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Video Games #3963
Video Games
What's your opinion of Metal Gear?
He doesn't romance everyone in games
Azur Lane is the biggest new game in Japan. Why haven't you started playing it?
Who is this design aimed at?
It has been more than 3 years since AA2 came out
Tfw i want to enjoy Classic WoW but i will never have friends who to play with
Tfw after 10 years, Sup Forums's grip on me is finally loosening
Why can't America make good games anymore
Is Sup Forums enjoying Assassin's Creed Origins?
Pubg random duos
There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who didn't use Red9, Striker, and Semi-Auto
They'll never make another Advance Wars
This is going to be us
What are your favorite gibs in video games? Not necessarily the most detailed or realistic but just satisfying to see
MW2 was released 8 years ago today
How does he make you feel?
Improve this
Why can't america into interesting character design?
Why is this necessary?
Switch selling millions
How do you warm your hands when they're too cold to play fast paced games?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Tales thread
How does this make you feel?
What's your GOTY? Mine is Destiny 2
Recommend me a good game where I can become filthy fucking rich and completely fuck over everyone else in the process
There will never be a good star wars game ever again
Why did Noctis' race change from Asian to Caucasian when he aged?
Insult Players
Free Dauntless Beta code for PC
Why am I a better game than Battlefield 4 or 1, Sup Forums?
How do I use my Dualshock3 ins my Pc? Should I buy a DS4 instead?
How many of you cured the genophage?
This was the only good halo game
I'm willing to give EA the benefit of the doubt here. Now Titanfall will be better funded and marketed
Buying someone a Gift. What's a good SEGA Genesis game Under $50?
Drop cash on microtransactions
Without shitposting, explain to me why Breath of the Wild is a better game than dark souls or witcher 3
What went so wrong?
Protagonist thinks killing is badong
""""""""""gamers"""""""""" would unironically fight an attempt to have loot boxes be recognized as gambling by law
Left or right?
Got gifted pic related. is it good?
*Defines your childhood
They will never give Marina the correct choice
Every single game including the spin offs are cannon
Nintendo 64 Classic Mini Coming 2018/2019/2020
The state of Fate series
ITT: Your favorite video game reviewers
What went wrong?
What went so right?
What are some games where I can have a girlfriend?
Star Wars game
Is the game really that bad?
Tfw can self-insert into underage protagonists in vidya because manlet
Favorite world?
Autistic heavy metal rock music starts playing
Best game in the series isn't canon
What went wrong?
I'm the best girl in Persona!
Does Sup Forums appreciate the comfy aesthetics of GB/GBC graphics? Which games looked the best?
Super serious BG2: SoA discussion and the state of modern RTwP cRPGs
Assassin's Creed Origins looks like sh-
Shit game
Superior to the first game in every way. Why did it fail?
So I'm about to play this for the first time. Any tips? What's the recommended difficulty setting for each route...
How do we fix the game?
*Blocks your path
How triggered are you Sup Forums?
How come Ibuki is seen as a cluster fuck but Marie as fashion done right?
One day, I will own this board
Post something bad about your favorite game
Says something nice to 2B and 9S
Do I need Amiibos to get the full Breadth Of the wild experience?
Dumb shit you're tired of seeing on here
Playing through FF7 again I get the distinct impression that Aeris was just fucking with everyone the entire time and...
Switch Graphics
Hollow Knight
Try to refute that, oh wait you can't, GenV sucks
Why are devs allowed to get away with this?
VR Rift or Vive
Why does every person on the streets want to kick the shit out of him?
GOG has a "made in Poland" sale
Hey Sup Forums,is Dead Rising 2 Off the Record a standalone game or just a improved version of the second game?
Solid Snake dies on the Tanker
Ruiner is GOAT because of Her
It's all fun and games when you have an Xbox One X...
He didn't create a Mi'qote character
Vidya wallpaper thread?
N-nintendo is only f-for childr
You get sex for being a nice guy, the game
Who had a harder life?
What went so right?
What's Sup Forums favourite pokemon
How would Sup Forums's boards look like as kingdoms?
Legendaries removed
I don't like JRPGs. I find them basically kind of dull. When I think of them, I think of contrived...
Remember back then when dragons worked out? Those thighs could crush trees! I miss swole dragons
Why does Nintendo like the short guy tall woman couple?
Let's be honest, there is no way that a couple of tiny knights with sharp sticks could kill a fire breathing...
I have $1500 USD in the bank
Would a theoretical Vita 2 have had better specs than Switch? The gap between 3DS and Vita was massive
Wtf? I love xenoblade now!
Ruined Vidya Music
What is the white chocolate of games?
How did they get away with this?
What sd card gb do you guys have on your Switch?
"Remember the loot bug where you glided across the floor? I want that in the classic servers "
Shhhhh, the beast is sleeping
Bethesda's "cities"
Anyone else buying this as a matter of principle? Tired of SJW trash like Wolfenstein, new CoD, Destiny 2, Origins etc
Super Mario Odyssesy vs Breath of the Wild
Nitendo isn't SJW
Press F to pay respects
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Where do you get your pirated games from v?
Okay Sup Forumsois, just got these what should I play first??
Battlestation thread
Your trough on immersive sim?
Opus Magnum
You can never go back
Useless card killers
Fastest selling Xbox ever
This was a good game
What went so right?
