bandit and click him. After a bit I click him again. If I use the wrong combat style he doesn't fall down so I change to the other one and then he does. Looking at the talent trees doesn't reveal any situational abilities or anything, just passive buffs to clicking the guys.

So do you ever actually DO anything in this game?

Do you actually

Play Blood and Wine then. And play it as if it was a game all by itself, without all the meta-plot going around (since it IS a game all by itself).
It's pretty short, it takes about 30-40 hours and see for yourself if it was "good enough time killer" or did you find it enjoyable.

B&W is how I've finally figured out what the hell people see in TW3 and it was a really nice surprise after rather mixed feelings about the main game

Gameplay is bad
Controls are loose, wonky, and bad (even with alt controls)
Gameplay loop is awful
Writing peaks at the Barron which is like the second quest and then it goes to generic shit

I never understood why it was considered the best game ever. But I sure fell for the fucking meme, since I bought it, sold it, waited for the dlc to come out, but full edition, finally beat the main game, quit for a year, came back and beat the first dlc (which was fucking great), and quit when the second dlc was literally a mini version of the main game. I really keep trying to convince myself to like it. "It must be great and I'm missing something," I think to myself. Yet, there's nothing fucking there.

"muh immersionz"

Shit is quantity not quality but people sucked the devs dick for giving """"free""" dlc that was cut from the game just to earn props with moron fans who can't use basic marketing logic

TW3 is nothing like TW2 and therefore retarded to call it TW2.5

Ones linear and the other is open world for starters you pleb

>Am i missing something here?
you're a fucking idiot

Honestly at this point nobody could give two shits about how much somebody didnt like a game except the echo chamber of Sup Forums so here is a (you) I guess. Im sure there are already tons of angsty teens just like you posting their amazing critical analysis of the game in this same thread. xD

i haven't bothered with it yet, i find it hard to be worth the money.
witcher 1 was good, i started playing 2 for a while but quit, didn't really enjoy the game and i'm guessing 3 is going the same direction as 2 but takes it to another level, in a bad way

TW is literally donut steel fantasy tits. If you don't enjoy Sunday cartoon writing and self insert brainless retarded power fantasies then refund.
On the other hand if you frequently browse reddit and think RR Martin is the pinnacle of political fiction, enjoy.

I'll give you a hint. When they're talking about the plot they mean "the plot" in the same way people talking about GOT mean it.

Try harder

I've played hentai flash games with better writing than TW.
Actually it being a hentai flash game would already be an improvement on the original.

>they mean "the plot" in the same way

Unless you mean the webm, then that's from the tv adaption of The Witcher.

Maybe you just have shit taste user

>Better writing
... did you just complained about lack of plot?

>This was aired on Sunday afternoons
Good old times

And ironically this is the only time ever when tits happend. Unless you count monster tits of Adda, but that means you are from /d/

It's really generic and boring just like the characters imo. Like sure it's better than a lot of shit games, but without the tits, 12yo edginess, and self insert fantasies I doubt anywhere near as many people would rate it as "the best rpg ever." Even if you "need" that same vibe Gothic and Planetscape torment are way better imo. Even Fallout NV for a more recent example if you don't want to limit it to fantasy. Only place it wins out is graphics really, but that's a horrible reason.

Even if I think it's a waste of money I decided to be nice and spoil the "plot" in the actual games.

If you have elementary schooler's tastes, interests and attention spawn, you may prefer the "Bing Bing Wahoo" kind of entertainment

Adderall can make any game addictive and enjoyable

Never enjoyed Witcher. Not my cup of tea I guess.

There are some cool quests here and there, but really it's precisely as shit as you say. My favourite was TW2 although I played TW3 almost as much.

You've played less than an hour and you're already spouting dumb opinions

Main protagonist is a chad porn star that fucks every girl in the game so normies love this cutscene infested shit with terriblr combat.

If you want to say "huh?" like a retard, don't type it in so many words.
Learn to write sentence good instead of dropping meme arrows everywhere.

See Why can no one say why they actually like it? What plot points and "meaningful choices" or dialogue?

I already said I liked the Bloody Baron storyarch though. I liked it because it was sort of relatable in a way and i got attached to the Baron and a few of the other NPCs showing up around there. They made me feel feels which was nice since i usually can't immerse myself into games too well anymore, so it came off as a surprise when i actually felt bad that the storyarch just came to and end and i wont be seeing or hearing about any character in that act anymore.

I'm talking about the "your opinions are wrong" guys who leave it at that, not you user. Blood and Wine was alright imo, the only part I wasn't forcing myself through.

Of all the valid criticism, too many / too long cutscenes aren't one

I bought it last weekend and I've been playing it nonstop, I'm 80 hours in and the game is absolutely fantastic. I don't give a fuck if people enjoy it or not or if they think the game is shit, I'm having lots of fun with it.

