Have you remembered to stretch today anons?

Have you remembered to stretch today anons?

Does he not get up to piss or go eat food or something
Even the games i love the most cant make forget these basic things

>not simultaneously gaming and lifting

Man, I got so immersed in one of the early Divinity games a few years back when I looked up I had been playing for close to 20 hours straight. It happens. of course I'm also quite active outside

Rule of thumb: always take breaks even if you are planning to play more. I don't know about others, but I usually take 30 minute to a hour breaks every 3-5 hours playing something.

It has been a long ass time since I did 12 straight hours and I can't understand why people would put themselves through that shit, especially for longer periods.

obesity + inflammatory/autoimmune issues (food insensitivity) + 12 hours crushing your legs with your fat ass = deep vein thrombosis

>computer games
the state of journalism today

I've been a basement-dwelling NEET for the past 7 years. Literally all day, every day I sit at my computer and I only get up to use the bathroom or get food and I've never experienced a problem like that.

There's obviously a genetic predisposition to blood clotting.

how weak do you have to be to die from sitting still for a while?

>tfw vidya is on 2nd floor while most of my other necessities are on 1st floor
I use my staircase 10 times a day easy, this will never be me

Its a good feel

>There's obviously a genetic predisposition to blood clotting.
There is actually. Problem is you won't know if you have that disposition until its too late

Yep: I hit the gym daily for a different muscle group every day.

Today is abdomen: side incline crunches and planks

Yes, I went to work to earn a living like normal people, therefore moving and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle.


Well I guess I'm just a luc

Currently 27 and skinnyfat. I don't eat much at all, some days I only eat a breakfast and nothing else so I'm not skinnyfat due to eating too much. I just don't do any exercise. Tell me what exact exercises to do please.

>mfw playing xbox LITERALLY kills you
thank god us pcfriends are safe

I never stretch.

What's your goal?

you dont eat so your body its converting all the food into fat so you dont die like a bloody retard.

To not be skinnyfat.

But why can't I just be thin instead of being skinnyfat?

If it's just to stay healthy and get in moderate shape and you have access to a gym:

Monday: Pull Ups and other Pull Ups (One with parallel grip, other with perpendicular grip, palms facing you)
Tuesday: Planks and incline sit-ups, keep your back straight at all times
Wednesday: Pull Ups and Close-grip bench press
Thursday: Planks and side-crunch on incline
Friday: Leg day with Squats and weighted lunges
Saturday: Back day with chin-ups and shoulder shrugs and another thing I don't know the name for.
Sunday: Chest day with barbell press and flies

>no rest days
enjoy your trip to snap city

>Being a labourer

Yes, a moment ago when I went to take vodka from fridge

I've never gone to a gym before in my life. This seems like way too much effort. I don't want to get built. I literally just want to not be skinnyfat. Would going 2 or 3 days a week not be enough?

a professional trainer would laugh at this routine

>Would going 2 or 3 days a week not be enough?
yes. don't listen to that guy. go ask on /fit/ and then ignore them too and just google a simple routine

Change your eating habits. If you don't have to eat more. Just more regularly. Your body is in famine mode so any food you eat gets turned into fat. Don't eat one big meal, you want your metabolism to be consistent through out the day.

I'm in the same boat, are you perhaps a skeleton/average weight? It's obviously the people who suffer this have a combination of genetics, poor sitting form, and just plain ol case of being a fat ass. Probably a shitty chair too without much room to move in.

then just run a mile every other day. its the hardest exercise to get motivated but 1 mile is nothing.

Fair enough. Most days I just eat a big bowl of porridge in the morning and sometimes I eat a dinner in the evening, like steak or fish. So how often should I actually eat?

Changing his eating habbit won't face his "skinnyfat" better known as being fucking weak.

3 days a week is all you need my dude. You don't even need to hit the gym, just do pull ups, push ups, and crunches at home, and cut soda/all sugary drinks. That's it, that's all it takes to not be fat OR skinny fat.

Every second of every day until your fat fucking head explodes.

Nah for real though three meals a day is good. Space them out like a normal human being.

I will never understand people who are able to just sit still for an entire day. Even if I spent the whole day in front of the computer I still at least need to stretch my legs even if it's just walking in the house a bit.

Are you actively trying to never leave the screen? Is this some kind of competitve multiplayer faggotry?

I'm unfit as fuck. I don't think I can even run for more than 1 minute at the moment.

I sit infront of a computer 18 hours a day
I'm just not a tub of lard

I practically get up every 10 minutes to check my fridge for food I don't have to eat or get another drink.

