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>4:20, 4:19







Do you ever want to punch people who complain about the Mako?
I do.



My favorite planet was the one that had a red giant and a small, blue star in a binary system. Shit's pretty

i got you famlam
i seriously never got why anyone complained about the mako.

That's the shit right there.

took me a sec


Here's my only shitty screenshot to revitalize this thread. Anyone have a cap of that black hole someone found in that space exploration sim game (can't remember the name) that was like thousands of lightyears across?

it's still a screenshot


Mako>>>>>>>>>>>>Hammerhead>>>>>>Nomad>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>scanning planets from orbit

i miss happier times so much

Remember this? Remember the first time you saw this, and your mind went through all the different explanations for what this could possibly be? Remember that slight smile that came across your face as you realized you were going to explore the stars and live out that fantasy?

Looks like whatever rock you're on is about to fucking crash. Waaayy too close

And there are people who actually think that ME2 was better

still ashamed I actually spent money on this garbage tier game

now move five feet to the left so we can see those bland ground textures and jaggy rocks


That's exactly what's going on. A group of terrorists hijacked an asteroid being towed into orbit in order to crash it into the colony and effectively genocide the planet.


>there will never be a single-player sequel to KotOR II

My rage is neverending.

Ah. which game is that because I don't remember this?

It's the Bring Down the Sky DLC for ME1. There's a very small impact your choices have on the Warscore in ME3, so it's not super important, but it was still a decent DLC.

>There will never be a fully bugfixed KotOR II release

I know your feels

wildife rpg


it's a wholesome family friendly "game"

looks like shit


Damn, I need to play through Sleeping Dogs again

Some bugs were fun. Remember the level-up glitch where you could keep spawning hssiss in that one room on Korriban, killing them over and over to get a super high level (or until your Xbox crashed)?

Also, ever play the Sith Lords Restoration Mod? Definitely worth it for the extra narrative.

Can you post the nude now? Or at least link to imgur post with nude? Please.

I tried playing it once but got bored and dropped it. Is it really worth playing through to the end? I know I got to the part where you attend and wedding and shit goes to hell. I've been replaying games lately, maybe I should see it through. I remember collecting all the little secrets all over the map got boring, maybe I should ignore that this time.


im uploading my collection now

Is this the game from the flying harpy webm I keep seeing posted?

sure is


Why are they always wet?

i prefer it
the whole album is like that, btw



>GOTY keep refreshing, it's still uploading

Believe it or not, I actually missed that the first time I was playing.

It was one of the first "next-gen" games I played on my new PC, so I was blown awy too much by everything around me to focus on something as simple as Reaper in a plain view. Was kinda suprised when I saw him in my second playthrough.

Lovely. Don't like cowtits, but thanks regardless.

So, is that just a "stare at nude monster girls" game, or is there actually a point to it?

brb, gotta fap

Yes, this is on a console.


there's literally no gameplay right now. it's only good for watching the animations and taking screenshots

Wouldn't the planet be a purple kind of color?

The light output from the red giant far surpasses that of the blue star to the point that you can't even see it. I'm assuming it's a blue-colored white dwarf, which put it at the low end of the luminosity spectrum.

Not letting this die, so here, have a best boy.



what game is this

>fallout 3 with the amber hud


you can clearly see the relative sizes of the stars in his pic. the red giant is not thousands of times larger than the blue star.
the blue is likely 5-10x hotter than the red one, and seeing how luminosity is proportional to temperature ^4, the blue star in that picture would outclass the red one significantly

t. physics doctoral candidate


Couldn't it be that much larger though? I don't remember which planet that is so I can't look it up, but what if the planet (and the blue star, to a lesser extent) are super duper far away from the red giant? Wouldn't that give the red the much larger luminosity that drowns out the small blue dwarf?




if that's the case, the red would be brighter much farther away from the planet.
but as i said in the pic, we can see both stars at the same time, so we know the relative proportions the stars' surface area facing the planet, and given two objects of similar solid angle size, temperature is the most important component when calculating flux.



Well, thanks for the info.

Who woke up Wei?






last one

wow. I thought those graphics were so good the first time I played this


You’re confusing me. Are you talking shit about a game released 13 years ago? Or are you impressed it has hold up well? It’s still a great game either way

not talking shit. I'm just saying it's amazing how much graphics have changed. It still looks cool, but when you haven't seen it in ages it looks very different from how you remember it

This game has arguably one of the best screenshot functions of any game

Looks neat. Is the framerate tolerable though?
