USUM Disappointment Thread

>left the fucking placeholder text in for Totem Kommo-o
>still no National Dex
>Defog Landy-T
>nu-Battle Factory somehow manages to be shit
>all the new areas are just hallways
>no new Alola forms
>the whole Rainbow Rocket affair is just a quick boss rush, only Cyrus even has interesting dialogue
>no Mother Beast battle
>no new move tutors
>none of the seemingly unfinished areas from SM added to the game, things like the golf course, ponds above Brooklet Hill, the rest of the Lake of the Sunne/Moone, etc are still unaccessible

Groundon fag here
Sad but also happy , glad /vp/ is fucking dead.

I was a fool to get my hopes up after ORAS. I've learned my lesson.

That places are supposed to be like that
You don't know what unfinished means

>Pokemon sucks
No way. Now post the good tracks.

If they're supposed to be like that, then shame on Gamefreak for being as lazy as possible

>[newest pokemon game] Disappointment Thread
Wow, what a fucking shocker! I'm disappointed that I share a board with you faggots.

ORAS is a masterpiece compared to BW, BW2, XY, SM and USUM.
>B-but muh battle frontier
Fuck off.

Which one should I play, Platinum, Heartgold, or Black?

Black if you want an experience that reminds you of popping in your first game all of those years ago.

They're asking $40 for a DLC.
With the added bonus of you having to go through the shit story again.

Sacred Gold/Storm Silver romhacks.

Do you get any legendaries during the main story?

They flat out scrapped the whole UB mission thing.

>not listing lack of new alolan forms first and foremost
I'm kind of glad it turned out bad, at least I won't be tempted to get yet another time sinker.

Why not all 3?

Platinum, but on an emulator so you can speed it up.

>That last one bit

Wow, you don't know how much money you saved me from spending, user-kun.

absolute cash grab, like, I'm not even surprised, they just wanted to rush this thing out the door for the holidays

and people still think Game Freak hasn't gone full EA

3D Pokemon was a mistake.

>>B-but muh battle frontier

is this the "minor thing no one cares about but trolls want people to think it's the only reason it's hated" for ORAS?

I have no idea how they managed to fuck up the Battle Agency so badly. They could have literally just brought over the Battle Factory exactly as it was and it would have been fine.

>Was extremely sceptical at first
>Decided against buying it
>They suddenly release tons of new promo material with everything I wanted
>Still not buying it but overall impressed.
To what degree are you guys legit pissed and to what degree can you only bond over disliking stuff.

Platinum is objectively the best pokemon game.
Hardware is shit but the fights are more challenging than any other pokemon game barring Johto's fucked scaling

There would be less anger if the games were even only on par with Platinum in regards to added content. But every game since BW2 has been a massive disappointment. XY was at least partially excusable since it was the first 3DS game and had to work with a new engine, with a lot of time also being devoted to the Pokemon models, but there's no excuse for the letdowns that were ORAS, SM, and now USUM.

Black and White are the best Pokemon game and if you can only pick one, go with that one since its the only game not relying on the previous games to be fun

I fear GF is taking slowly the sonic team way.
Let's hope not, the switch game will make or break them.
Meanwhile skipping this, gj masuda.

What did you expect? It's a 40$ or whatever patch. The last game released a year ago. It's obvious they just rushed this shit out. Hell it was probably planned at the time Sun/Moon was made. They left shit out of Sun/Moon so they can put it in this 40$ patch instead. Stop buying modern Pokemon if you care at all about the industry. Play old games and romhacks, or make your own. Far more fulfilling than throwing your money away at Nintendos modern cash grabs..

Typical GF, 1 step forward, 10 steps back.

>not on Switch

I plan to vote with my wallet, like everyone should, but unfortunately, it won't stop USUM from selling well. Gamefreak will never get the hint.

>that image
Bitch is 11.

Nostalgiafags forget how ridiculously easy pre-Gen 4 Pokemon was. When I was a kid I almost soloed Red, Gold and Sapphire with Venosaur/ Typlosion/ Blaziken, at most having one backup for type disadvantage.

>Johto's level limbo
>story oriented Pokémon
Pick your poison

Play Platinum, Heart Gold, and Black 2.