>tfw your job requires sitting at a desk all day

I'm not gonna make it

>being so genetically inferior you die from sitting

Dunno man. It just happens. I played 12 hours of black flag straight. Tried to stand up real fast and nearly passed out.

Then walk, fatass.

I haven't drank a soda in over 10 years. I only drink water and coffee (no sugar) and rarely some alcohol at parties or christmas.

9 to 5 cubicle work makes you sit almost all fucking day asshole.

But I'm not fat. I'm under 140 pounds and 5'11. I'm just physically unfit.

We all start somewhere. the "I don't think I can" attitude is self destroying so stop. it's at you're own pace on your own time.

Just do some bullshit like 'stronglift 5x5'.

I'm sure a billion /fit/ assholes will roll in to tell me how retarded that is, but it worked for me.

Reason I got into it was I got congenital arthritis and couldn't sit still in my car for an hour at a time because of the aches on my joints. Doctor told me to do strength training so I just googled a bunch of stuff and that was the first not-too retarded newbie-friendly one I came across. It's super fucking simple. You just start insanely light; way lighter than you can actually do, while working on your form, then slowly work your way up by adding tiny increments every session.

I went from barely doing bodyweight squats and benching the bar to twice my bodyweight squats and bodyweight bench in about a year, without realy putting any effort into it; I only spend 45m-1h three days a week, didn't really push myself, and didn't change my diet at all. That obviously isn't going to impress anyone, but it has been a huge improvement for me. I no longer look like a skinnyfat nerd (just like a kinda-fat normal guy), my energy levels are way greater, things that used to exhaust me are effortless, my joints don't hurt at all anymore, I actually look forward to physical activity rather than dread it, etc.

I guess I've hit the 'naturally effortless' cap for my frame or something though because now it's getting to the point where I really have to push myself to make more gains, which I can't be assed to do. My goal wasn't to get big, just get normal. Which this did very effectively for me. All I do now is maintenance, which takes no effort at all at this point.

Fair enough. I'd quite happily walk any long distance. I just can't run. But walking seems like it wouldn't even help.

Can't wait for the mainstream media picking up on this one

Also my thoughts to him and his family, nobody deserves this

It's so variable I can't give you a good answer. Depends on your activity, fitness level, genetics and climate.

3 times a day is a good rule of thumb but I find some peoples idea of a meal can be very different. Just take what you normally eat and try to spread it out throughout the day as best you can.

Sounds good mate. I'll try this so :)

>But walking seems like it wouldn't even help.
then run when you can. you should remove any can't, wouldn't, and not, from your vocabulary.

Damn, I'm same height at 200 but I take martial arts. Why not try martial arts? Get involved in something fitness related that isn't gay Chad gym shit

Its from almost 2 years ago. Also that is the mainstream media

>bike 5 miles to and from work every day
>on my feet and active for 5-8 hours each day
>take breaks from gaming if I've been going for more than 2 hours
I figure I'll be fine. Only heath issue I have is with my heart and to avoid problems I just have to keep my caffeine intake low.

Fuck do I miss energy drinks though.

I have weights in my room and do active vr vidya just so I don't end up like the guy in OP

i get up like every hour or so to go downstairs and get more water

>having to wander down to the village well like a medieval peasant just to get water

laffing @ you

Glad I wasn't the only one to notice that.

if you don't want to end up like OP do aerobic exercises.

i live in a 3 story house m8
i put my office upstairs specifically so i would HAVE to go downstairs to sustain myself

ez exercise

It's not so bad if you rest your 8 hours at night and make sure you rotate the muscle groups.
I also don't increase weight so often like actual hardcore lifters.

This is just my casual routine that I do to stay healthy

There is nothing wrong with calling console games 'computer games'

reminder that the only way this can happen to you is if you sit still for basically 12 hours at a time and don't move at all, not even to get up to go to the bathroom
guy had a real problem and was obese on top of that, he was not destined for this world

you should still take a break every now and then and go for a nice walk every day just for the exercise however

I don't go to the gym because i'm a poorfag but i bought an used bar and some weights and i lift every other day using one of the routines in /fit/'s sticky.

I've never been in better shape holy shit, lifting is amazing anons.

>staying more than one hour glued to the chair
i can't even do that if i want to stand up afterwards, i move them constantly even if i'm sitting

Damn, that's a lot of Henry Rollins.

seems like you're fit desu and if you have heart problems it's because you're genetically unfit.


cheeky cunt