Youre too low iq to enjoy witcher 3, wii bowling is more your style.

>friend won't shut the fuck up about witcher 3
>decide to finally buy it
is this guy supposed to come off as some polish guy's anime oc?

He has no voice in the books and his polish voice actor is pretty different too.

>WTF It's already been 10 seconds since I booted the game and I don't think it's the best game ever yet wtf wow you guys lied to me.

Nobody smart ever said it's best ever either. It's good at what it does (story focused game with many side quests, nice looking immersive world and good dialogue). Just wish the combat wasn't extremely simplistic and I could call it a great game and not just a very immersive and therefore fun to play game.

That's a very sensible post.

It's not a very grear game overall. It has the same degree of quality that GTAV has. It's gorgeous to look at, has fun and above average gameplay mechanics, and had a living world that reacts to your choices.

The game has no glaring flaws, but outside of visuals and sheer content there's nothing remarkable about it.

The OP is still idiotic, and presents an opinion of no worth or interest.

this is me. I even tried going for crossbow/bombs build to avoid melee but it didn't help

It has the best writing of any game I've played so far and the characters are very likeable. I also love playing Gwent, so much I ended up downloading the f2p standalone version and I avoid f2p crap like the plague. The game also does sidequest masterfully, some are not that great though but most of them are of high quality.

>by the same Soulsborne Sonyigger
lol what

And not that I hated the story I only played because of it but when the other half of the game is lackluster then I lose interest.

I love The Witcher 3 and it's probably my favourite game ever. I have fairly typical taste as in Portal, Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Bloodborne, GTA San Andreas, Hitman Blood Money, and Skyrim and Oblivion, but something about this game just delivered so well for me. The story, the characters, the length without getting tiring or losing my interest, the variety of things to do, I had a great time for 400+ hours playing through twice plus both DLCs. I respect that it isn't for everyone and rather than being critical of TW3 I like people to recommend me their favourite games so I can see what I'm missing from things I haven't played

>Learn to write sentence good

>I like people to recommend me their favourite games so I can see what I'm missing from things I haven't played
Hahaha, this is my favorite thing to do when people start shitting the game. I ask them what other game is better than it and they usually say shit like Skyrim or Dragon Age.

There is nothing masterful about this game's individual parts. The writing is adolescent and relies heavily on superior works that came before it, and the characters - aside from Geralt and the Bloody Baron - are either paper thin, fetishized, do something idiotic that completely contradicts their character, or a selective combination of two or more of these issues.

What other game does side quest better than TW3? Just curious.

The issue with this game, and the benefit for you as an individual, is that The Witcher 3 IS a game for everyone. It presents a gritty world in a streamlined and flamboyant fashion, following in the footsteps of Skyrim (which in turn followed the rising Game of Thrones, black fantasy surge of the late 2000s early 2010s) and gives a sprawling story with plenty of narrative tricks and turns that would dazzle the passive player. Tie all this together with easy, simplistic gameplay that's painted over with violence and pretty animations, and you've got non-retarded Assassin's Creed/Batman game that's tapping the mainstream pop-media vein.

I could give a long list of equally subjective games but it wouldn't make a difference. The Witcher 3 has a towering number of side quests that cover the full spectrum of stereotypical dark fantasy tropes. On that level, it's the best in its class. In terms of presenting meaningful experiences that are disconnected from the main story and exist only to build the world and characters, it's average.

>I could give a long list
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, can't name a single one, as expected. Name one game that does sidequests better than TW3 or fuck off retard.

Watching people talk isn't content. If you cut out all of the useless dialogue and cutscenes you would have like 8 hours of gameplay max.

Stay mad, soulsboy

>dark souls

Yakuza 0
Fallout New Vegas

Post more memes or damage control with your flat and cliche adolescently stunted personality

What's this list based on? The opinions of IGN and Polygon "journalists"?

AHAHAHAHA, this is the intellect of people who love to shit on TW3. Yeah kid, go back to your Oblivion. I'm actually surprised you included Yakuza in there but something tells me 0 is the only one you've played, fucking retard.

>judges a game after several minutes

Like I said - basic bro stuck in the adolescent phase. You offer nothing in discourse because you have nothing to give. Then you get depressed and defensive when you're treated like a joke in all social circles. You probably hate women and have a strong political identity.


You play bethesda games, you can't insult anyone.


The initial starting zone is basically tutorial island but with few good quests to compensate like the rest of the areas (though they also use it to show your end choice as well). In terms of areas it'd be
Velen -> Novigrad -> Skellige -> that starting region
but yeah Witcher 3 is enjoyable mainly for its story(not counting the supposed main quest which is meh)/sidequests/atmosphere, the combat is so atrocious and repetitive I just outright cheated and godmoded so I could finish the plot without the numbing tedium of the combat sections