Blizzard's CEO says there's "nothing wrong" with Overwatch lootboxes

>"In an interview with GameInformer at BlizzCon, Morhaime says “I think there’s absolutely nothing wrong with crates that give you randomised items. I think that whatever the controversy is, I don’t think Overwatch belongs in that controversy.”"

>"The problems, according to Morhaime, seem to arise from two specific areas. The first of those, as prompted by the interviewer, is a “pay-for-power” system, which Morhaime says is “definitely something we’ve avoided”. The second issue, however, stems from whether or not you can convert the items you get from lootboxes “back into real-world value,” an element which “does not exist in Overwatch loot crates.”"

>"Whether or not you deem Overwatch’s lootboxes acceptable, it can’t be denied they’ve had a significant impact on the industry. Everything from Middle-earth: Shadow of War to Call of Duty: WW2 has come under fire in recent months for the inclusion of microtransactions, and some PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds cosmetics were reportedly selling for hundreds of dollars."

Based Blizzard tells people how it is. How do they do it, Sup Forums? Do you agree with it? How many boxes have you bought so far?

btw. Wonder if they get more money from chest or hearthstone card packs?!

Oh boy, here comes the brigade of wannabe soccer moms pretending they care about the well being of children.

If you are going to take the money from it, don’t get upset when you get the shit that comes with it. Even if you don’t do it in the worst way possible.

You still won't make me like lootboxes, I just have to tolerate OW boxes eventhough I don't like them

>game updates are clearly geared towards lootboxes
not how it works, honey

Pretty much.
I dislike loot boxes for the most part, but I don't think overwatches are that bad honestly. I don't care much about skins, its when some faggot starts getting guns that one shot you because he shilled out 300$.

Complaining about the children is retarded, these things really aren't much different than something like a toy machine or something, but fuck if it save my gaming why not get on the soccer mom wagon?

Look at that absolute sweetie trying to justify his nigger-tier scam.

I don't like overwatch but he has a pretty good point

Truth be told OW lootboxes are pretty solid.
I mean even the lenght of "events" are long enough to get what you want.

just don't buy them retard, they don't give you any super powers in the game

I don't give a shit about cosmetic lootboxes, because I'm not a sperg who needs his characters to be pretty. Let other people waste their money, who cares.

The badness of lootboxes has an inversely proportional relationship with the amount of content in a game.

>spend money on event crates
>get generic legendary so you potty timer is fucked
>proceed to get trash like voice lines and not the thing you actually wanted to spend money for

Still shit mate.

>just close your eyes nigga haha
No, you fucking like. Your entire shit game orbits around loot boxes, just look at the "events" that are nothing but hats and the fact that the entire reward and longevity system of the game is purely lootboxes.

I'm proud of you Sup Forums. For a moment there you guys were actually considering legally regulating games like a bunch of cuckolds. At least you guys smartened up.

There is literally nothing wrong with Overwatch's lootboxes. They are fucking cosmetics that you can get for free by just playing the game. You buy the game and you automatically unlock every fucking character, current or future. There are no weapons to unlock. There is absolutely 0 advantage to owning a fucking legendary Torbjorn skin. Every person who moans about this doesn't play overwatch anyway and just wants to moan and start arguments on the internet.

There isn't really. It's just comestic shit.

>Another fucking lootbox thread
Just don't buy if you don't like, how hard is it to understand
>b-but muh industry

>hurr just dont buy it

Then don't spend money on it if the product you are buying is shit. No one is forcing your wallet.

If you actually play the game you get more then enough gold/free crates to buy the things you really want at the end of the event.

People are just impatient and buy boxes and then complain if they dont get what they want.

I just want odds published. As long as it isn't pay2win.

Then you realize that they replaced lasting and deep gameplay with scummy skinner box addiction mechanics to retain players. It's not about the content of the boxes, it's about how it's a cancerous scheme that eats a game from within.

