Is there a way to cheese through White Palace

Is there a way to cheese through White Palace
It's full of fucking shit really
Inb4 git gud memes

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The only kind of cheese you can get to help you is Hiveblood. As for the platforming itself you do indeed have to git gud.
It's not really that hard or anything. Dunno about the new sections they added in the DLC though.

It's absolutely ridiculous.

Do you get any rewards from this or is it an entirely optional challenge?

Hiveblood or a combination of deep focus and grubsong or something.

I think theres guides that allow you to skip some sections, but pulling that off might be just as hard as completing it regularly.

White palace would be fun, if only it was like 1/3 or even 1/4 of the length

Honey charm+deep focus+grub charm (focus gain when taking damage) is what I used

You get cucked at the end

You already get cucked by Zote, no need getting through the Path of Pain for that.

holy fuck. I'm having trouble with early game shit. Just getting to that one nailmaster in Greenpath was hard enough for me.

It's called Path of Pain for a reason.

Can we have a proper Hollow Knight thread? I bought it way back when it was released but didn't play it long (I got then to Fungal Wastes and messed aroun there a bit).

Now (because of Halloween update) I bought new pad for this and Cuphead and am addicted to Hollow Knight like it was crack. This morning I got to Monarch Wings.

Bad thing is I have ~5000 coins in cash and several relics to sell but no fucking way to spend the coins after buying out Longlegs shop, maps shop and the guy-who-sells-the-lamp shop. I also bought everything sans the last charm notch upgrade from the fat lady in Forgotten Crossroads.

Where the fuck is the money sink? I know that if I put the cash in the bank the lady is gonna jew me out and run to the location I don't have key for yet (though I spoiled myself where to get the key, I even was there but was to lazy to explore the whole thing). So, it basically means I will get 2500 geo more (I probably spoiled myself with the wiki too much).

How do I spend it??

Agreed, it was fun at the start but then it slowly drained my will to live

Yeah, the game has real issues with the lack of goldsinks in the late game. I finished my first playthrough with like 20-30k.

White Palace IS fun. It's a nice diversion from the traditional easy metroidvania into slightly more hardcore platforming proper.
WP only has two annoying/hard spots, both very similar. One hallway with the saws coming in and out of the floor and ceiling, and another hallway like that but with spikes instead. The rest of the platforming is only mildly challenging.

You need 15k for the Divine.

late game? I don't think I entered late game yet, I just did the 2nd nail upgrade and have 1 spell upgraded, basically I reached stuff you can reach when you have the crystal dash skill, like the greenpath nailmaster. I have ~14 hours in my playthrough, I'm yet to visit the area I unlocked by beating the mantis lords.

Tbh the travel times between locations and no good shortcuts is the real problem in this game.

>I'm yet to visit the area I unlocked by beating the mantis lords.

You don't need to beat them for that, they're an optional boss.

Yeah, you need to save up some more for the nail upgrades, but after that the money just keep coming.
>I have ~14 hours in my playthrough
The first playthrough might take 30-40 hours depending on how thorough you are with your exploration and if you're going for the true ending or not.

maybe not, but the point is I wasnt in that area yet and considering the mantis lords weren't that hard you can go there pretty early.

>they're an optional boss.
No reason not to beat them the first time you're going through the area. They have rather basic pattern attacks, so you don't need an upgraded nail or anything.

I had to do several attempts because I wanted to do them in a fancy way (with spell charms), the moment I stopped trying to heal and just focused on dodging they were really easy.

I've watch some LPs and it's really painful seeing people trying to heal all the time. Yet when the game offers them opportunity to heal when they knockdown bosses, they just keep attacking.

Money sink is in upgrading your breakable charms to unbreakable, but even then it's not hard if you're good at beating the colloseum trials.

with mantis lords I was trying to use Quick Focus which I had then recently bought and heal when the first mantis throws the projectile. Even with quick focus I did get hit most of the time when I could've just used the energy for my own projectile.

Quick focus was really helpful with the boss guarding the Monarch Wings though (Broken Vessel?), I think that I couldn't have done it without it.

How do you upgrade them?

Talk to Divine, part of the Grimm Troupe DLC.

The Grim Troupe expansion adds some really large money sinks.

The easiest way to deal with the Broken Vessel/Lost Kin is to just dps him down. Descending Dark spam does wonders, you don't have to use soul for healing if the boss loses health faster than you do.

