Which MOBA is the most comfy?
Chinese knockoffs are allowed.
Which MOBA is the most comfy?
Chinese knockoffs are allowed.
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There is no such thing as a comfy MOBA. If you want relaxed, Heroes probably.
most casual? hots obviously
All except HotS and Smite are shit though.
I feel like Smite has the worst players, not in the sense of their mechanical skill, but in the sense of understanding how to play a MOBAs in general.
Competitive Smite is actually pretty cool to watch.
How about none? That way we all win
That one chinese moba that had Shrek in it
It was fun
Not OP, which ones are the shorter ones?
I wanted to try them to see what's the whole deal and internets tells me dota2 is the most complex one but it's apparently also the longest one and I can't play a single match with randoms for an hour without a break.
How long are the matches on avarage?
well shit
Had. He's gone now. The cast is like 80% cute anime fapbait girls, and then 20% shounen protags or characters stolen from Blizzard games.
Wall-E survived the purge though.
I guess the shortest would be HotS. I had a particularly long match today, and it was only about 30 minutes.
> Comfy moba
No fucking contest.
This fucking game gets weirder every time I check up on it.
>No Chinese Knockoffs
>League of Legends
Pick one
Is this as fun as the general concept sounds?
There is now a Turbo mode in Dota thats pretty cool, less laning and more teamfights. Matches average around 20-25 minutes
In terms of ridiculousness? Sure. You'd be playing with a bunch of Chinamen on their servers though, so I hope you enjoy 500 ping.
I downloaded it for shits and giggle like six years ago. It was hilariously inept, but nothing I'd ever play beyond a custom game to laugh at.
>when you're that casual that even League of Legends is too complex for you
I kinda want to giggle at the idea of playing Rock Lee or Kongou fighting Umaru and Wall-e.
>i hate mobas!
I played League since Closed Beta, right up until they changed Skarner. That was the last straw for me.
Why dont you create your own Moba, Sup Forums?
HotS. Short games, lowest entry barrier. Bonus points for being a better competitive game than League at least, not that it's very hard to be.
How crowded it is? Does the community like it im general?
get gud fucking scrub
mobas aren't comfy
they are stressful and make you rage
Wow yeah because that worked so well for everyone else who jumped on the moba train.
learn to read dumbass
MOBAs are the exact opposite of comfy. I only play Dota, but the only comfy part of the game is when you actually have a good laning phase as a carry and you can rice as you please without interruption.
comfiest is HotS, best is Dota. LoL isn't worth anything
Who else here quit their MOBA because of trash talking? I am autist. I used to get bullied in school. I can't fucking deal with this shit.
>mute everyone
>pick techies
>or just play against bots using custom AI
>or just play 1v1
>turbo mode
>custom games
>cheap as fuck cosmetics
>all heroes are free
>winter terrain
>change weather effect
>change lighting
Can't get more comfy
>Yuudachi (Poi) skin
Mobile legends / Arena of Valor
Dota is the only one who is fun, and you actually have all heroes from the start.
>HoTS, muh kills, muh events, oh shit we lost all our buildings bot
>LoL casual wankfest who doesn't want toxicity
Just hit mute, I'll still pause when I destroy you though.
>Playing Techies
>Muting everyone
????? I still hope you flame them and make em tilt.
Oh god what is this custom cursor
offlaning by yourself in dota at 3am with your team muted is comfy
Battlerite, cuts all of the bullshit and padding and gets right to the combat.