Is Danganronpa finally dead?
Is Danganronpa finally dead?
Other urls found in this thread:
I love Junko!
I love Kirumi!
I hate Junko!
I hate Kirumi!
Hopefully. Kohacka said that SChun wants to find someone to continue it in his stead, though.
>this thread
It's the same guy.
Aoi>Maki>Akane's thighs
Also Miu doesn't deserve all the hate that she gets.
There's 8 IPs you brainlet
sono kotoba wa kite miseru
There's 11 posts. What's your point?
When I posted my Air Guitar Shuichi image, there were 5 IPs in the thread, and 5 replies. My conclusion was that the waifu fags were separate people, and the anti-waifu was one person, and I was an individual as well.
this is pretty much /drg/ but without fujos at this point
improvement, I know, but that's not saying much
or maybe one of the waifufags is a false flagger
They're all PNGs with the same style of file name. Nice try samesoy.
Anti-waifu's were also posted a minute plus change apart from each other. It's pretty clear.
Mine isn't the same style, but it's also an image I picked up in these threads, complete with filename.
>They're the same person because the files are .png
yes,pic related
Danganronpa fanart when?
Your posts were made within seconds of you making the thread. I don't believe that's there's a group of people who constantly scan Sup Forums for Danganronpa threads just so they can get the first post.
...That's not who I think it is, is it?
>game literally opens up the possibility for dr 4 through 52
It's the opposite of dead.
>your posts
I saw the thread at 4 posts, but you've never been in a Sup Forums DR thread before if you don't know about junkofag or his kirumi friend. Fuck off.
Mining mini game is horses cock
also the death road
God I wish.
There's no way we don't get a full scale Sony-backed VR Danganronpa
You just said you came in here at five posts. That's how you know when someone is lying. When someone starts changing their story.
yeah, casino can suck major dick
Monokuma's test is good but gets really hard post level 60
Board game and Salmon mode are good too
Do you have to ask?
I am the fifth poster, retard.
>When I posted my Air Guitar Shuichi image, there were 5 IPs in the thread, and 5 replies.
>I am the fifth reply
and you wonder why hot pockets delete these threads
It could be someone else you know. Besides, unless someone reset their router three times or had three different proxies, there's no way those posts could be made in such quick succession.
That's not the same thing.
I'm so happy that's not a trophy requirement.
I tried it just for shits and giggles and got maybe 2/3rds of the way through before giving up after 2 hours.
Salmon one wasn't to hard, it's more so the Outlaw one that's going to be hard because I'm playing it on the Vita and can't see shit past a certain point.
Once you grind some ultimate cards though Monokumas test becomes a lot easier.
poor vision is a problem regardless of version
I'm playing on PS4 and can't see shit either
Fuck death road. The movement is so bad and you can't tell your teammates to stop or come to you. Not to mention all of the death traps that you can't do anything about until it is too late. I hate games that are poorly designed on purpose to add "difficulty"
>Sometimes I even look like this!
What did he mean by this?
What was her problem?
not being dicked
luckily Komaeda fixed it
It looks like Chris has ditched it going by his trophies, but he is going insane with Neptunia.
Based Neptunia steering Chris Chan's autism away from this franchise
looks like he finished the first one, but rushed it so much that he didn't even fill up any character's report page
Shuichi's eyes *q*
Overrated series for brainlets, as the first 5 replies will show you
In game she definitely deserves the hatred just by the 4th trial alone. Until then she was just rude so the hate wasn't that deserved.
Wait what people hate her ?
>another Danganronpa thread
Based Another Danganronpa Thread-kun
>Got fucked so hard by HOPE dick that she decided to fuck off to space
great, now visit every other thread on Sup Forums right now saying
>another x thread
best ost in the franchise?
Like, that's the point. You're not supposed to beat it. It's supposed to be extremely cheap and unfair.
That's why you cheese it in chapter 5 with the hammers
are fudanshis allowed?
i kind of like the casino, i just wish they had used only monocoins and not casino coins, seriously even if they just lowered the payout i hate having to have two different coins to deal with if i just want to get a few cheap gifts but spent all my coins for casion coins.
I know it's meant to be that bad, but I can understand the other user because they only make it that bad with the controls.
I miss shortcake :(
i do too
he didnt have to rush right? Maybe he just got unlucky and never completed any FTE's because the people he hung out with kept dying.
they should have saved V3's plot for this
fudanshis are high iq so yes
Is UDG any good? Thinking off getting it during the next steam sale
it's okay Komaru and Toko are great but the gameplay is kinda weak
Hopefully, because I want to see the first 4 posters die a terrible death
Just got the V3 platinum today.
I feel kinda empty.
owo cute...
Did everything wrong.
yeah her plan was dumb as shit too so she was going to die anyways
I love kyoko!
Idk, her plan was pretty good. I just think she didn't expect Gonta to kill her. I didn't
It doesn't matter because after the deed she would've erased all the evidence and the investigation of the virtual world would amount to nothing. Her plan was dumb, but she had a perfect way to get away with it.
She would've been a very easy-to-find killer, though.
what about the poison she tried to frame Kaito with it would be obvious that Kokichi didn't die from it
She can't make Kokichi's eyes bloodshot or refute Tsumugi's testimony.
Why is Aoi so perfect?
She has the least relevant talent in the entire series.
>entire finale is about "fuck hope and fuck despair"
>epilogue is "lol hope" anyway
>less relevant than Ultimate Fanfic Writer
>fuck their fake hope
>my hope is better
So can we agree that DR2 is still the best in the series?
what a chad
They were rejecting the game show's definition of hope which would continue the killing games, not hope itself
No sir
Can you blame him?
He got two waifus out of it and he doesn't need to share.
>best friend assassin + mage loli > piano baka
The best Danganronpa games are the ones with Junko in them
it was his plan all along what a guy
Which girl do you think is chris-chan's waifu?
autism-chan, AKA Harukawa Maki
also check this 3
>tfw I spent 2 days and almost 20 hours of playtime to beat Death Road legit because some anons lied about there being a trophy for it
I only got 100 monocoins and a shitty theme. Can't even brag about it because no one cares.
Yes, V3 is pretty much a retread of 2 besides the decoy protagonist twist (although arguably it lines up if you simplify it to "this person I trusted during the investigation turned out to be a bad guy during the trial"). The lying mechanic was barely used at all, sure there were "backdoors" but I never saw the point. Split Opinion was kind of neat, but the segments themselves were kind of a let-down considering how much build-up they had, and the last case didn't even have one. And Psyche Taxi was a drawn-out piece of shit.
But he didn't play V3, he's only played DR1
Well, even if it doesn't have a trophy, it's still needed for 100%. I am jealous of you, user, you can feel good about it.
He looks like that but only sometimes.