It's pretty fucking sad if you play OW because of the new graphics instead of playing it because of the gameplay itself.

t. Blizzard employee
kill yourself jew

>complaining about things won't won't buy either way
who's the real retard here

I don't give a shit because there's nothing worth caring about in lootboxes

but it's disgusting how little content they can get away with adding to the game while retarded whales fill their pockets by chasing for skins in a fucking FIRST PERSON game

>Marlboro CEO says cigs are not addictive

History repeats itself. The CEO of a company with a direct stake in a subject that directly affects his profits is entirely unreliable as a source on that topic.

you won't*

Yeah it's pretty sad but that's how they designed the game, the gameplay itself is just plain bad.
I regret buying this shit game but at least I'm not dumb enough to fall for predatory schemes straight out of casinos.

There is LITERALLY NOTHING wrong with Overwatch loot boxes. Don’t want to buy them? Don’t. Do people who spend more money on them get an in-game advantage? No. Is there anything wrong with them? Heh, no.

"i care how other people use their money"

go back to mexico,poorfags

im buying all the lootboxes

Why does BLIZZARD always get a free ride?

It's a system designed to manipulate children, and vulnerable adults into gambling away money, on the chance of getting something they want.

This system, is implemented in a game that has sold 35 million copies, and by the wealthiest game-publishing conglomerate on Earth, because they "need" the money.

The most telling part is, the biggest and most expansive content we've seen, are events, that are just anther way to manipulate vulnerable people into buying more boxes.

So I ask again, with all the above, why is BLIZZARD the golden boy, in this year of "down with the micro-transactions"?

This. They only hold them back because they know the numbers are bullshit. Loot box sales didn't decrease in China after they were forced to reveal them anyways.

I don’t. But don’t say OW crates are clean as a whistle either. They employ the “act quick, buy now” bullshit and make gorillions off morons who shell out.

I would get rid of the dupes and for event crates I wouldn’t let them give you a non event legendary.

I completly agree.

Everything sold in Overwatch are purely cosmetic and offer no stat changing advantages, many other games with a lootbox system DO offer stat changing items.

Overwatch isn't the problem here.

This could all be avoided if they made less of those faggot stickers

Casinos have gachapon?

>just don't buy if you don't like
such a faggot argument, in 3-4 years, every fucking game will have lootboxes, even singleplayer, and they will cut content more and more, and will get harder to do thing in game without lootboxes, fucking corporate cocksuckers deserve rope.

Doesnt change the game from being a steaming pile of garbage blizzard slowly shits out.

There isn't anything wrong with overwatch lootboxes, thanks to lootboxes, I literally do not have to pay for any of the new maps, characters or events.

Thank you lootboxes.

>predatory scheme
You have the power to spend your money the way you like it. If you think the lootboxes are too random then you should not support them and don't spend money on them until Blizzard makes them better. If you cannot control yourself and spend your money on a whim then maybe you should seek some help.

I think the gameplay is ok even though the community is shit. It's ok game and I don't see why people get worked up over some lootboxes. Retards and their money will always be soon apart since retards can't control their needs /wants/emotions.

Because useful idiots fell for the "it's purely cosmetic so it doesn't affect the game" propaganda.

you dont shell out your cash for lootboxes right Sup Forums?

Overwatch lootboxes are purely aesthetic, which is exactly what the concept should have always stayed as.

It's not gambling unless there is a chance you are getting your money back or making even more.

You are choosing to buy a random selection of things. Think a trading cards, not a slot machine.

And? Just play older games then. That's what I'm doing for the most part and there's enough to last me more than a life time. Its just a hobby user, if you dont like it then there's others.

because it's just graphics. Why the fuck would I care if a child wants to spend their money on something? I wanted to spend my money on everything as a kid and my parents would not let me. Learn to parent and learn to control your emotions.

Lootboxes are gambling for children, which I find frankly disgusting.

>Nothing wrong with lootboxes
>You can get them for free so you don't have to pay for them
They should keep free lootboxes and make it so you can pay for the actual items you want. What's that? They would lose out on a lot of money, because of random chance? They can't keep getting away with it.

It sure helped with day one DLC, season passes and micro transactions, right, user?
It is like super saiyan, every game has one now.

