Franchises held hostage by shit developers


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Blow it out your ass randy

Did someone say shit?





Everything ever made by Valve

get out of here todd skyrim was shit

pokemon is held hostage by shit platforms, not developers. A proper Pokemon PC MMO would be a fucking blast, too bad the franchise owners don't want to make good games out of it.

dark souls

I miss him so much /v. What has activision done to you?

I really hope Nintendo pulls in the reins and forces game freak to really fucking try. Like im sick of the shit gf pulls all the time giving us something great like megas or alolan mons only to take it away next gen.

Nintendo grow some ballls, botw worked itll work with a game as big as pokemon.

not much just raped blizzard and everything they own


I just hope they notice the switch audience is mostly made up of young adults and don't try to make their game pander to the brain dead smartphone audience like they have with the 3DS games.


Pokemon needs something bold or an Odyssey-like return to form that's not just superficial Gen 1 pandering.

>using a 6/10 game as an example for pokemon to follow so it returns to form
get the fuck out of here

Capcom game

Just post the majority of Konami and Rarewares library

Hello Joseph!

Being contrarian yet again?

I've let go of this one. It's dead to me

>return to form
Pokemon was never anything more than a shitty casual time waster. It's never left its original form.

>an Odyssey-like return to form that's not just superficial Gen 1 pandering

Not possible because the past games never had 'good form'. It needs a complete revamp while still maintaining the very bare core of the series (catching, battling, trading).

And I don't mean "hurr it should be more like Dark Souls" or some bullshit like that, I mean that the games, as is, fall incredibly short of their potential. The puzzles are almost always way too easy, the combat is too easy to break, they keep shoving in dumb gimmicks instead of innovating, the writing is half-baked, etc. The Oracle games are really the only Zeldas that reach something resembling complex dungeons, and they were done by Flagship/Capcom. And talking about BotW specifically, it's clear that they took a lot of inspiration from Platinum for the combat yet completely disregarded what makes most Platinum games good in the first place. If they were going to rip off Platinum they should have just had a few of them come over and consult, that would have been a better use of their time than making the visuals for fucking Star Fox Zero.

Maybe have Kamiya whisper in their ears and say
>hey you should add a lot more enemy types with their own unique movesets, and have them start spawning in the mid and late game
>hey flurry rush is too forgiving, tighten up the window, also allow the player to do other things besides attack
>hey make the weapons have meaningful differences between each other
>hey make the controls more smooth and responsive
>hey tweak the bosses so they're more visually distinct and have more personality, also add more of them in general
>what is this UI? do you eat shit? BLOCKED

Anything owned by EA

They gave us B/W and the fans told them to go fuck themselves. That's why we don't get new shit anymore.

We get it, you're an epic hardcore gamer. Everything is too easy for you

I just wish Zelda would go back to grimdark aesthetic. BOTW is a good start, but I wanna see some MM tier shit man. Like beneath the well in OOT. WW to SS are so "for kids" it kinda hurt.



>ywn get the beer he owed us

Nintendo could make the best hardware conceivable, Game Freak would still find a way to fuck it up

>Pokemon MMO
Anything but this. It would mark the end of Pokémon singleplayer.

>implying Odyssey didn't pander to 64fags

>for kids
The game ends with Link stabbing the Master Sword through Ganon's skull.


Every Nintendo ip.

Pokemon hasn't really moved anywhere since Gen 4, because as far as Core Gameplay Mechanics go they've basically mastered it.
You can't possibly go any farther aside from New Pokemon, New Moves, New Types, New Abilities and gimmicks like Mega Evolution and Z-Moves without calling for a genre shift or adding too many unnecessary complex layers for what should be a simple game during the main story.
Strip all those new things away, and you're still looking at the exact same game you played 20 years ago with shiny graphics and more exposition dumps, just as any other Turn-Based RPG Series is.

Even Gen 1 pandering would be tolerable if they could at least fucking commit to it. People were literally begging for new Alolan Formes, with low enough standards that they'd be Kanto Pokémon anyway, and they didn't even bother introducing more of those because lmao PU needs an ultra beast too.

They saw Facebook Normies blasting the Alola Forms and decided they were a mistake, and thus abandoned the idea of adding more mid-generation in favor of Z-Moves and "apologizing" with the Rainbow Rocket Postgame Plot.

