ITT: the absolute worst characters in vidya history
ITT: the absolute worst characters in vidya history
what autistic deviantart RPG maker walking simulator does this come from?
i can see why you may believe that, but it's actually from Shin Megami Tensei 4: Apocalypse.
Jesus fucking christ. Please tell me this isn't a major recurring character because my brother just lent me SMTIVA and if this is what's waiting me I may as well drop it before I start.
Why do people dislike her again?
virtually a no name npc in IV gets a major role in Apocalypse. Not as bad as Midori in Devil Survivor let alone vidya history but probably the worst character in mainline SMT.
>cool photographer in IV
>retarded valley-girl in Apocalypse
One of the many many many reasons that game sucks.
youre saying this about a game where toki exists
>atrocious, appalling animu design that as said looks completely un-SMT
>leader of some fucking gay "fairy forest" a completely new, 100% retarded concept
>does LITERALLY nothing during the entire 60 hour fucking story in SMT4A, shows up, helps you for no reason whatsoever, sucks your dick constantly like every character besides gaston, and just barely ever talks and could be effortlessly written out completely
nozomi is way worse than toki, toki at least has a semi-interesting role/background and a good design.
Retard glasses
i heard it was better than 4? i played the fuck out of 4 when it first came out and just started this today. when does it get good? i just killed the angel and met flynn/navarre
alright well at least I know. I might still give it a shot to see if I enjoy it but I can already tell the more I see her the more angry I'm going to get.
Toki is far more worse than Nozomi. Asahi as well. Actually matter in fact all the characters aside from Dadga and the protagonists are pretty fucking annoying.
>hating Krishna's gang
fucking hell, if she had the pants of that first design and the short hair and goggles around the neck she would look great. Her shirt and cape are actually a pretty nice, slick, kaneko-esque design but everything from the neck up and waste down is just a disaster
SMT 4 and 4A have an extremely frustrating dynamic. SMT 4 has a great story, characters, and atmosphere, but some really frustrating gameplay design choices that almost ruin the whole game (especially the fucking horrific world map). SMT 4A is basically the same game but every gameplay problem is fixed flawlessly, creating the best gameplay in the series by lightyears, but every other aspect is 100 times worse. The story would be completely irredeemable if not for based daddy Dagda, one of the greatest characters in SMT, and the fact that you can kill all of your faggot friends
Relentless moralfagging for a persona themed route exclusive to apocalypse
Gaston is cool. He has a good design, actually has a fucking character arc (an unbelievable rarity in SMT), and doesn't instantly suck the MCs dick 24/7 for no reason. Hallelujah on the other hand is probably the most pointless character ever, and I laughed out loud when they revealed his edgy strawberry-haired demon form.
The worst fucking part is that the game constantly acts like it's giving you a choice to tell some faggot to fuck off or live your shit worthless turd friends to die and if you pick the "bad" option Nozomi just interrupts and says "Nanashi don't be ridiculous!" and it just chooses the good option for you.
Oh shit I forgot about Krishna
Gaston had a really great arc but it was really predictable. Hallelujah was respectable up that shitty plot twist. I was really hoping he'll just be some normal ass kid who was leader of whatever the hell gang
>chooses the good option for you
alright fuck that bullshit. I'm not playing this game.
she was way hotter when I had to use my imagination as to what she looked like
I would still give the game a try. Even just for the gameplay.
and so you can develop your own opinion you mindless fucking sheep
It's worth playing, it has some pretty fun shit going on, Nozomi is just kind of annoying.
>no crusader armor for Nanashi
Why is this allowed?
>His Army
don't worry, you can kill her
I dunno she was kinda cool. I don't really get people's beef. It's cool that a minor sidequest character from the previous game became a major party memeber in the sequel, too.
>SMT 4 has a great story, characters
You win.
>Some literal who from a literal what game
Who gives a shit. If I make some shitty game with RPG Maker 2003 and I make the shittiest character does that qualify too?
I thought the divine powers were pretty cool
Pretty much all the companions bar Gaston were really fucking irritating in Apocalypse.
but you still can't side with them
worse, your dumbass party won't even stop whining about friendship for five seconds to try and understand what they're trying to do
Gaston was more irritating than all the others together if you decided to use him as your partner
this... is awful.
This is SMT IV?
I was mean to Isabeau when she's first encountered, but then the dog told me to be nice and things continued as normal. Cut 30-40 or however many hours later, when Isabeau is dying at my feet she recalls the first moment she ever met me, and how I didn't help her, and how she's always hated me from that moment.
Fucking worth it.