>Breaking news - Man who profits greatly off lootboxes says nothing is wrong with lootboxes

Are you seriously implying the whole system behind casinos and mobileshit doesn't exist? Do you even understand how addiction works?
I personally never and never will buy a single gamblebox, the game is still ruined for me because the design focus of the game is not in keeping players with good, deep and lasting gameplay but with gambleboxes instead.

>Getting triggered for paid optional content that doesnt affect gameplay, in games that you dont even play.
Is this one of the best example of complaining about literally nothing?

>You have the power to spend your money the way you like it.
There's a reason scams/fraud is illegal and that casino gambling is regulated by the government. The issue was never that lootboxes exist, but that the RNG nature of it can make your purchase effectively worthless.

Because blizzdrones are biggest fucking tools in a game industry, you will be heavily challenged to find some better corporate apologists.

you are a clueless idiot

This, it's like people expect for them to slander their own product

>It sure helped with day one DLC, season passes and micro transactions, right, user?
And guess what user, I don't and never bought any season passes (I dont even know how it fucking works) because its not for me and my most recent console is a Gamecube. You can skip all of that if you want to.

>Well being of children
Fuck off. I care about the well being of the fucking video games, Loot Boxes are detrimental to a game and a cancerous stain on the medium.

Overwatch's lootboxes aren't great but they're not game-breaking or attempt to purposefully annoy players into buying them through game mechanics.

>Overwatch, Purely cosmetics and don't affect gameplay at all, uses the profits from it to fund continuing content that's free

>Other games: loot boxes are for performance things that increase the ability of the player over others (or just in single player activity), annoy players by creating an asinine power creep to make playing the games untenable without more loot boxes, Most companies don't use the funds to make new free content

And you care way too much about a hobby that you wont even have time for in a few years, beside some casual games here and there.

Me neither, and that was a point, you can not buy them ever, yet it doesn't make shitty practices go away, you need awareness, because there are dummies that simply don't care.

>I don't think children should be given and encouraged access to quasigambling just because it lines the pockets of large corporations
>There should be some form of regulation to prevent adolescents from spending tonnes of money to reinforce the gambling rush they receive at such an impressionable time in their life with very little concept of money and value

>"Hurr durr... Why are you such a soccer mom? Just don't have ethics brah cuz fuck values n shiet. Free content brah in our full price, incomplete on release game!"

Why do so many people care whether the loot box system is available too children? Just makes you look like you're 14 with a gambling problem.

Apathy is not an argument, fuck off idiot.

This would give devs incentive to make stuff that costs money even rarer

Still pretty shit

>Hur dur I can't read

Why do they need so much money to fund continuing content for their online multiplayer game? Splatoon doesn't have microtransactions and they're probably not gonna sell as much as overwatch. I wish they would just be honest and say "yeah it makes us a lot of money so we're gonna do it." and not pretend it's out of some moral imperative.

lootboxes are one thing, but i really don't get how anyone can be dumb enough to buy OW lootboxes. even from a purely cosmetic standpoint, the stuff you get from it is almost entirely worthless trash, who actually wants sprays, voicelines, emotes or victory poses? even most of the skins are just recolours.

>because there are dummies that simply don't care.
let them not care then

nah you're the retard desu
you got rekt with facts

>listen our game is now designed to be boring as fuck
>pay money to skip it so we make more money off it


>what you used to buy outright you buy a raffle ticket do it now


Yeah cause games that have them are totally not shaped around selling those, I mean who would want to make money on them, right?

Guy who bought 40$ worth of boxes during the Halloween event here: Basically I didn't have time to play due to a lot of rl projects that month and really wanted the Symmetra skin. That's it.

>gb2 mexico
nah id rather stay in America and keep fucking your white women, blondes specifically
pussy little virgin whiteboi

So don't play those games?

But then it spreads and ruins the fun for people that care, publishers don't care that devoted community wants something good, when majority of people is gonna buy into anything with huge enough marketing, because they can't be fucked to think for a second.

Oh, I agree Lootboxes are an assholish way of getting the most amount of profit for the least amount of effort without being seen over-pricing digital content.

But there is a qualitative difference between the two.