Oh my god why is groudon so small

You may have this (You), since you are clearly starved for them.

>reverse image search
>"pokemon lillie vote"
user why
user please explain
I just wanted to get my dick hard

>tfw USUM was announced
>"Wow this looks like shit"
>"Come on user! It'll be just like Black2/White2!"
>Comes out and who would of guessed its shit

Come on. Recoloured Cheeto doggo was a sign that it'd be shit and you guys still said it would be good.

Well yeah, the main audience is probably still kids, and not so much the adults that grew up with the first Pokemon games. And as we know kids are stupid and will buy everything (or force their parents to buy) that is shiny and flashy and that part Gamefreak can do right.

Congratulations, you figured out how easy the maingame is. What does that have to do with a postgame facility like the Battle Frontier?
Also, soloing with one Pokemon is literally the easiest way to beat the game.

Where exactly did this Groudon meme come from?


Reminder if you actually want these games to improve, then stop fucking buying them until they improve. If you complain on some video game forum and then still go out and buy the games you are the problem.

Puberty can still happen by then
SM protag is also 11 desu

No vore to be found here

Pokémon was never hard to begin with, there is a reason why you need to gimp yourself to make the game fun like not using items during battles or playing on SET mode

I only buy the Nintendo console after it's cracked and pirate the games

>this post
Cuck is american.

It is not like the console games, they scale Pokémon and it looks really weird.

Literally a forced meme
One person kept spamming a Groudon macro that had "WOW IT'S FUCKING NOTHING" on it after a direct a long time ago. It caught on, so Groudon posting is for disappointment while Kyogrefags are drones.

Jesus Christ, S/M are the worst mainline games ever mostly because of how much wasted potential there was.

Honestly thats one of the funnest way to play Pokémon nowadays.

Just pick three pokémon and try to make sure you can fight any weaknesses. It leads to fun moments

>Randomizer ORAS with Politoed/Illumise/Infernape and having to use a Illumise in order to beat a Mega Metagross by spamming charm and Bugbuzz was the best moment.

>then stop fucking buying them until they improve.
That doesn't work for Pokémon where even the shitty games will sell because of nostalgia and brand name alone, its better to just stick with romhacks if you want content.

Groudonfags are woke af
Wtf, I'm a flat earther now?

>left the fucking placeholder text in for Totem Kommo-o
reminds of that time Atlus USA left some japanese text during an important boss fit in SMT Apocalypse and refused to fix it for months

Here's my chagrin, I think Sumo was a big step in the right direction trying to break away from the other Pokemon games in structure. The problem with it was that it had a ton of stupid design decisions like making all the new Pokemon rare, the low speed across the board, Mother Beast Lusamine not getting a proper boss fight.

So a normal expectation would be they'd correct the flaws and Sumo could reach its potential and be the best game in the 3rd version. But Game Freaks does not run on normal logic, and instead all the good of the original game is thrown out, the same problems are still there and new flaws got compounded on.

I still consider XY worse in that regard. Pic related, Zygarde as a whole, the strange notes left around the region, sundial, the fact that there's seemingly an unused town you can see from Victory Road, etc.

Reminder that the black Nihilego form is still unobtainable

Frankly, I don't understand why SET isn't the only mode, literally everything the game runs on it.

>Turns into a giant monster
>She just uses her pokemon to fight you

dumb af

Please stop buying shit games just because you have zero self control. At least pirate or buy used.

But like even in game stuff like Celesteela is way bigger than the trainer, why is Groudon so tiny?

I've seem people past the age of 10 unironically using SHIFT, If you have a balanced team it breaks the whole game because you can just switch to whatever has type advantage and spam the same attack until the foe is dead.

Beats me, I know during battles Pokémon like Groundon, Mewtwo and Fearow get shrunk.

Strange notes?

There are people who don't even know what shift/set are. They should just call it easy and hard, because let's be honest, that's what it is.

It's probably the first pokemon game i won't buy, but is it playable with citra or whatever the emulator is called?

wtf why are they so small?

