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Rei. Obviously Vader should win, but Rei is a mary sue and the new trilogy is just about subtle social agendas while repasting the story from the original.

That is a hypothetical situation that will never come to pass because for all that Star Wars has, time travel isn't part of it.

Rey has access to all sorts of powers without training, but Vader's been through training on both the light and dark sides of the Force. His experience dwarfs her beginner's luck,

>Do you think Rey could-
Rey always wins. She's the fag that pulls out "nuke" during rock, paper, scissors.

Well they are both bitches so it's hard to know.


Come at me bro, I'm no fucking youngling



ayooo this the star wars thread rogah rogah?

Disney would never allow their precious rey to lose.

>Stronger force users are capable of pulling starships capable of lightspeed travel out of orbit
>Reading minds
>Were killed by a intergalactic conspiracy involving millions by guys with guns


Holy shit thank you for posting this. Every star wars thread for the last week I keep asking people to post this and nobody does. I wanted to download it for my own use. Thanks again dude.

Vader would first beat every person who could pose a threat to him. Pretty much jobbing them all. Rei would suddenly use some force ability she didnt have and kill vader instantly

depend on the player's skill

The dude because even scrawny men are stronger than women who workout.


Isn't Rey canonically stronger?

Jedis were pretty killable before the crazy power creep of extended universe and the prequels happened. Order 66 would have worked just fine in the original trilogy's premise for Jedis, except for maybe how terrible Startrooper's aim is.

Rei would probably just use some AT field bullshit

Ah yeah. Never doubt guns nigga. Fuck your gay ass laser swords.

Jedi are pussies and by order 66 all that they are good at was lightsabering and sucked at that as well.

That's Rey with a "Y". Don't bring my waifu into this.

Rei a shit, both of them.

Vader he's got more experience

>replying to yourself

The fact he has more experience than rei means he is going to lose

>Jedis were pretty killable before the crazy power creep of extended universe and the prequels happened.
The only Force users who die in the OT do so at the hands of other Force users or of their own will (Yoda). The prequels greatly nerfed them. Also, stormtroopers are actually competent in the OT and PT outside RotJ, it's Disney Wars where they're a joke.

Disney princesses always win.

Just means he's going to lose even harder to Rey.

>Tee hee I have no training with the force whatsoever and not only will I out-duel another trained user, I will also overpower the most seemingly gifted force user in ages!

Like I get his lightsaber combat isn't the best, but beating him in every facet of the force too was just fucking retarded.

Rei would Nanto Suichoken both of their asses after tapping them first.

Is it a doujin game?
If yes Vader wins and we get some rape animations.
If no then its shit because who fucking cares about some Mary Sue.

Kathlee- I mean Rey would win. She's the most badass and pretty jedi.

The force is female and Vader represents the Cis white male patriarchy so obviously Rey would win.

The superior female jedi who we actually saw train and become less annoying

How can Vader rape when his dick was seared off by the lava hot rocks of Mustafar?

Second from the left has some BIG ASS TITTIES AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

But the Force got Anakin's mom pregnant.

Vader was a bitch and it's really strange how they decided to take the new trilogy to "VADER WAS GOD VADER SO COOL I WISH I WAS VADER" when he was literally a faggot who got manipulated by the emperor, who is really who you should be emulating if you were picking a sith lord to emulate.

If we're talking actual abilities then yeah, Rei wins because she's Mary sue to the max. Vader wasn't unbeatable, however. Fucking Boba Fett held his own against vader.

Force powered robocock, do you even have to ask?

I do, with this 5.

>its been almost 30 years and theyre still arguing

>Tfw Luke can do this canonically now

This guy gets it. Doujin game means that no matter what even if they don't have a functioning dick you will get the rape scene in some way otherwise it'd be a shitty doujin game.

There were many factors to why Anakin so easily followed Palpatine throughout the Clone Wars. The two big ones was his Padawan leaving the order and not being promoted to Master despite bsing the greatest fucking Jedi of the order but still get a seat in the council.

The one with the better star cards

i fucking love you for this.

>shitty CGI wars cartoon

You're Rey, she's Rei, he's Rei, I'm Rei.
Any other Rei's I should know about?

What I'm stating doesn't have anything to do with his motives.

>not liking Clone Wars
How can anybody live with such shit taste?

Well, there's Man-Rei

pfffft, fucking WOMEN??? In my game set in WORLD WAR 2!?!?!?!? i SWEAR to FUCKING god, if these damn SJW's don't stop ruining everything in video games(like them being free from women) I wll FLIP SHIT. I am so sick and tired, of going online, only to find that the next GODDAMN CALL OF DUTY GAME HAS A FEMALE IN IT. In my opinion(the true one) Females, or any non-straight-white male characters are only put in video games becasue of this Mother Fucking SJW political movement that will never fucking end. If I see another fucking non-straigh white male in a game I am going to go to the main office of the developers of the game, and make sure to give them a STERN talking to.
I am so fed up with this shit.
I remember back when video games didn't have females in them, games like Half-Life, SWAT 4, DOOM 1-3, etc., espECIALLY BLACK FEMALES.
LIKE Seriously? What is up with fucking BLACK people, BLACK PEOPLE, MORE LIKE BLASPHEMY, AMIRITE??? BLACK PEOPLE ARE ONLY PUT IN GAMES TO APPEAL TO FUCKING SJW STANDARDS SO THEY CAN GET MORE SALES, and so they can be as little offensive as possible, so they don't hurt the little SJW fee fees.

