This triggers the Sup Forums fag

This triggers the Sup Forums fag

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how so?

I don't like putting my console into those small shelfs. They are dust magnets and air doesn't circulate well.

Ok fuck this gay thread. I just found a DS Lite. Can I do any hackery shit on it or is that the later DS'?

>inb4 Tyrone

Juan here

Just imagine, you could have built a way better PC that could play games in higher resolutions with higher framerates with the money you spent on those consoles.

who /idort/ here


Does it still count if I'm on wii u instead of switch still?

why did you waste 300 dollars?

buy an r4 and download all the games you want

That's cool OP you do what you want but what is the genuine honest reason for doing this

That and all the capabilities that an actual desktop computer has.

>buying two consoles that share 90 percent of the same library
"b-but [game] makes it worth it!" is bullshit


>black cock on top
>white cuck on bottom

>not having all black consoles


>pop-in right as it starts
>settings at normal
W-woah.... realer than life

>paying that much money a month to play video games online

Why is the pro so enormous and ugly ?

>not knowing you can get a 12+1 for $30


why two overpriced systems? Why even get a scorpio? Games will barely look any better compared to what you have now. Better resolution yes, but that is that.
Barely worth the 500 dollars.

I remember playing doom on my ps1 and not giving a fuck about the superior ports on the pc. Now everyone loses their shit if a game is 720p in one platform and 1080p in other.

Irrelevant visual upgrades that are taken out of proposition by the people who want to convince you that those upgrades matter and you should rebuy they console upgrade.

If you are buying a console for anything other than the exclusives, then you are retarded.

They elected to use the larger sized die like in the vanilla PS4 for the Pro instead of the smaller and more power efficient die used in the slim. Bigger means it takes more power which means it gets hotter so it needs to be larger.
Part of me thinks they did that so if the Pro took off they could do a PS4 Pro Slim next year and announce it at E3. There's a rumor that Sony seems to be planning launching hardware in Q2 2018 so if that's true I bet it's either that or a PS4 super slim.

the point still stands
>inb4 "are you seriously so poor you can't afford $30 a year???"

No I'm pretty sure the pro is on the 14nm node

My bad, I think you're right. I haven't read anything about it since launch when they thought it had to be the 28nm node because of the power draw.

Can't we all just get along?

only now i've noticed just how much the scorpio looks like ps2 fat. and ps4 pro is still damn ugly what the fuck were they thinking.

that white ps4 looks tasty. like a cake
i'd eat it


I'm more annoyed you didnt color coordinate. Get both black or both white.

Enjoy both consoles. My ps4 gathers dust now, and my xbox is basically my plex machine now. Im basically a pc/3ds gamer now.

Anyone wanna buy a ps4 slim w 2tb internal drive, horizon, uncharted lost legacy and uncharted 4 for $350?

My gf got me an xbox one s for Christmas last year and I was surprised by how good it is. I was goin to skip xbox this gen. Glad I didnt.

I'm a bit jealous

>buying things off Sup Forums
sent ;)

>This triggers the Sup Forums fag
you spend $900 to play the same shit I can play with my $230 vanilla PS4.
i'm shaking and seething bro

>being this much of a poorfag

I only play a select few games for each console anyway. Spend more money on one night out on the town.

Enjoy your 2004 graphics

I mean, if someone actually is interested i can send my ebay listing

must be hard being this poor

It's true though. Ill spend a measly 30 or 40 a year for a premium service I use almost daily.

Yes, just like shitposting on a Malaysian motorbike forum, posting speccy shots of your 2k+ computer with 200 indie open-beta steam games and not a single one installed

Interesting. I thought Jaguar was only 28nm but they have shrunk it down to 16nm for PS4 Pro/Xbox One S/X.

Please tell me you at least have a 4k (non chinkshit) tv too, one of my friends bought an X and still uses a fucking 720p TV for it

still better than bloodborne now at 30 fps stable and, well, i guess forza?

>you have to be black in order to pick the white version of _____

GTFO this is a Nintendo board

This triggers me since I have the base model of each. I think I am fine with them though.

Maybe if it was a picture of a PS4 and a Switch.

What's there to trigger?
You are officially retarded.

Have a Switch, Wii U, and Xbone X. Do you think Sony will come out with a PS4 Pro 2.0 to compete with the Xbone or should I just get the Pro?

Anything can be shrunk from one process to another iirc. The smaller node is what has allowed them to boost cpu clocks without turning it into a housefire. Smaller node = better thermals and power consumption at the same clockspeed OR higher clocks and performance at the same power draw or similar power draw.

It's how Nvidia went from Maxwell to Pascal. The arch is pretty similar (not exactly the same) but similar enough that when clocked to the same speeds they perform similar but the Pascal gpu use way less power. The new Pascal gpu are actually so power efficient that even at 2.0 ghz they use less power than their last gen equivalent. They're artificially limited to 2.1 ghz max although they could be pushed further. Just goes to show how far ahead Nvidia is compared to AMD right now, although funnily enough Vega is housefire tier but Vega 64 still uses less power than a 580 on average so they're getting somewhere i guess.

do you just shit out money or what?

found the poor fag

>What's there to trigger?

>Vega 64

Meant to say Vega 56. Overclocking is still housefire tier on AMD gpu though.

So would you pay +$400/year for an online multiplayer subscription? Because otherwise you're a poorfag

I make about twice the median income for where I live.

Scratch that just looked it up I make 4 times the median

lmaoing@your life, thin skinned Xbimbo faggot who set out to trigger others got triggered himself

Actually nevermind checked again I make 8 times the median


>those pop ins

It's 16 times now

Yeah I know that, the Xenon processor in the Xbox 360 was shrunk 3 times. I'm just surprised Sony and Microsoft threw enough money at AMD for a node shrink. Imagine how much better off their consoles would have been if they'd have waited for the Ryzen equivalent.

>Nvidia went from Maxwell to Pascal. The arch is pretty similar (not exactly the same)
It literally cost them 3 billion to do that.

just got mine in yesterday, rich bois winning op. the most powerful console on EARTH

Not really since he gets to play the same games OP does

Is this not even in 4k? The new consoles can't even run the Witcher 3 on the highest settings? What a joke

If a console from 2013 only has 2004 graphics then your 2017 rerelease console only has 2006 graphics

The scorpio looks like the ps2 honestly

JHH likes to brag but I doubt he literally spent 3bn on Pascal alone. Its probably overall R&D costs for all projects between Maxwell and Pascal which I pretty standard nowadays but including stuff which is Volta related and other workstation stuff. He just wants to sound like Pascal is super revolutionary and stuff so casuals can think it's the best thing ever. He's a clever guy, very clever actually. Everything he says in these conferences just needs to be taken with a pinch of salt especially bold claims like that.

Nevertheless Pascal is very very impressive for what it brings to the table and even AMD with polaris and Vega haven't been able to match its perf per watt. Just look at how much less power the gtx 1060 used compared to the rx 580 and they're within like 5% of each other on average across most games.

It's going to need an RTG revolution for them to catch up to Nvidia any time soon. Nvidia aren't stagnant like Intel were.

>It's going to need an RTG revolution
Unlikely, given the poo in loo was just fired. Expect huge restructure and no new Radeon products for the next 2 years.

>typing 4 words instead of multiple sentences makes me the triggered one
Top kek fuck outta my thread now kid