ITT: Games Sup Forums doesnt talk about anymore
>itt games i obsessively talk about people not talking about
Shame too, it's easily the best fg in 10 years
Guilty Gear xrd
still has more players than SFV :)
Did they fix the input lag on the ps4?
thats not saying much
Tekken is dead user...no crossplay killed it...it's just bots on PC now and matchmaking takes forever on PS4
>lower playercount=better game
Really makes you think
also there are 800 people in SFV and almost 2k on Tekken every day
Having 1000 concurrent players is pretty darn popular for fight game standards
also >PC fighting games
I wish I was woke enough to judge a game by how many Twitch views it has rather than how much I enjoy it
why would you not play the version with the least input lag, potential to reduce delay latency, and mods to make the game feel more personal or prettier?
Because PC fighting community is always dead the fastest.
Then you gotta wait a few years before it becomes "retro" and then it will ironically become the only place to get online matches, but still not worth the effort of stalking chatrooms and playing with autists who cant mov eon.
There was a thread about Xrd yesterday. It's not talked about often because it was banished to /vg/, but it's talked about here on occasion too.
Theres going to be a DLC announcement this weekend so Sup Forums is going to be talking about it again
because I play arcsys games and those always release on JP consoles before PC on top of having fewer overall players, and I'm not gonna buy the same thing twice
That's true, but it's still the best version of Xrd just because you can get the input latency down to like 1ms if you're willing to play with settings
No shit, fightan has been dead for ages.
SFV had 200K Twitch viewers at Evo and millions on TV
Like he said, fightan is dead
So where are the players?