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is he still sucking on kojimas conk?

He's the archetypal YouTube commentator like so many of them - just regurgitating news you can read in 30 seconds for yourself.

for a board that supposedly hates e-celebs, you guys awfully post a lot of e-celeb shit.

and dont give me that
>Sup Forums is one person

>imagine wanting to look like Kojimbo

Why arent you a content creator yet?

he was right

lol ching chong chink

>for a board that supposedly hates e-celebs
im honestly confused on why you think this
have you spent even an hour here?

>its yeeeeeeong here, and heres some news you already read on 6 different websites!

hes a rare successful american or canadian azn who has an individuality unlike other western azn pussies

i cheer for him

I only browse Sup Forums

I only like his kojima stuff. Everything else is just an echochamber of every other outlet. He also has no opinion of his own anymore and he cares too much about his subscribers opinions. Grow some balla yong


He's a bland faggot with zero personality who was only ever relevant because he parroted MGS news and other people's shitty theories for a while.

literally who?

>Makes theories just like everyone else about how Nuclear the game would be
>Becomes a total cuck when the game was disappointing

Literally the dullest voice on YouTube


I'm working on starting being one, except I'll actually create content, not just reading old news with the most boring voice ever
I like yong though, but he very rarely has anything trully special to say.
He BTFO'd CD Projekt Red enough to make them respond, and that was great, I wish he would do more stuff like that

yeah but all tubers like that
i dont watch e-celeb garbage but unironically diversity aint that bad. popular azn tubers or game journos are rare so its better theres such a azn who at least has balls. theres ian miles chang but hes a bit too alt-right leaning.

>Dude it's ok if I do a racist accent cause I'm a chink lmao
Defend it

He's tri lingual

and he makes more money than you do

>have you spent even an hour here?
well clearly its your first day here since you think that eceleb shit is ok to discuss on Sup Forums.

Holy fuck how new are you really? Im not even him but wow dude.

It's funny because neo-Sup Forums still got heavily influenced by ecelebs like Anita when you see certain posts on the threads about certain games featuring """"badly represented"""" female characters.

Once I have either a steady job or live somewhere other than a dorm while studying and can afford good equipment I've thought about doing something like that. The problem is I could go in a dozen directions but I feel like carving a niche down one path is the smartest way to do things, like looking at everything through a certain unique lens. I'd need to give a lot more thought to it before I could settle on one or two focuses because I could discuss a LOT of different shit if I wanted to.

had to unsubscribe, because i always cringe in the end

stop shilling that gook youtuber fucking pathetic piece of shit

why the fuck does youtube keep recommending him to me

He sets off my commie radar.
Could be because he's an Asian railing on big companies and the fact when that usually happens here it's literal Chinses communists.

he's way better than Jim Sterling. Although I still prefer Rags or Top Hats and Champagne

I wonder if he's latching onto "CDPR has poor management" just for sensationalism.

>barely any foreigners worked at CDPR until Witcher 3
>no negative feedback from Polish emplyees
>start hiring foreign devs for Witcher 3
>suddenly CDPR is not good and they're abusing their employees

Fucking spoiled westerners.


dat perfect spanish




Where the fuck did this chink come from? He just one day appeared in my recomendations.

I'm impressed. He sounds like a boricua lol

Same with AlphaOmegaSin and Dreamcastguy. Such annoying forced "catchphrases."

Holy shit CDPR is a disaster guys, not even westacuck can defend this, the game effectively only truly start pre-prod last year

That's literally burger flipper wages. I made more than that working only 20 hours a week and that was after taxes.


That's a decent salary for sitting around reading blogs and making videos every day or so.
It's better than being unemployed or working at a low wage profession.

However, certain interests require you to work at a normal job to gain access to expensive stuff e.g. sciences and artificial intelligence.

Wrong you dipshit.
I don't waste my attention on """gaming journalism"""

Young brings news and it's always clear when he is making value judgments.

Per month? In US or Canada? Not even close enough to live on. But in a country where standard is $500-600? Yeah, that's real fucking nice and with potential to grow.

I like watching YONG YEAH but he’s the biggest kojima cock sucker

Being a "Content Creator" is more of a part-time job, than a full time one. Unless if you're actually making film with proper direction and merit. Yong just sits at his desk reading blogs.

kek, what the fuck is he trying to prove?

Don't forget his Patreyong.

Because I don't enjoy living in poverty?

>300k subs and hundred thousand views per videos
I doubt he's poor.

Stop putting loot boxes in your games.

I was just going by that picture. I don't watch youtubers/streamers and don't know anything about him

Wow, pretty good.

He is planning on killing and wearing Kojima's skin.

>Let me take this small new, and make a 15min.
>Let me take this subject and make 10 videos about it.

Fuck this guy.