When will we get another zombie themed game as good as Dying Light? It did cheesy 80's action movie perfectly...

When will we get another zombie themed game as good as Dying Light? It did cheesy 80's action movie perfectly. I hated the story at the beginning but as it went on it started to grow on me and it was pretty until the ending. I like how the bad guys are all cheesy post apocalyptic warriors. The soundtrack is also perfect. Especially Old Town oh my fucking god.

>it's another love interest dies at the end episode

So tired of this trope

I really enjoyed it when I didn't expect to I just pirated it on a whim so years later when enhanced was on sale I was really dissapointed by The Following

>yfw Dying Light 2 PC exclusive

>I was really dissapointed by The Following
did you nuke everything in the best ending?

>zombie apocalypse
>still walks around with a face full of makeup

that aside, I loved this game, it ticked all the right boxes with me, I genuinely hope for more in the future

>Expected somehow worse version of Dead Island
>Got god-tier version of Dead Island

I still can't believe Dying Light happened

What a fucking anomaly

Is this true?

I expected us to dick the goth teen.

>when you see a game at launch that looks boring only for you to pick it up further down the line and have a blast
Dying light was one of those games

I remember the devs talking about how much better Dying Light 1 could be if it was pc exclusive.

yes we will

following was fun. I could and have spent hours ramming a shitton of zombies with the fully leveled buggy

reee just bought this on sale faggot
do they fug at least

>Days Gone

the circlejerk on this game is too strong. what other game do you get to face hordes of zombies like that? the game looks fun as fuck I don't care what anyone says

game looks like shit. how have we known about it for 3 years and they've only shown maybe 5 minutes of gameplay?

State of Decay 2

>when she saves your live but only speaks to you maybe 4 minutes max after that and is presented as a love interest
Is this a beta power fantasy?

I noticed this too and haven't even been playing this long.
I just imagine they interact when you turn the game off

Yes, and also 80's movie spoof.

Well, Crane is supposed to be an absurdly attractive American guy. The Turkish pussy can't resist it.