Incidentally, I think Titanfall 2's DLC policy has been my favorite and I ended up buying most of the skins and camo and callsign packs just because they were either something I wanted or something that was really well priced (20 call signs for $4)

>sentai skin makes me play better because I have to do it justice and bring honor to the genre
>not pay 2 win

I can admit that it's profiting off people with gamblinb addictions since they could do the alternative and simply put up a shop where you can buy the cosmetics you want. I still don't see it as that big of a deal. Those people will probably spend their money on something else just a stupid and useless. If the money will keep Blizzard developing new content for the game then it's fine by me.

because they have a big crowd of deluded fanboys that believe Blizzard is their friend and cares for them

these people are the ones that waste all their money on boxes, hearthstone packs, wow shop, the heroes of storm skins... etc, they don't want to lose that, so they give their fanboys a generic response "we care for you goys, the consumer is our number one priority :)

with that being said, only in Heroes of storm you get clear advantages by wasting money, Overwatch boxes are literally the tf2 system, and WoW shop is mostly cosmetic with the leveling boost, name change, server change being the greedy services

maybe before it was bought by Activision they cared more a little more about the players, now they just want to get the most money by the least amount of work possible

This is how I feel as well, I used to be on the other side. We can't allow the government to fix this shit for us, we have to fix it within the market.

>I get to decide what you do with your money. You are not mature enough to make your own decisions. Allow me to be offended on your behalf.
>btw I'm totally not a soccer mom.

Difference in company standards.
Nintendo doesn't really feel like they need to maximize profit from whatever amount of effort they invested but Blizzard is an American corporation that needs to make money at every corner.

My only point is that Blizzard still respects the idea of the game as a place to have fun a little, whereas Warner Bros or Activision or EA don't really.

I'd be really curious to see how Nintendo thinks of those free ARMS and Splatoon updates...Maybe they build it into the budget of the game in the long-term or use excess profit over a certain point to fund it (which would explain why Splatoon 1 got more content sooner than ARMS did in the same time frame)

I wish Titanfall looked like that

Threads like these makes me depressed, reminds me that my grand-mother as nothing to do and goes to the Casino at least once per week to 'get out, do something and see people'. :(

As long as card packs IRL are not considered as gambling so will be the lootboxes. They only issue is when 3rd party websites allow you to exchange items for real money, and there was a big crackdown on those from Valve recently.

>anyone unironically defending a system designed solely to jew the consumer

Blizzard is owned by Activision. They're literally run by the guy who used to run Activision.

>using the market to defeat the guys who determine the market


Maybe because I'm a big boy who can make his own decisions?

They probably have an initial release goal to meet, and have estimated how much they stand to make off of supporting the game and brining new players.

Oh shit, I keep forgetting about that.

then yeah, it's the same as Activision but I suppose someone at Blizzard is keeping the limiters on a little bit.

>another thread of anons explaining why lootboxes are cancerous even if purely cosmetic with bullet-proof arguments and facts versus shills pretending like there's some "discussion" about it

Yeah because children make very suitable life decisions and shouldn't even have parents? They should be allowed to just buy a 20 pack of cigarettes as well and whatever vol of alcohol they want also as it's just their money.

Children aren't mature enough to make the best decisions especially when those decisions involve addictive substances and / or derogatory addictive behaviours profiting others. If you think you knew as much and was as sensible as you are now as you were at 15 or younger than it's far more representative on how stunted your mental growth has been.

funny thing, people went to court about lootboxes being basically the equivalent of going into a casino, so they wanted to ban them, Judges proclaim that's not the same because you don't get any profit for buying lootboxes (which you would by doing bets in a casino for example)

We determine the market. The stockholders bend over for us. They want high reviews lots of copies sold. If we can alter that then we win. It starts by having the media not be shills and letting the dead wood burn off on those that don't represent us.

Blizzard wrong again, what a fuckin' surprise.

They give credit cards to children now? How is this any different from card games?

A cash shop would completely change the game, without the addiction aspect of lootboxes it would have to rely on some other manner of sustaining a playerbase.
Games used to do that with deep and rewarding gameplay but that's apparently too hard for nudevs nowadays.