This. With quick nail you can easily stun lock the dude. When the game first came out people complained about him a great deal because they tried to play defensively. Just aggressively rush the guy and you'll kill him faster than he kills you. Likewise with the trial of fools boss.

Any way to get it if I pirated the game?
Yes I do in fact feel like a piece of shit, but only for this game

Just buy it. Australia's crippled industry needs the support.

>the game has real issues with the lack of goldsinks in the late gam
They added one in last update, you can upgrade fragile charms to non-breakable for the humble amount of 15+12+8k

Dude, it's tens of hours of content, great gameplay visuals and music for only 350 pyб and you still pirated it? You can't possibly be THAT poor.

I'll keep that in mind, I unlocked the descending dark but didn't use it so far, I am about to get back to the waterways boss that looks like a pile of shit that spits out bugs. It's disgusting and I was too weak to take it on, I hope that he will die pretty fast now

What's the best build to aim for when starting a new game?

DD also gives you brief iframes during and shortly after the spell animation, so it's very exploitable. Not sure about Howling Wraiths/Abyss Shriek.
You can swap charms at any bench, so you're not committed to any particular "build". In fact, it's best to swap charms depending on the situation. For example False Knight doesn't give you any Soul when you hit him, because you're effectively hitting his armor, so using a magic focused build for this fight isn't the best idea.

aquire skills

Path of Pain has quite generous checkpoints so there's no excuse for not doing it unless you suck at platforming. The last part is the only bullshit part and you need really good timing.

Flukemarm is easy as long as your nail is upgraded enough to kill the flukes in one hit. From there you just pogo on top of her and slash any flukes they fly at you. It's considerably harder if it takes you multiple hits to kill a fluke.

This is what broke the game for me.

I'm a gentleman of the more ham-fisted persuasion, and as good as I found out I can faceroll difficult bosses with joni's blessing + stalwart shell I never had to git gud

That's really not gonna work against the harder content though.

>Stuck on trial of fools, keep dying, must be close to the end
>say fuckit, look up a guide
>find out im dying less than halfway through

White palace was a breeze compared to this. It takes like 10 minutes every attempt to get back to where you were

It has worked for all bosses so far,
Obviously it doesnt work for the colloseum

All I need to do still is the radiance (hollow knight went down easy)
And whatever the new update throws at us

Fun game.
Wish it wouldn't freeze.

Hiveblood, use the Ducktales pogo to avoid damage, feel free to cheese the last boss but again, Ducktales pogo and midair dashing are your best friends.

Obv leave the damn trial to be the last thing you do in the game.

t. did Steel Soul

Yes, actually

this fucking liar. the video says hitless but you can see how he "pauses" the game between sections, showing he replayed it.

Opening the menu while falling makes you fall faster.


>dark, gloomy abyss littered with what looks to be corpses and with ambient droning as its background music
>safest area in the game, with easy enemies that stop attacking you atfer you complete a certain objective and no bosses
>heavenly palace, literal dreamland, with angelic harp music playing in the background
>hardest area in the game
What did they mean by this?

Probably that your little protagonist is safest in the dark where he belongs and very vulnerable in heavenly environs. Being a literal hollow knight n all.

Holy shit user I knew you could skip a part or two but this is some serious cheese

They patched all the glitch switch ones, but other than that yeah there's a fair few. Shitload of secrets, too.

>Shitload of secrets, too.
I can only think of Pale Lady's nursery and Pale King's laboratory

Okay, I'm using this from now on.
>No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses.

hollow knight is my favorite metrovania

yep, I tried to kill it when it took me 2 hits to kill a fluke. It was fucking impossible to keep up.

Ori and the Blind Forest is great too, but Hollow Knight is (I think) a whole grade better.

Radiance is worse than White palace, so brace yourself.

it's optional so if you're bad you don't have to do it

How do I Nightmare Grimm?

i just lost all my geo (around 6k). I fought the hollow knight and died, but my shade respawned in the teacher's archive -- the last place i died. i went to find my shade there, but it was no where to be found. returned to the black egg temple and it was there. i killed it and got 1 geo. no will to continue playing to unlock other areas i haven't been to yet.

why don't you use cheat engine to give yourself this geo?

what did you still need that geo for?
it's pretty simple to get all the geo you need for 100%

Why you didnt talk to jiji?

Can I just say, I really appreciate a game doing the Dark Souls plot in a way that makes sense and can actually be followed as you play the game