Recently bought 3 on steam for 20$ including the major expansion and it's been fun.

But megas and Alolan mons were the worst part of the their respective games. New forms are dumb. I’d rather have new mons.


>Franchises held hostage by shit developers

Are you aware that Gamefreak created the damned series in the first place?

That wasn't what I said at all.

There was nothing superficial about the 64 influence in Odyssey, Sun and Moon have Oak, Red, Blue and Team Rocket just because.

A real callback to gen 1 would be not holding your had the whole way, in a world that isn't doesn't just guide you in a big loop.

BW took a story avenue while Japan loved if I understand correctly, America despised because you couldn't use Pikachu.
Then they made the best Pokemon game with countless features that are adored like Shiny Charm and Repel prompts and ect. while making HM's optional. Several facilities and places to explore in post game with a challenge mode (even though it's retardly stupid to acquire). With the option to face all the gym leaders and rivals each with God tier remixes.
What the fuck are they doing nowadays

RBY's "lack of hand holding" was more the result of incompetence then anything else.

GF has always been retarded. They couldn't even fit GS until Iwata literally created compression tools so good they where able to fit in most of Kanto


Fuck that shit. All Pokemon needs is to be developed by a company more competent than Gamefreak.

Does it count when it was created by shit developers? Gamefreak has always fucked up in some way, and to top it off they're fucking autistic about the worst shit. Teach the fuckers to code and force some improvements past their autism shield and maybe things will work out in the end.


In what way? They always pointed you in the right direction without explicitly telling you where to go.

GameFreak are the laziest developers in the world. They've been making buggy broken games since the start. Now, not only do they keep doing that, but they also only add the absolute bare minimum to each generation to keep sales going.

Remember that save glitch in the main city of XY?
How the fuck did Gen 5 happen?

I 100% agree with you. GameFreak is a fucking shitshow of a company, and it always makes me so angry that they're ruining a series that has the potential to be great.

Weren't XY gen 6?

>A-am I cool yet Sup Forums?
No faggot, you aren't

you only have your shitty fanbase to blame. We gave up after g/s, when we realized iwata did everything, and the pokemon company are hacks.

I know you're here Todd, go fuck yourself I pirated Skyrim.

Let's see if they can make Pokemon an actual real new game on the Switch. If it's just the same shit but in HD, I'm not gonna bother.

This is only because every generation sells fucking 15 million units so there's no incentive to stop being lazy fucks.

Basically this, and all of that while pandering to the worst kind of consumers: fucking TODDLERS! I can understand them because those are the ones with more time to spend their time playing, but yet the ones who actually have the money and the longer time spent playing Pokemon are the ones with 20+ years. What the fuck, Game Freak? Something tells me that the ones behind The Pokemon Company are just as stupid too. Not gonna bother touching any 3DS Pokemon after the mess that ORAS were, and that's coming from a guy that couldn't care less about Battle Frontier

>make games
>sells systems every single time, even though you barely put effort into them
>people expect you to "try something new" after black/white

>If it's just the same shit but in HD, I'm not gonna bother
99% likely it'll be this though. I might have had hope if we got any news that Gamefreak were expanding their small company but nope, still as small and short on time as ever.

Playing safe won't work in the long run, just look at Yokai Watch or Snapchat, Atari, SEGA... Shit management can destroy any franchise or company, no matter how big it is.

It's depressing.

I mean how did Gen 5, a competent set of games, happen

Literally nothing for it's 30th anniversary fuck you konami

Warcraft; was good back in the day. WoW consumed the entire franchise. Result was the Warcraft became IP held hostage by WoW which also deteriorated into absolute dog shit and now what's left of the IP that WoW hasn't destroyed is just sitting in a drawer waiting to be destroyed.

Not as much developers, as shitty publisher.

Star Wars

I'll never not be mad.

They're legally required to only make them for Nintendo, you retard. Nintendo owns two thirds of the property.

>Pokemon PC MMO

We are not in 2006 anymore, MMOs are TRASH and we all know it already!

I screamed when I saw the 6 reveal. Fuck Capcom.

Yeah how did the gen which had the glitch that stopped progress of the game and required a save restart happen?

>Playing safe won't work in the long run
Pokemon has been out for over two decades.

Make sure to vote

>Gen 5, a competent set of games

You first OP

PWT is a glorified Battle Tower

I cry everyday.