
>Came out 2 weeks ago
>Discussion already almost gone

>Breath of the Wild
>Came out 7 months ago
>Sup Forums still talks about it every single day

It's becoming very obvious which is the better game.

Or everyone is busy playing it

odyssey is great fun but there's a reason nintendo saw botw fit to take up an entire e3 on its own. botw is just that good. it's been goty since the start of the year. sets a new standard. actually kind of worried the next zelda won't be as good. hopefully it's even better though

>DLC for BotW just comes out
>"people are still playing it"
wow, what a shocker

Shit posting console warriors have always had trouble with BOTW so they just keep trying, with Odyssey they just say bing bing wahoo and call it a day.

Botw had a lot more to talk about, it's still ground breaking and one of a kind. Odyssey is a great game, but it's exactly what you expect, there isn't as much to say.

We have multiple threads on Odyssey every hour, are you high?

Besides, if quantity of threads is proof of why a game is good, then Battleborn would have to be good.

Maybe it is, have you played it?

>>Sup Forums still cries about it every single day

haha ftfy

Such riveting discussion, chap.

Why would I play such a shit game?

To be honest if they wornk with the base they built for BotW, they should make a better game in less development time.

Just add more variety of shrines and proper dungeons and you get a 10/10.


I hope they do but you can never be sure. this isn't 90's nintendo anymore

Your thread is shit, fuck off, fag.


What's up with these threads constantly trying to pit the two games against each other? Both are fucking great and easily GOTY contenders.

Pretty much this.

There isn't much to talk about. Ita one of the modt casual 3D mario games ever released and its pretty straight forward and atandard fare. The only new mechanic is the capture mechanic and the game doesn't do a good job of utilizing it properly in most cases. It's mainly only used to reach out of the way moons, but mario can get most moons without capturing by just abusing hat throws. There's absolutely nothing to talk about with the story, and the music is decent but not very memorable.

I'm enjoying Mario far more, I can't see myself ever going back to Zelda after my first run of it. Also I can't believe people apparently sperged so hard over the ending, it was fucking great. Anime as fuck, Sonic-tier climax out of nowhere.

Yeah, Odyssey.

Sup Forums just can't let it go. This isn't about BotW being a 10/10 game or whatever. It runs deeper than that.

This is all about the humiliation this board suffered at the hands of Nintendo. After nearly a year-long hate campaign of shit posting, cherry picking screenshots and flat out spreading lies, Sup Forums attempted everything in it's power to belittle the game and Nintendo's new console.

You could audibly hear their jaws drop in absolute fucking horror when BotW turned out to one of the best games of all time, single-handedly turned the Switch into a massive overnight success and proved once again that Nintendo were at the cutting edge of game design.

Mario Odyssey was just as critically appraised but the saltyness from that game cuts nowhere deep into Sup Forums's psyche like BotW.

They'll never get over it and that's why they've spent the past NINE FUCKING MONTHS trying to rationalise the whole affair in their minds.

>They'll never get over it and that's why they've spent the past NINE FUCKING MONTHS trying to rationalise the whole affair in their minds.

You're deluded if you think the BotW threads are being made by anyone but the Nintentoddlers themselves.

This board is NintendoGAF. BotW is the only decent game on the Switch, but funnily enough it can be emulated and runs better than on the Switch itself.

What other game do the toddlers have to wave around while screaming "NINTENDUMINASHUUUUUUN!!!11!1" like they always do?


And let's not even get started on the utter joke that was ARMS.

Now the same shitty journalists that made them bawl their eyes out giving Uncharted 10/10s have given the same obligatory treatment to WAHOO and HUT, and they're predictably spamming Sup Forums with obnoxious garbage to justify their purchase.

The reality is these games are alright. They're good, but really nothing special. I won't bother with a numerical score because the whole system is tainted by modern journos.
You're a genuine brainlet if you think that the two latest Mario and Zelda titles are "the best games ever made". They are both about as innovative as a hands free soap dispenser.

This is why everyone hates you insufferable faggots. You're mostly underage screeching sperglords, and those of you that aren't consistantly act like it.


They need to come up with a pointless gimmick for the next game.

>an actual living breathing human being took the time to type this out

Can we please post mario odyssey webms of impressive gameplay? I saw one guy post his run of the poison waves level which was pretty nice. I didn't know you could hat dive mid air until that.
Anyone have moar?

>Unironically using Sup Forums as your standard for what is considered a good game
You literal retard.

>Breath of the Wild
>Came out 7 months ago
>Sup Forums still talks about it every single day
That's because BotW is available on PC.

