Best hero coming through
Best hero coming through
>tfw you've started playing a shitload of dota IMBA recently
I-it's f-fun!
I've tried on multiple occasions to get into this game, but it's just so damned complicated.
Trust me, it gets easier very quickly. If you really want help just watch a random purgegamers video
>no need for sceptre anymore
You will never pull off a one man gang bang
Not worth it, I used to play (got like 2.6k hours) but it's infuriating playing against Russians all the time and spending on average more than 40 min per game.
>but it's infuriating playing against Russians all the time
if you have a good behavior score you'll be grouped with nice people
>spending on average more than 40 min per game.
turbo mode nigga
shows how ignorant you are
dota turbo exists, game time literally cut in half, even casuals can enjoy it now
Excuse me, Best hero coming through.
>0 agility
>0 armor
>massive status resistance
This change is actually pretty hilarious. You just build for massive one-hit on tiny and get an aeon disk as well. Free Unlimited BKB.
>tfw you land your stun on the enemy team
>tfw the ult is just right
>tfw 100% lifesteal
>turbo mode
dumb catposter
Turbo mode is unironically more fun to play than normal.
>Hit level 15
>Money leaking from every orifice
Doom is so good now.
>Best hero
>Useless vs almost every single Carry
>Not a loli
>Can't 1v1 PA
>Cant do Jack shit vs towers
>Not Part of the Bone kingdom
Shitty Wizard
>that tit leaking out
>Lifts you out of life drain
>Wipes your team
>Presses E
>Dagons PA
Nothin Personell, Pugna.
>wasting 10 minutes to farm before you can take tier 2 and another 10 minutes to take highground
dota turbo is a blessing
>used to play
>turbo mode added 8 days ago
Oh shit, I'm sorry for not keeping up with a game I have no interest in playing
This is objectively true.
Playing Tinker (the hero for the Thinker man) changes the entire game and cleans up well.
I know everyone gets silly things at level 25 but,
>100% cleave
That's fucking awesome.
>playing 0 armor hero in this patch
When is the purest waifu Maiden getting some buffs?
Ilexa when
I've not played in ages. Is he still ebola cancer?
Turbo mode is unbalanced as fuck.
Not only unranked are already painful you want to add even more fuckery.
It doesn't matter that it's unbalanced.
What matters is that most people playing turbo are the chillest dota players I've ever seen in my life.
Like holy shit, a Venge was feeding on my team and one faggot on my team started flaming her and asking in all chat to report her.
Literally every single reply was
>Chill out dude, it's turbo mode
>It's turbo mode faggot, have fun for 15 minutes and try again
It's magical. I'm actually having fun with dota again.
God bless there's no stats recorded with these matches
It's unbalanced because every hero can be fucking good. That being said, it's fucking fun and you're a depressed loser if you think otherwise.
Every hero can't be good in that mode, some heroes are meant to scale better than others with money and/or exp and the mode has hyper scaling.
have you seen her attack speed talent?
>Best hero
So you are saying that crit maiden is viable?
>that video of insta-killing an ancient