"Trowza Snake?"

"Trowza Snake?"

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What a waste


Is it hip to fuck bats yet

Remember when everyone thought the actual game was going to be fun and charming just like this short? Hahahaha what a bunch of idiots.

I wanna ____ laylee!

I still can't believe they pulled a bait and switch on Yooka being a female.

yes, especially if they are trans (male to female only)


The actual game is fun and charming. Sorry you're a tortanic Sup Forums poster and just found something to shitpost about.

>if you dont like a meme game your from Sup Forums

really? everything that upsets someone is Sup Forums`s fault now? grow up reddit.

>that voice

This game ended up being so poorly done.

>game is fun and charming

wow yeah i agree with you completely

literally the only way this video would make sense would be if the message was that Sup Forumscucks are annoying and force their shit into everything, but that obviously isn't it since its by mr cucktoaku

I did 100% runs of DK64 and BT earlier this year before doing the same for YL and I thought the game was pretty good

I know it's not but the eyes remind me of MLP
are you trying to summon him?

It's done by an animator who primarily does mlp shit

he is summoned

>that voice

>shitty flash video
>still ends up being better than the game
Pretty impressive, actually.

I agree

yeah, this game is literally worse than MN9


>This model is part of a 2010s game
Even the shitty models of the Snowwhite bootleg cover look better.




is this Food Fight?

>tfw this tiny fan animation feels more alive and has better production quality than the actual game its about

>every news gaming outlet talks about how this game was made by the actual guys behind banjoo kazooie
>its actually just the guys who made grabbed by the goolies and nuts n bolts