>look up video game song on YouTube
Look up video game song on YouTube
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I fail to see what's so bad about this
why would anyone wanna listen to that garbage, anyway? it's almost never good and most video game music is hardly worth listening to for so long.
that's because you're dumb
>listening to video game music
There are exceptions, like the bully soundtrack, but most of it is not worth looking up
I hate that shit. Is it really so hard to click replay?
ad money son
>calling tracks "songs"
>ads in the middle of a song
anybody who does this should step on a fucking lego
>it's almost never good and most video game music is hardly worth listening to for so long
I think the longest I ever listened to one of those was 7 minutes of Macho Grubba from TTYD
2nd place goes to Grimm's Theme from Advance Wars
All those extended final fantasy viii songs have greatly improved my life.
post 5 tracks that are each worth listening to for 30 uninterrupted minutes
I once listened to 8 hours of a meme song at once. Holy autism.
MGR songs are so short, extended versions are 4 min long.
do...do you guys not have fuckin ublock?
Where can I find video game soundtracks?
this is the hill you wanna die on? The nomenclature associated with a piece of music?
>have playlist going as I'm massacring hordes of enemies
>next song queues up
>my erection shifts into maximum over-kill
How is ublock compared to adblock?
>going to youtube for music
really? people still do this?
I think I've listened to bramble blast/sticker bush symphony for 240 days(5700 hours). And that's just on my media player. That doesn't count any mobile devices or youtube.
>calling music "tracks"
adblock got bought, and they started letting ads get through if they got paid. So a new blocker came out, Ublock. It's just the natural progression of things. It does the same thing adblock used to do, and will follow adblock's example, undoubtedly. Then we'll move on to the next blocker.
I like reading stupid people comments
there's even a loop feature on youtube now
>paying money for music
You're dumb as hell
It's only a issue if a extender is the is the only one uploading HQ OSTs of a certain game in mind
I occasionally play youtube.com
>bouncy castle
>Can't find original anywhere
double sucks when this happens because all youtube 'singers' that do english versions all sound the damn same
>what is the ambient genre
The full neo tokyo album. Most tracks from donkey kong country 2.
>calling audio "music"
Who said he is paying money for music?
>listening to horrible bitrates
I still don't get why YouTube just adds a repeat button
>english dubs of popular foreign songs
This triggers my arbitrary autism just as much as lyrics rewritte for the opposite sex. Stop riding off their fame you hacks
But it does have one now.
>Click on video expecting game song
>Paralyzer plays
Is this a data cap thing? Is that why you're complaining about it?
>calling sound "audio"
>Look up a video song
>Click it without looking up the uploader
>Dual Mix
>Calling vibrations that travel through the air or another medium "sound”
Because it's fucking terrible if you want to add the track to a playlist.
And if you actually wanted it to repeat, you can just hit repeat.
There is NO advantage to extended versions when compared to just the normal length track
Extended tracks on youtube are fucking annoying. Never in my life have I wanted to listen to the same song on repeat for half an hour. Yet they are apparently more popular than the actual normal track and get listed higher.
but they have seamless repeating, user!
>click on video game song (applies to anime as well)
>obnoxious intro with dubstep and gangster rap at earbleeding levels plays
>rest of video is the song
>Oh wait, here's an equally obnoxious fucking outro
It's always the fucking Spanish weeb channels who do this shit
holy fuck
it's been like 8 years
I fucking remember that song
Probably because a lot of people are lazy and can't be bothered tabbing back in to youtube to hit the play button again.
>not right-clicking, then hitting repeat
>tfw all the Cuphead BGM is about 4 minutes of non-looped meticulously-composed swing music
How about entire OSTs
>Donkey Kong Country 1-3
>Castlevania SOTN+Harmony of Despair
>Most of the Mario OSTs, especially Super Mario RPG
>Banjo Kazooie
>Perfect Dark 64
>Donkey Kong 64
>Jet Set Radio+Future
>Every Pikmin
>Almost every Zelda
>All of the Metroid Primes
>MGS3 and MGS4
And there's a shitton more that work well with extended, yes I probably took the bait but if anyone hasn't heard these before I urge you to give them a listen. Fuck outta here with your trash opinion
>Entire soundtrack is a single 3 hour video
>muh playlist
Oh, so it's a problem only retards have to deal with. Thanks for explaining.
