Vermintide Discussion

Anyone else having a good time with this dead game? I've been playing it since the sale and having a blast.

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H-he's fast

>Gutter Runner.jpg

Who cares about the first game, just wait a could of months to play the sequel.


Rats are so cute.

It's good however you should CE yourself some orange scrap once you get tired of grinding, it becomes boring after like 50 hours otherwise.

You can do that?


Anyone know where i can find a proper place that has all the voice lines from the game?

>alwaysssss sssssneaking sssstabbing

Rats would be the best pets if they lived longer than two years and didn't have a tendency of developing horrible tumors.

>Vermintide 2 iwill have microtransactions and lootboxes

What game?

he jump at cock

They have said there will be no microtransactions.

That doesn't work anymore as far as I know.

You just wanted an excuse to post that image, even if you had to make up bullshit to do it.

Never was a dead game just poorly optimized etc, now that everything is fixed it is better and the second one will be even more. Heck Lawbreakers and Battleborne had less players in total.

Ypu guys excited for the next dlc?

So what do you do in this game anyways? I get you have static maps of some sort but are spawns randomized or is it always the exact same? Do you get anything at the end for beating the map that makes it worthwhile to do another playthrough? Or is this a linear story game that you play once and drop afterwards?

It works pretty much like melee L4D. The spawns are always the same, you move through the map and complete the objective.
At the end of the map you get to roll dice. You get better dice if you find tomes and grimoires on the map. Tomes makes it so you can't carry a healing item. Grimoires gives your whole team a life debuff making the game much harder. The quality of the reward depends on your chosen difficulty.

It's a good image and I'm glad he did it.

Not quite always the same, you get different specials, I've had times where instead of an ogre I get a bunch of stormvermin, even the stormvermin patrols are pretty random as well

Right, my brain stroked out for a second. I was talking about the starting spots. I have no idea why.

I had a rat that got old and had so many tumors she looked like a bunch of grapes, but she was totally fine otherwise. We had to put her down when they started impeding her mobility. And even then the vet commented on how little she seemed to be affected by them.

I love having them as pets but the lifespan thing is so hard because they die right when you get a good bond with them

Vermintide is only sort of dead, I can still host a random cata mission and attract some lonely level 400+s without much issue.

That said I can't have a good time with it, I've played it too fucking much. It's an amazing game but I desperately need either a new weapon or new type of rat to really enjoy it. Luckily VT2 is bringing all of that so I'm hyped as shit. Hopefully the optimization improvements carry over, because if it's as buggy as VT1 release there will be major problems.

which career are you taking in 2 Sup Forums?
I’m taking my slayer oath

I had two rats as a kid. One developed a tumor the size of her head on her neck. She died soon after. The other one got who knows what disease in her eyes and scratched them out. She died soon after.
They are incredibly smart and affectionate. Very different from hamsters and other rodents who just want to run in their stupid wheel and chew empty toilet paper rolls but I never got new ones because their death was so devastating to me.

Mice and rats are both super bros. I can't bring myself to keep either anymore though. I love my animals and losing them every 1-2 years just sucks.

Best horde game on the market. I put about 150 hours into it several months back.

By chance I just recently started re-readeing Gotrek & Felix and slayer is the definite choice for me as well.

i have shit crawling in my walls and under my kitchen cupboards at night. how do i confront them, since they are sooo fucking smart i suppose we should talk this out before i call pest control.

I actually just started. Total warhammer and VT2 being announced drew me back in and I’ve been looking for a series to sink my teeth into. My god in heaven are these books good. I’m waiting for the second omnibus to arrive from amazon, I just could not put down the first one.
Who knew how well a Bard and Barbarian party would work?

Slayer is really appealing, but I also love the visuals of the Ironbreakers so I may do that just to be a snowflake compared to my friends who'll go Slayer. Really hope the humies get some career paths to match the variety.

Still wish we'd get a new hero like an ogre merc or something crazy

I haven't had rats in years and had kinda been missing them and then suddenly mom shows up one day with these two because apparently she'd been missing having rats as well. I'm already too attached to them

They are a bit formulaic but still really good. I'm also reading the Nagash trilogy in preparation for the Kangz DLC. He's such a fucking asshole.


>jump into man-thing genitals yes-yes

Found this at Wal-Mart for $5 the other day.

Waited 20 minutes to find a match and it was some super high level guy. He yelled at me for not knowing what to do. That was the end of that, quit and uninstalled. At least it was only five bucks.

Just use the lobby browser to find lowbie games. Also most people don't give a fuck on normal or even hard difficulty if you are new.

congrats, you bought a co-op game when you didn't have friends.

I like it but only if I have someone to play it with. Kinda boring when no one in discord.

It sucks that that was your first experience, but you also sound like a bitch.

Which discord? Do u happen to know a decent server with people to play?

even more dlc?

I think he just means in general

How good is the single player? Thinking about pirating it to try and get a feel of it before the second one comes out.

multiplayer only.
you can run with just bots though

Bots are absolutely braindead and some levels are near impossible on anything harder than normal because the idiots can't do objectives.

>he can't solo cataclysm

>gutter runners you out of nowhere

>side steps you
>kills you in one hit

>second one backstabs you