Well, Sup Forums, which one do you prefer? Aryan goddess or Irish wench? Choose wisely.
Well, Sup Forums, which one do you prefer? Aryan goddess or Irish wench? Choose wisely
How choose one went they are one?
I prefer games without waifushit, thank you very much
Vert, obviously.
>he doesn't want to play with cute girls
They are one, you always get both, not point in choosing one.
Whichever one has the best boobs
Any game that uses waifushit to market itself ends up being garbage
But you can't fuck both unless you have double lizard dicks or something.
>women who are/become literal objects
This is my actual fetish but no game ever goes far enough, and they can't due to the potential backlash. The closest has been Valkyrie Drive but that was ruined by yurishit.
give the girl on the left the one on the right's figure
>implying I have to choose
I'll take both.
You're just proving my point, user
They can change mid fucking.
They literally have the same body
post more pics of the one on the left and we’ll see
>pyra is nice and a little shy
>Mirthra is more assertive and direct
>Even with they literally are the same weapon, rex can't help but prefer pyra's mode because her personality is more cute
Would mirtha get jealous? Wait, can you get jealous with yourself?
I'm guessing that Mithra and Rex will get in a lot of ecchi situations together and that Pyra will then have cute embarrassed reactions.
>Mirthra: hey rex, wanna /ss/?
>"Changes to pyra mid molestation"
>Pyra: ekkkkkk?!
That would be funny. Idea for a doujinshi: Mithra has Rex go down on her and then switches to Pyra as she's getting deepthroated.
>Xenoblade 2 is Soul Hackers 2.0
I want the paizuri monster.
I-is that 2d or 3d?
Both designs look like mobile-tier garbage.