Was banning Chibi really the right thing to do for the speedrunning community?
Was banning Chibi really the right thing to do for the speedrunning community?
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It all fell apart when the events around them started becoming Jewish
Technically no as I don't think his run was even submitted correct?
Cheating ruins his integrity as a runner.
If he cheats during one run and the implication is he's going for a WR, who's to say he didn't cheat at any other point in time?
thats a dude, chibi
yes. Speedrunning community should die
>Chibi fucked a tranny
What's your excuse Sup Forums?
I don't like fucking trannies?
It looks like a tranny but I recall looking her up and it’s actually a real girl. Am I wrong?
No you're not wrong, she is a girl, she just has a feminine penis
You if give the deserved punishment to every degenerate, there would be no speedrunning community. Maybe except that guy with the Owen Wilson jokes, but they gave him the boot pretty quickly . After all, a drop of normality could poison the spring of degeneracy.
Speedruns = married whore who fucks 50 fags while husband is bing bing wahoo-ing, tranny faggots high on zeldas, chair sniffing fat fucks, pony plushie wielding skeletons and fat alberts. LETS-A GO! kys
it identifies a woman so it's a woman
the penis means nothing
man, i sure do pity your life
I guarantee you're more pathetic than the people you're bashing right now.
The attention clearly wasn't the right thing for him.
It was like watching a toddler running around with a knife. Fun when it began, but sad when he eventually had hurt himself.
pretty sure having disgust for reprobates and degenerates isn't pathetic
Why the fuck is speedrunning community so autistic and full of trannies and faggots?
Which one from the list are you faggot
You don't know him, dum dum. He could be the CEO of a very big corperation as far as you know.
they like attention and their autism stems from their failed attempts for attention.
So then they go down the autism acceptance path.
Was remaking this thread really the right thing to do for Sup Forums?
The popular speedrunners like Trihex and Caleb seem normalfag as fuck in comparison, though. And Jap speedrunners also seem pretty normal, especially compared to some other otaku communities like idolfags. But yeah, stay away from where the trannies have infested, like GDQ.
Reminder he broke up with her, then got a new gf, then broke up again after a couple months
Are there any speedrumners that aren't trannies/ fuck trannies?
This. chibi was an idiot for the cheat and thinking he could pulled it off but he is just so hopelessly naive and even now he thinks he is a part of the community and that's just plain sad.
And the couch incident itself was nowhere near as bad as a certain person last event was, and that person got off scotfree despite rulebreaking and "inflammatory actions on camera".
Back to neogaf you go fag
kill yourself
caveman should have called out chibi before the run even began.
Mental illness is a prerequisite for speedrunning, so it's really not a surprise.
but yes, you are correct
Yeah he should have. He probably expected that chibi would be quiet and respectful like most people at these events.
>tfw chibi has a qt trap gf and i'm all alone
it's not fair
you can be my qt trap gf user.
>certain person last event
Elaborate? Did I miss something?
>tranny running
into the gaschamber it goes.
Not-so-likable people should be banned from any community. If you ever go to a public reddit discord or whatever, and enter voice chat with them, you get blasted to death by turbo-sperg speech within seconds.
trihex isnt even a speedrunner at this point. he doesnt even play games on his stream 75% of the time. I saw him streaming the other day and he was just idling mario odyssey for most of the stream.
oh god that is making me hurt
who even came up with that disgusting operation, you are literally mutilating people
>"people" are trying to normalize this
guy is better looking than her but alo has the vibe of being a virgin. She must be his first girlfriend and dominates all aspects of his life.
its a dude
What does he do nowadays?
How come everyone gets a girlfriend but me?? I'm interesting
don't be fucking bigots
The wonders of technology...
protomagicalgirl who apparently is Super Hot.
What the actual fuck
>And the couch incident itself was nowhere near as bad as a certain person last event was, and that person got off scotfree despite rulebreaking and "inflammatory actions on camera".
someone give me the quick rundown.
Because he disagrees with you on a pretty mild political issue?
Man, I pity your life.
The ''Virgin any%er''
Even worse.
The CHAD speedrunner
They aren't though. Most trans people agree that the operation is retarded.
Stop forming your world view off of memes and screen caps.
>Twitch is the world's most depressing website
more like transition any%
Who's this cute girl?
That sweater is such a trademark.
Too bad he's retired from speedrunning and has an actual job now.
That's why nobody does it and the medical community hasn't shunned the procedure, right? Pull your head out of your "neo-vagina."
As the games done quick events stopped being about niche hobbyists getting together and having a big ol' party was when the speedrunning community went completely into the shitter. Used to be they'd actually have fun because they could do what they wanted and act how they wanted with no regrets or consequences, and there wasn't any serious goal to be had; the speedrunning was just there as a centerpiece. Now these autists get locked up into the event hall and are told to make twitch more money, constantly plugging in the "charity" drive they've been running where only like 2% actually goes to charities while twitch and the gdg enforcers pocket the rest. I've long since stopped watching it, they don't want to change the lineup because twitch is scared unpopular runs/runners aren't profitable, everything is about the stupid shitty drama that happens, and the people who still want to be a part of the speedrunning community basically get told to suck corporate dick if they want to be in. Shit's fucking scummy as fuck, shit.
poor, poor chibi
even autismlords don't deserve to get cucked this hard
i cant find chibis twitch or twitter anywhere
he disappeared completely
Reminder that Chibi's life is much better off than the stupid fucks in this thread who are making fun of him.
>Is financially independent
>In a new relationship with another girl that's been good all year long
>Has a stable job that pays well
>Went back to school and is on track to graduate despite suffering from crippling anxiety
I think you stupid fucks are just jealous that after all the years you were bashing him he did what you couldn't. Live a normal happy life.
god it makes my dick hurt watching it
This. And people don't want to admit it, but Chibi single handidly put GDQ on the map as being culturally relevant when he showed world what an autist Caveman is.
That angle and lights makes him look decent
>implying everyone here is a NEET
Chibi pls go
Banning speedrunning is ultimately the right thing to do for the speedrunning community.
Ya'll need help.
Werster ain't much better, though. He is literally a cuckold. He can't attend GDQs because he has to raise his wife's son.
you didnt answer my question about his twitch or twitter which he disappeared completely from the internet. no trace of him whatsoever
Chibi won.
>I think you stupid fucks are just jealous that after all the years you were bashing him he did what you couldn't. Live a normal happy life.
mmm delicious projection
what the fuck is that shit on his upper lip, wipe that shit off nigga
>t. Chibi
So is it really a tranny?
Really. Wow. I've watched some older ones here and there just to see how they beat some of the games so quickly. Fucking gay it's turned into shit.
no. they split up though. at least he got to use his condoms.
>trannies look like real women
>real women somehow look worse than trannies
anyone else really thinking here?
No you stupid fuck. This may be hard for you to believe but Chibi is actually normal now and girls have been saying he's cute for awhile now.
OPs pic is no longer his gf.
Jesus fuckin' christ.
Is this the guy that had a small mental breakdown during a Goldeneye speedrun?
Why are transfags so over represented in gaming communities?
The world's almonds have been warped by memes.
Let me guess. His "gf" is a tranny.