>can't hurt Lusamine with Hyper Beams
>can't capture Lusamine
>can't slowly mindbreak her through face rubbing and snack stuffing in Refresh
>can't stick Lusamine in the daycare with Ditto
>can't lower Lusamine to 0 happiness and order her to use Frustration
What the fuck is the point?

They didn’t originally make the models with trainers standing next to them in mind.

I actually don't remember if there were others, but I was thinking of the train station note in the town where you fight Hot Professor near the end.

Not quite maybe easy and normal? I always play on set and the games are as easy as ever.

I've been a pretty casual fan since gen 1 and I enjoyed XY, ORAS and SM, but yeah, I don't need to play these if they're just SM again with no new meaningful content. I'll wait for gen 8 on Switch.

silly user
lusamine isn't a pokemon :3c

I like XY more because it felt like more of a social game like how Pokemon is supposed to be. Seeing player activities at the bottom screen made the world seem more alive than it actually was and helping people grow heir friend safari was fun. Being able to connect with other players just by tapping the screen felt like a huge step up to me.

>oras is a masterpiece compared to XY
>oras is a masterpiece compared to BW/BW2

I mean you're not wrong. Maybe a hard mode that uses set, has higher level pokemon in general, and maybe use battle frontier/battle subway AI? How many generations before they finally add basic features every other game has, Gamefreak?

>Lillie: "We're not made for you to just discard when you get bored with us!"
>Lusamine: "How am I supposed to be different than your trainer friend? What do you do with a Pokémon you can't use? You remove it from your party, as you please."
They never actually gave a real rebuttal to this line, now that I think about it.

Oh, for sure. The PSS was fucking fantastic, I'm still pissed they removed it for Festival Plaza.

How long does she spend doing her hair each morning?

Pokemon is a fundamentally terrible game.
It has absolutely no difficulty past the 2nd gym/challenge in Gen 6 onwards and even though the game is about gathering the dream team of pokemon you're always better off funnelling all your exp into a single pokemon. Even with the fucking exp-all buff.
The mechanics actively discourages interesting gameplay which is a shame consider how pokemon has one of the most in depth turn based pvp of any video game.

White and Black 2 are the best games in the series even though Gen 5 is the worst gen in terms of pokemon design. Gen 6 and Gen 7 are extremely bland RPGs where the only reason they get a pass is because people still want to relive their childhood nostalgia and the music is still top tier.

wicc does it for her

They did in USUMO, in the postgame Moth visits aether,meets lusa and explains the purpose of pokepelago. Moth doesn't remember a shit and Lusa doesn't have the heart to tell him after looking how happy is with his new life.


That is just the bullshit ghost stories things gamefreak loves to add into games.

Oh, well that's nice at least.

However, the original line you posted was removed from usumo, together with all the mother beast battle.

Framerate issues I imagine

In a perfect world none of the Ultra Beasts would be able to be captured and would only be used for boss battles

Sounds like I dodged a bullet this time

They removed lillie scenes from the executtor's island.

Glad I'm not the only one.
Brought up that town in the victory road background a while back on here and nobody believed me and i couldnt find a pic, you got one?

this. heartgold will just frustrat the shit out of you.

The quality on this is really, really shitty, but you can still make it out.
It even shows up on the map.

Such horse shit. The mother beast battle was legit challenging. Fuck that Clefable.


fuck off back to /vp/ faggot

I dont want spoilers even if its just a pokemon game
And no matter how much i like the franchise, even I have to agree that theres an entire board just to discuss it so it should stay there

>Xatu is now catchable in USUM

I swear to fucking god if GameFreak hasn't given it another special flying attack or at least buffed it...

>recent trailers had me thinking maybe this won't be bad
>not even a sequel like BW2 did, literally a third version split in two with nothing fixed
I'm just here for the porn and to see if Pokemon Adventures BW2 will ever get finished in the century.

The games might have gone to shit, but GF are still giving mater-class Seminal Demonologists.
All the girls of 7th gen are exquisite semen demons.
Especially, Lillie, she's one of the semenest demons I've ever seen.

that totem is huge

That's all Sugimori not GF, he's a gentle/m/an and he actually knows his audience unlike everyone else on that fuckibg company.