That's because Odyssey is pretty much what everyone has expected, while BotW is a huge letdown for quite some people.

there are some people let down by botw but they are in the vast minority. they're just really vocal about it

I loved Odyssey, I think its the most creative vidya to come out for years.

... but after 30 mins playing it I get burned out. I'll pick up the game for a little bit and just have my fill for a few days, not wanting to go back to it for a while. I'm not even sure why that is.

Odyssey = play it for two days and forget about it.


>get catastrophically, mercilessly BTFO
>"Y-you have autism..."

>the more I type. the more btfo they are. hehehe I gottem this time
wish I had fries to go with this salt

>Nintendo brainlets are so dumb they're still using memes from 2012

BotW is terrible. At least Odyssey looks decent.

What DLC my dude? Please don't tell me you're referring to the Xenoblade suit

>he says as he posts an even older meme

>two days
If you're just rushing straight to the end without even seeing the whole of each world, sure. A lot of the kingdoms only force you through maybe half of the level and then try to shove you out the door, Seaside is especially guilty of this. If you actually 100% as intended of a collectathon it should last you at least a week.


>Dude, there was, like, this Moon that was totally in a high place in this level, so I jumped a few platforms and got into a pipe, which teleported me to it!

There's no opportunity for cool conversations in Odyssey, while BotW, as flawed as it is (poor performance, PS2 graphics, terrible dungeons, lackluster enemy variety), was built around the concept of letting you go on an adventure, creating your own stories, and succeeded at that. Barely any platforming challenges in Mario Odyssey and most moons were randomly placed in each level, which aren't even big. BotW is a MUCH better as a game.

>every individual reaction gif is a stand-alone meme in it's own right

Keep going kid you're hilarious

>Switch has three of the best games of the year so it sucks!

Mario is stale as fuck and this new Zelda is a sort of reboot back to it's original form, 3D Mario is just Mario 64 with new stuff.

ugh...this shit again. Can we just not???!!!!

Stupid shits, Mario bing bing wahoo is the past. It doesnt pushes the medium. It just panders toward nostalgiafags and their useless and prehistoric hard on for "skill".

HZD > Zelda

Even if we want to talk about stupid silly games with no profound themes, Knack 2 is equal or better than Mario

i wish I could, mate but I have to go to bed. work and all that

>(BotW) was built around the concept of letting you go on an adventure, creating your own stories, and succeeded at that

Ahh, now I see why Nintenbros love it so much.
Babbie's first open world simulator.

I don't think a Nintenbro would say BotW had PS2 graphics, terrible dungeons, poor performance and lackluster enemy variety. They'd say it was perfect.

>Switch has three of the best games of the year so it sucks!
>Switch has three of the best games
>has three of the best

Nintentards can't even count, let alone argue. Kek.

And make the game less piss easy with food
And more enemy variety
And no weapon breaking or at least a way to repair/improve those weapons
And more stamina from the start as a QoL feature.
And make the world less empty and with more tasks to do other than shitty seeds.

Next BOTW game needs a lot more work on it, this feels like a beta.

>Babbie's first open world simulator.
I love this meme.

BotW treats the player with more respect and intelligence than most of its peers and is ultimately far more sophisticated in its game design than any other open world title you can mention. Other titles seem infantile by comparison. Good luck trying to refute that my salty little crybaby.

Splatoon + BOTW + Odyssey = 3


>game has fire physics, enemies that will pick up weapons and fish that swim away from you

I'm not sure what's funnier about you toddlers, your complete lack of self awareness of your utterly shallow frame of reference.

Honestly, as someone who loves BotW, I actually have some of these same criticisms, especially the enemy variety (No Darknuts or Like Likes? Not even a Leevar? Come on...), but I love it still since it was such a bold new take on Zelda. Sure, the open world market has been oversaturated by the likes of Ubisoft and their thousands of Assassin's Creed games, but for Nintendo's first open world game (Besides Xenoblade...), they did a lot of things right that not a lot of open world games were doing, like actually letting you discover the world around you instead of following a marker the game put down so you can access more of the world. There is still room for improvement, but that just means there is room for the next game to be even better. Frankly, I'm optimistic for the future of Zelda.


>Best game of the year
>Best anything

Wow, it was even compared in a negative light, nice reading comprehension there champ.