What have fucing video games come too?

Well we need to know who spent more on loot crates before we can say.

The fuck?

I actually like Rey's design. But I wish she had kept the goggles and facewraps

I too am triggered, ugh.

kill yourself

Hey, isn't this suppose to be a kids show?

Vader you dumb cunt...

I'd say the issue is tone inconsistency rather than an absence of seriousness.

toki close second
ein a shit
shachi a big shit

I am the alt right and i am silly haha
do you like muslims yet?

Vader could've forcechoked luke if he didnt think he could be turned to the dark side and luke was so incompetent with the force he couldnt even lift a rock while doing a handstand when he left dagobah, let alone resist the sith arts.

Vader doesnt know who this little cunt is, she would be dead before she even got to see him

Like? I'm indifferent. I just accept the rule of law rather than wishing to lash out and destroy it for selfish means.

so you're a slave waiting to happen basically

>Clone episodes
>But then episode about kids in a cave not being scared or some shit

fuck this was meant for

>Stormtroopers were competent in the OT
>all those shots that missed Luke when he and Leia were swinging over that gap

What the fuck are you smoking? If they were competent, the OT would've ended there.

part of the issue is lightsaber fighting being turned into high-octane choreographed anime shit

darth maul's fight should have been the apex of CUHRAZY, not the fucking normal. star wars is ruined by Marvel/DC-tier powercreep bullhonkey when we get into this nonsense

If that's what you call not being a violent revolutionary who opposes successful government like democracy and wishes to bring back some failed 20th century ideology.

They were literally ordered by Tarkin to let them escape. Tarkin makes a big deal about it to Vader later on if it was the right decision to allow them to escape.

if people are lashing out against a government then it's not successful
reminder that 30% of this country's citizens want a revolution.

Posting superior Man-Ray

Wait, is Bariss Offee evil now? I always thought she was like the quiet kind type.

>if extremists exist then a government is not successful
What do you consider a successful government? One that results in millions dead and your nation split for half a century?

I don't remember this episode of Evangelion

Yeah she framed Ahsoka for murder that got her kicked out of the Jedi order and arrested.

The fight would rightly start with Rey getting bodied but, then shes like, ''lmao the force dude'' and she proceeds roflstomp Vader obviously.

Suzumura Rei.

The one that spent more money on lootboxes

one that where its citizens aren't fucking miserable.
30 percent is quite a lot for the wealthiest country on earth user


People can pay for crates all they want but they can't use any of them until they put a lot of time into the game

Only the stronger ones survived that's exactly what force unleashed was about, hunting down the last of the remaining Jedi. Nobody from the order during the clone wars was really all that powerful anyways. Mace Windu and Yoda were technically the most powerful, but Windu was just some laser sword nerd and would probably struggle to force pull anything weighing over 1000 lbs let alone pull a ship from orbit.

Yoda could probably pull a star destroyer out of orbit though if he really tried.

Vader let Luke beat him basically, otherwise he would've never had enough strength to kill Palpatine. At his full strength Vader was probably one of the strongest lightsaber duelists of all time while also being pretty skilled with force powers as well and having decades of experince. Rey stands literally no chance.

Considering the stuff the censor was rumored to have them to take out (like seeing decapitated heads, more extreme torture/mutilation etc).. I do wonder who the writers and directors were actually targeting as an audience..

And? All that means is that other people who put just as much time or more into the game will still be ad a disadvantage if they don't gib sheckels

So, which system is that?

No. Vader is the strongest character in SW history. Even in the new canon.

By that time you could've just bought the crates with credits

Leia literally says on the Falcon after they escape that they were let go. The Falcon was bugged so that the Imperials could follow them to the Rebel base. It's spelled out in the movie yet people like you are too stupid to figure it out.

He really isn't. There's dozens of stronger characters in the old EU

one that's actually constructed by the people for the people.

>I-its not p2w! You can grind for hundreds of hours to open 10 lootboxes!
And meanwhile some whale spends $100 and gets everything in an hour

>Vader let Luke beat him basically,
No he doesnt. Vader made it clear that if Luke wont fight him Vader will kill Luke. Meanwhile Luke is literally holding so much back, dicking around so much, that he goes so far as the turn his lightsaber off on at least 3 different occasions. The second Luke actually tries, it defeats Vader in seconds.

The rest of your post is completely correct though

This, Rey is a fucking mary sue do anything character.
People think she is the daughter of the emperor or some shit but that still doesn't explain her extreme luck and why everyone immediately trusts her.

user they're both grinding that's how progression systems work

Star Wars is shit and the Empire are the good guys

pretty sure anakin has 20x more mitochlorians. proven superior