Which game breaks the fourth wall the best?

Which game breaks the fourth wall the best?

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Kimi to kanojo

Most MGS games.

What movie?





It's the entire point of The Stanley Parable, and for the most part I think it does a good job. Definitely obvious about it, but it goes so many routes with it.

That said, most of it is carried by the STELLAR performance from the Narrator. Comedic timing is on point, successfully foreboding when needed, and in some endings legitimately emotive.

>What movie?
Memories of Murder

One of the best korean movies ive seen.

>See this line posted on Sup Forums the other day
>assume it's one of those parody name-drop posts like "WE REALLY ARE THE LAST OF US, HUH?"
>It's fucking real




>And so, I write, to You

Oh wait I think I've read the plot before Two bumbling cops?

great movie
fucking brilliant

don't you fucking dare say it, Sup Forums

Not that user but don't just read a synopsis, watch the movie. It's kino.

Danganronpa V3

OP asked for translated ones.

holy fuck lol

Holy shit please tell me it's a joke and not an actual part of the game

i guess i liked it

but not revealing who the murdered is after all was bullshit

I think it was based on a true story. A lot of Korean dramas have pretty depressing endings so I didn't really expect this one to be different.

This is great.

>Damn, they truly were memories of murder


It's an easter egg

Paper Mario 64 and TTYD pull it off.

This games seems pretty fucking funny, is it good?

Kid Icarus: Uprising. One of the few games to make me laugh when it was trying to be funny.

>Read up on the story afterwards
>The murderer was never found in real life too, so after the girl describes the plain looking suspect returning to the scene of the crime, the main character looks at the screen to confront the real life murderer possibly watching the movie all these years later