>respects the player intelligence
>sophisticated game design

>Link! Link!
>There are FIVE (5) control units you have to activate in this DIVINE BEAST!
>You will only be able to access the DIVINE BEAST boss and save my soul if you activate the FIVE (5) control units!
>You need a MAP of the DIVINE BEAST first!
>Once you collect the MAP, you'll need to find the FIVE (5) control units to fully control the DIVINE BEAST and defeat the boss!
>I'll remind you how many control units you have left with each one you activate! The other champions will tell you the same thing in all other DIVINE BEASTS, no matter if you've cleared one, two or three of them before!

Name a better shooter released this year Ill wait :)

Yeah you can't name a single game can you?

Starwars Battlefront 2
Destiny 2

There's 4, now go kill yourself aspie.

Reminder that this is four different characters in the game that tell you this, you can skip the text if you don't want to hear it, and any of these four dungeons could be someone's first, due to the open nature of the game.
Still, I wish the dungeons had a bit more variety.

>What's up with these threads constantly trying to pit the two games against each other? Both are fucking great and easily GOTY contenders.

Dunno...best i can come up with is the anti-Nintendo brigade are trying to pit the 2 sets of fans against each other and then "Sony Wins" or some such nonsense.

lol and?

BOTW open-worldness suffered from the same problems MGSV had:
- an open world with great features and mechanics
- clearly cut short, rushed and left at 50%
- feelings of an empty world with not much to do, and repetitiveness

>Two of those games are Lootbox pay to win garbage.

I will give you Prey and PUBG, though.

>BotW treats the player with more respect and intelligence than most of its peers

They already had systems in place during quests that let the NPCs know whether you had already done something before or not, changing dialogue. If they weren't lazy, they could've done the same for dungeons.

RDR has a better open world and that shit's 7 years old.

Unironically MGSV. That game is brilliant as an OW sandbox, it just sucks as a MGS game due to the shit story, and repeated missions. Ergo, exactly the same flaws as BotW.


Name a single (ONE) (1) game that has as much element physics and as good interactive world as Breath of the Wild


MGSV is a much better OW game than BotW.

The answer is simple
Link looks cuter in girl's clothes


Also, Half-Life 2

BOTW wasn't that great. It was wide as an ocean and shallow as a puddle.

>oh boy, another fucking knight bow
>oh boy, another fucking korok seed to go in the endless pile that i dont even need because i already have like 6 shields and they never break

Now imagine how much shit you'd hear if Witch Time in Bayonetta or another game with similar mechanics was as buggy as Flurry Rush. It's ok when Zelda does it.

Ha you have zero argument. This is great.

Comparing the exploration and quests of BOTW and any modern open world game it definitely does.

Divinity 2?

Maybe MGSV, but how Half Life 2 all it has is physics?

>grass field simulator is the new standard
Oh god, please, no.

name one open world game as empty as botw but still get high scores

Navigation in MGSV involves nothing more than aiming in the right direction on your minimap and pushing forward.

It's not a patch on how fun and engaging topographical navigation is in BotW. Sorry.

>Less piss easy with food

Then play it on master mode faggot
literally 1 hit kill

>much element physics

Divinity: Original Sin 2, a fucking kickstarter game has better elemental physics with huge variety that have actual impact on combat, rather that just "oh, that shit's on fire now".

It also has an incredibly intricate character dialogue and reputation system that actual affects the world and how it's inhabitants perceive you.

Oh but in BotW you can chop down a tree and use it as a bridge that one time.
Toddlers are easy to impress, I suppose.

none of those have gyro, dismissed.

That level of detail on Mario just looks wrong. Also his pockets are too small for his hands.

because the game doesn't challenge you at all mentally. it's meant for children and immature adults liking it is a lucky bonus for nintendo.

Games that Sup Forums doesn't shitpost about forever are usually good.

>the quality of the game depends on the amount of shitpost about it

quality Sup Forums logic there

just have fun with it bro

This post fucking sums things up perfectly.

do you think this is fucking skyrim where's only 1 biome? fuck off, nigger.

>thinking "open world" is a genre for adults

Whats there to discuss about Bing Bang Wahoo Odyssey?
>guise remember that platform you could jump on?

Sup Forums only talks about botw because everyone here obsesses over picking it apart and making it look bad. Sup Forums is a lot softer on mario so there's a lot less """discussion""""

>Divinity: Original Sin 2, a fucking kickstarter game has better elemental physics

>It also has an incredibly intricate character dialogue
haha, stop posting

Thanks, I was looking for games that had similar stuff, Is it fun?

Amazing post. Just some truth for y'all nibbas

Tweens on Sup Forums can't into Game Design. I love how Nintendo continues to confound them.