Battlestation thread

Battlestation thread


You just had to come in and taint the thread up huh?

please don't bully my girlfriend

Nice things only please

meh. I bet you're a chink.


Boys can't be girlfriends user, no matter how cute they are.

Please tell me you own the akita in the picture

Cool 3ds charging port, but fuck that mouse.

haha yes




Why all the tvs?


where is your george st piere poster leaf nigger?

pls be my gf

That's not how it works.


posting 1/2


you got a really pretty dog

pretty comfy

cool setup, leafbro

looks good. maybe consider on getting monitor stands? also, ditch dr p.

I saw one day years ago some user posting a glass table that had his parts within. Anyone have that?


my man cave for now


looks very cramped. get a dual monitor stand so you're not using books, get velcro straps for cable management and maybe some sort of mini-shelf-thingy to put your consoles in to free up some more real estate. you got lots of cool stuff, just not enough room for it all in your current configuration?

nice weeb station

sure is Sup Forums in here

>Megumin & Akarin dakis
good taste user

it is a bit cramped but you should've seen it before. ill look into getting some kind of stands for sure. I have having to set them on my consoles and on books. definitely not enough room for all my junk.

I like the overall layout but fuck your ghetto-rigged corner desk. You think I can't tell that shit's just two cheap tables gangbanged together? And fuck contigo, nalgene has better bottles that don't require you to suck on a rubber dick that needs a full urethral insertion to clean out. That shit is gay.

Seems the best stations so far are all Canadian.

The corner desk is actually both tables of the set but without the center piece. There is just not enough room on the right but it gives me enough desk room anyway. Also, i use nalgene bottles for class but bottles with straws just allow me to drink the water faster. Probably because i'm a fag.

mah boi, this is what all true Sup Forumseroes strive for

good monitor taste

can you guys not talk shit this time

Adjust your cables. Put your speakers behind your monitor, and further outwards (while angling towards you).

Monitor arms for your monitors. You have little arm space as-is, and you need to have enough to fully rest everything from you elbows down to your hands comfortably on the desk at all times to reduce fatigue.

More importantly, improve your cable management if possible. Keep the bottom segments of your monitors even. or perhaps lay the black one on the left in a portrait position.

Buy cable ties, holy fuck. The amount of general clutter, poor wire management, and general filth is not acceptable, and needs to be adjusted. You don't even have space for your arms to rest on. Additionally, stop laying books and monitors on your consoles too. Not only is it bad for thermals (thus reducing the lifespan and performance of your consoles), it is not aesthetically pleasing, and only adds to a visual assessment of clutter. You can say you don't have space, but I am confident that you do. You don't need to display every single item you own, especially if you aren't actually accessing them. Having a clean, peaceful space is the most important factor here.

The same notes go for . I don't know why people are so unwilling to do some basic maintenance on their rooms when it's where many of us spend the majority of our time. You can have your waifus and comfy rooms too, you know.



how much did femto cost

>red bull
>no vodka



There's not too much to shit-talk. You hav one of the most orderly rooms in this thread. Your pictures are hung well, your shelf is neat/uncluttered, and displays a fair number of items to express your interests, and you have some sense of order in your room. The only thing I would change is:

1. Use cable ties on your cables around the back of your table to minimize cable lines all over. If you do it correctly, you will only see one single line, maybe not any all.
2. Consider acquiring a new table. More importantly, from an ergonomics standpoint, you should more desk space for your arms to lay on. I can't tell too well from his picture, but it looks like you lack proper space to rest your arms comfortably, even if you push your keyboard forward. For the time being, push your keyboard towards the back to acquire more arm space.
3. Consider a box/bowl, or some kind of petri dish for your miscellaneous desk items (phone/ext HDD, book, candy, controller, etc. )

Room is close to being pretty decent.

1. Clean clutter from your desk. Place small items in your white shelf. Acquire a petri dish/box/bowl to place on top of your white shelf to house important items like a phone, keys, wallet, etc.
2. Organize your white bookshelf to appear tighter, and more orderly (especially the bottom and middle rows).
3. Eliminate poorfag chair, acquire decent new chair, and use better bedsheets with complimenting pillow covers.

