Have you ever accidentally broke a system or a game?

have you ever accidentally broke a system or a game?

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stupid fat cunt

stupid fat cunt

stupid fat cunt

I'm mad.

stupid fat cunt

Stupid fat cunt

who bitch dis is

stupid fat cunt

stupid fat cunt

I like fat cunts

i did the same thing to a 360, because i forgot that my headphones had wires. pulled it backwards off a small desk and hit the cold hard floor. RRoD but it still works if i lay it horizontally.

I've seen shit like this happen multiple times. Always women trying to act cutesy, then get pissed off when people are pissed at them because it's just video games, nevermind the fact that it cost money.

That didn't even hit the floor. Fuck off.

stupid fat cunt


Ignorent rotund prostitute.

Broke head set, and controller.
never a system or game

ctupid sat funt

Holy fuck. How much did it cost to fix the floor?


Stupid fat cunt.

stupid fat cunt

GameCubes are fucking indestructible mang

stupid fat cunt

It broke because it had a HDMI mod that was defective and has since been fixed for those wondering what the fuck this is about.

stupid fat cunt

Stupid Fat Cunt

Every single time it's the fat cunt that wants attention. Holy fuck

Wow look at that awful hdmi mod.
It broke that entire gamecube.

Dont forget its a fat cunt with colored hair/tattoos(probably video game related)/and nerdy/geeky apparel

I accidentally broke Black and White into giving every god the ability to do whatever it wanted outside of influence, at times the game turned into a race of who could kill civilians faster, me or the other god.

Luckily I have never broken my systems. I've been real lucky too, one time I accidentally did what that girl in the webm did by catching my foot on a wire but in that moment it was falling to the hard wood floor to its doom, my big ass cat happened to be following me and my xbox landed on it and it greatly softened the blow. My cat is always at lease within 4 ft of me all day, everyday and anywhere I am. It can be annoying sometimes but he took one for the team day.

Gamecube had a HDMI adapter with no individual pin shielding. The adapter tilted and caused the console to short circuit.

Fuck off.

my dog tried to jump over the ps2's controller cable while I was playing vice city for the first time and pulled the console down which lens scratched the disc. console still worked surprisingly but the disc was dead. shame too, I had just got the game and was like 10 minutes into it.

my dog shut off my N64 when i was playing banjo kazooie. he only erased my save file

Sure, plugged my SNES in the wrong outlet and fried it as a kid.

cunt fat stupid

damn, hope you weren't far cause that game is tedious to do over

rip cat

>leaving game systems so precariously balanced
>having hambeasts around
a recipe for disaster