I don't understand this "season" shit on the new Hitman game, why can't they just make another Blood Money

I don't understand this "season" shit on the new Hitman game, why can't they just make another Blood Money

I'm fine with the season stuff, but the elusive targets piss me off.


2016 basically is BM 2 in all but name.

You do realize they are rerolling the elusive targets soon? You will have your second chance

it's retarded, but just think of "season" as essentially the base game. new season can be seen as an expansion.
>why can't they just make another Blood Money
2016 hitman is pretty damn close. if you liked BM do yourself a favor and try it out.

not if you've already tried a mission. you only get a second chance at elusives you never attempted.

>swim trunks in the pool

such a chad

The whole point of it is that you dont rush through every level and take your time to explore. Levels this time are very deep with a ton of options on how to tackle the mission and are designed for replayability.

You should be fine now with GOTY edition, since all the episodes have been released. Maybe wait for a discount, but you won't be bothered by the periodical release.

Nope the reactivated ET are reactivated for those who didn't complete or failed them. They seem to be particularly intent on that.

I understand people being pissed of by this, but I kind of like it. That's pretty courageous of IO to not back down on this. I like to play them knowing that the stakes are high, in contrast to the rest of the game where you can save and retry the level as much as you want.

>That's pretty courageous of IO to not back down on this
It's pretty stupid of them. Having challenges that are permanently missable is bullshit. It's one of the many reasons why it's hard to feel sorry for them this game failed.

Fuck your perfectionist autism, go accomplish something in real life instead of crying about a bad video game score you got over a year ago

Don't give a shit about score. I don't want to lose on a challenge forever. It's bad design.

What don’t you understand? They want to take your shekels

Doesn't matter when the game is piss easy.
>throw a coin
>activate cover
>AI can't see you even if you're right next to them
>kill a target in plain site while everyone is distracted by a coin

Is this haftbefehl lmao

Blood Money worked the exact same way. In fact, it was worse since you could trespass in your suit with no consequences.

guards would tell you to leave and then open fire

And you wouldn't lose your SA rating if that happened. It was a developer oversight that made suit only runs a joke.

doom and hitman are great examples that Sup Forums will bitch about anything even if the game is almost flawless

HITMAN is a real return to form, but the always online and elusive targets just ruin it for me

>new Hitman game confirmed yesterday
>no more jewish Squeenix involvement

Could we be about to witness the first ever 11/10 game?

Yea they should just turn their brains off and be retards like me


>BM and tm have tons of guns
>unless you're doing a full retard run 90% are unviable if not silenced
>tm doesn't even let you jerk off over your collection in the safehouse
How could they make the weapons more viable?

complaining about good games >>>>>>>> not complaining
NEVER enable complacency, vidya makers have enough as is

>this game failed.
but it didn't.

You could start by getting good.

Gunshots make good distractions.

so do coins and mines, with less risk

Blood Money was harder than this game.

Is the GOTY upgrade worth getting?

What exactly does it add to the game?

4 missions + 3 outfits as far as I know.