It's ragtime
Those have different songs you retarded fuckstick, putting on one song for a long period of time gets boring after a certain point
>Muh data caps
Who the fuck has data cap issues?
That's absolutely fine UNLESS
>It doesn't have timestamps in the description that link to the start of each track
They usually have timestamps for people too lazy tp find a playlist.
>Retarded fuckstick
Really got me there little guy, have a butterscotch. Also
>Those have different songs
What do you think an OST is?
Australians and Canadians?
Why don't you look at his question again you fucking inbred, they're asking for 5 singular, individual tracks that can be listened to for 30 minutes each not an entire soundtrack
>Find old Famicom soundtrack
>Soundtrack rip is only in a single video
Who is this deadeyed creampie?
that shit is SUPER useful for DnD, dont hate
>right click
they readded that to the shitty new player a while ago why do these shitters even exist anyways
Every SMT game
If you think namecalling makes you look like anything other than an adult child while you're having a conversation then basically anything I say automatically shits bricks on your credibility to even have an opinion. The reason why I posted entire OSTs is because nearly EVERY track on them is pure gold. I hope you've learned from this experience so others don't have to put up with your retarded charade of a 'debate', have a nice day fuckwad.
Eat a dick
sticker bush symphony(dk2)
tin soldiers(Neotokyo)
what the forest taught me(secret of mana)
prophesy(secret of mana)
dark star(secret of mana)
Yearnings of Wind(Chrono Trigger)
Frog's theme(Chrono Trigger)
Magus Confronted(Chrono Trigger)
Schala's Theme(Chrono Trigger)
Now go ahead and call me autistic with shit taste.
You failed, my friend. SMT IV has great music, but Tokyo falls short by about the combined lengths of every user's dick here.
I studied to nier's soundtrack and I never played the game before, this was before automata was announced
I can't work with music that has lyrics so soundtracks like niers are a godsend to me
>Checking links in a vidya music thread then switching tabs to browse other things
>Think, "Damn, this track has been going on forever and really isn't changing up very much. I want to give it a fair listen to the end, but I wonder how much is left before I can get on to the next track in the thread"
>Switch back to music thread and see that I'm ~6:30 into a 30:00 extended version of what's probably only a 3 min long song (which explains the lack of progression)
I never thought I'd see someone have that terrible taste.
The dumbest part is that video game songs usually loop 2 or 3 times in their normal duration. Then they get extended to be 6-8 times longer so you're listening to like 15+ loops.
Same, dunno how anyone could listen to Tokyo for 30 minutes. But some people are just weird, huh, user?
Honestly you could take an 5 songs from Tekken and throw that shit into a blender.
>Either 30 minutes or 1 loop which fades out before the song even finishes
I think you should kill yourself, Dilbert.
Videogames do have insert songs
It's really good when you need tunes for DnD to create maximum theming.
Also I can just listen to the same song over and over again anyways, so if I want a continuous loop for something, it's nice.
>Dark Star
Difference ublock is open source. Good luck buying it out
Dude, you're not looking hard enough. Here's some top tracks.
>listening to literal weebshit
There is?
>not listening to weebshit
>Extended songs from any channel other than BrawlBrstms
>Schala's Theme
>no Corridors of Time
Come on, you almost had me. I use both for when I'm studying.
right click the vid
my friend got some tattoos that apprently reference this show, is it any good? watched the 1st ep and it seemed kinda neat
>I can't work with music that has lyrics so soundtracks like niers are a godsend to me
But, Nier's soundtrack does have lyrics?
Fuck BrawlBTSMR or whatever that faggot's name is
You going to pass judgement on this just because it was released for a video game?