An army.

that driving setup better be for euro truck sim

Planning on redoing it when I start my new job.

Wow constructive criticism.
I'll consider all of those, and yea you're right I don't have much desk space infront of me, only on the right.

I'm a fan of L desks though


Can i get a link on that wallpaper?

you guys like?

Remove everything off of your desk from the left side (laptop, figs, fap lotion, drink, et cetera). Clean your shelves of all of that clutter/stuff. Acquire a wall shelf to display your figs. If you don't use the keyboard segment under your desk, you can either place your keyboard or laptop there. Reove the NDS box or whatever that is under your monitor. If you need a height adjustment, get either a monitor wall-mount arm, or acquire something that is cleaner in appearance, and at least supports the full base of the monitor stand.

This user did most of his setup quite well. Orderly shelves, clean desk, etc. Though, I'm not sure if he's giving himself enough desk space to lay his arms down.

If I had to nit-pick, it would be about the unsightly giant black cable line under his desk. He could attach it to the underside of said desk towards the wall to minimize viewing of it. Additionally, the potential of the portrait monitor covering his desktop view monitor is a potential cause for concern, and and the asymmetry of the foam padding in the back can be improved.

By the way, is that a vive dev kit? The HMD doesn't look like it, but the controllers have blue straps.

Doing some basic cable management and organizing your shelves doesn't need to wait for a new job. If anything, that's going to make it more difficult, and you may likely put it off indefinitely. Unless you intend on getting new tables/shelving, just do it now.

Nothing wrong with an L-desk. What a lot of people do is get two rectangle desks and put them together, or a rectangle desk and a square segment and do the same. There's many options, so consider what you need to do to have more space. An easy option is to move most of the items in the main zone (monitor/keyboard/etc.), and move them to that right side where you have more space. Make sure to be orderly when you do, though.

Restating for posterity, It is important that you establish enough desk space for your elbows down to your hands to comfortably rest on. For any desk you get, that should be the priority above all else.

Your first sentiments are nice, but I ain't gonna do all that shit.


Stop drinking soda

>Image search
>No results

user, I...

It's hardly any work. I listed everything in detail because you might leave a lot out of your cleaning details otherwise. Only things that may be troublesome are wall-mounting your monitor, and acquiring a shelf to display your figs, which isn't necessary.

The biggest issue is that you have practically no open space on your desk. If your desk was a nation's real estate, that shit would be hard-capped, and people would be forming waifu favelas all around your desk until the peasants rise up and killed a bunch of government workers.

Either way, it's up to you to improve your conditions. Deep down, you know I'm right. Do it.

Nigga I like where my figs are, and the laptop isn't always there, the box works fine as a monitor lifter. But thanks anyways

Here's mine

how are you a NEET if you have your own apartment

i think you know

the giant black cable is actually gone now I velcro'd it on top of the desk.
and no it's just a regular vive.
also deliberately covered my land scape with my portrait because the portait monitor bezel is very small and it hides the bigger monitors bezels

What am I actually seeing here?

nice dolls faggot

im legit up the sunny coast speedo boy, l-lets surf some wave together ;-;


>deliberately covered my land scape with my portrait because the portait monitor bezel is very small and it hides the bigger monitors bezels

Yeah, that's not a bad move, then. Good that you went ahead and tidied up that big cable jam too.

>no it's just a regular vive
Whatever works. I've got a rift myself. I've never played VRChat though, even though I have it installed.

He's playing in VRChat.

that's shiba

Nice meme console
Nice wide
Nice dog
Nice mousepad
Nice monitor
Nice horde
Nice drink
Nice wall
Nice manga
Nice explosion
Nice mic
Nice earth
Nice pc case
Nice room
Nice bonedude
Nice figures
Nice figures as well
Nice boat
Nice burger
Nice crt
Nice gundam (and kurisu)
Nice flag

Her name is Maja and she is a Shiba Inu (A relative of an Akita) Yes she is mine.

She is the cutest

No thank you.

Is that you baddieroid?


nice post