Just played this for an hour, it was fun
IVAN 0.50.9 Thread
Hi son, what are you playing?
Why is it OK when Nintendo games have black characters?
Which one is the good one? And which ones are the shit ones?
What are some videogames you would call artistic?
Be me
Beat a boss
Who was in the wrong here?
Capcom - We will bring new Switch next year, inc. Ace Attorney
Game has a hopeless boss fight
Civ thread
What the fuck is the point?
Why did you not buy the best shooter of 2017? Now it's too late. Rest in Piece Respawn
Has a video game ever made you cry?
Who was in the wrong here?
Capcom making Switch games targeted for next fiscal year, including Ace Attorney
ITT: Iconic scenes in videogames
Why do people play this game?
Third world gaming thread
Let It Die
Detroit: Become Human
I'm poor and I have a family to support but I also wanna play Tekken 7 and MGSV 1080p high settings 60fps
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Glad you could make it, Uther
Do OG 2001 Xbox game discs run on Xbox One X?
Is Xenoblade the most comfy JRPG franchise?
Name a game with better writing than 999
Name a better female character in video games
Biggest jew moves ever pulled in vydia: the physical DLC
So, what's the consensus, did you tried, enjoyed it, still playing it?
Reminder that Super Mairo Bros. 2 was too hard...
Did you cry too, Sup Forums?
Is NieR: Automata worth the full price tag of 60 bucks?
What is the best party comb for RPGs?
All that hype for nothing
You have 13 points
Play pic related
Do you ever dream about video games? I had a dream the other day that i was being chased by 20 Rimworld scythers...
-Mario Sunshine does the blue coins thing and we HATED it!
Is anyone aware of modern game titles that have autoaim in them like the older resident evils, silent hill, dino crisis...
Should I buy Final Fantasy XV on Playstation 4 for $90?
Coming Spring 2018 to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One systems
Is this worth it just for a few games ?
Would you play a game about a rogue Wehrmacht soldier killing Nazis?
What do you think about Samus?
Switch - Discussion
Has Dr. Mario had the most remakes/releases for a bad game ever?
Do you want to register your copy of Archaic Super Old Vidya? (recommended)
Nobody ACTUALLY prefers SMB2 over 1, right?
Xenoblade 2
Grove Street:
Thumbs up b
Did you get yours, Sup Forums?
Why do you hate him again?
Localisation is so bad that almost 100% of the entire script has to be re-written and re-voiced and enemies and...
What's your opinion on Amy?
Nice games you've got there consolechums, mind if I... PORT them?
Fuck this game
Being an XBox fan living in Japan
This is the best controller
Link is a manlet
Should I get it just to support more third party Switch games?
How the fuck is this even allowed? Why are there people that are okay with this? That's an ad every 2 minutes
When the fuck is this thing going to get games...
Post your desktop's
Sonic Forces
So did Valve just throw this one to the dogs and leave it?
What went wron-
Vanilla warlocks aren't broke-
Nier Automata
Man this game is adorable, I bet the whole psychological horror tag is a stupid joke
ELEX looks like sh
So is your Nintendo Switch running out of Space?
ITT: Bad guys who are actually superior to the good guys
Why do the majority of Sup Forums hate Doom 3?
Holy shit, this by far had the best written story in a video game
What did they mean by this?
Poland level
What are some games with giant girls?
Why are games that take place in Australia or Australian themed levels so rare?
What the FUCK went wrong?
What's the appeal in these games? The best parts are the ones where it's trying to copy stalker...
7 months to E3 2018
How do we stop female violence in video games?
Son, din dins is ready
$164 Million
Can Capcom recover or are they in a death spiral they can't recover from?
The state of modern RPGs
Has there ever been a more insufferable character? Even if you excuse the poor dialogue...
Do you sip while gaming?
What was she thinking, Sup Forums?
ITT: post vidya moments without posting them
Play beta
ITT: A Sonic thread, but the thread's in Blaze's World
Right, i'm guna start Dark Souls and i'm determined to beat it...
"I'm not your Mary"
Xbox One X
ITT: Most insufferable characters from a series
So how is taiko no tatsujin?
Music track from a genre that isn't electronic, metal or orchestral (or some meme shit like Polka)
Network lag
Poorfag here, have just updated my toaster to be able to play 2012-2015 games nicely
Post you're Sonic Forces OC
So, now that the dust has finally settled, what is Sup Forums'a verdict on the Nintendo Switch?
Just to confirm
Should more games include transgenered characters?
Remember when people were paid to go on to message boards and pretend to be outraged about this game?
Shin Megami Tensei Thread
Only do DPS jobs for 3 years
Can anyone tell me what game this is? right answer gets a cookie
Games Sup Forums won't admit sucked
What's better, Sup Forums? A short but brutally difficult game, or an easy game with tons of content...
Who /pirating/ here?
Best gameplay
Game is difficult if not impossible without online guides and backtracking
ITT: Specimen in public
ITT we post video game opinions that make you legit MAD
What's with the outrage before? Bayek's obviously Egyptian
Day 15 still no crack
How has gaming change in the past 10 years?
I just can't into the combat of this fucking game. Any tips? I'm level 5 and just got to the Hub getting my ass raped
Sonyfags WILL defend this
What games have good archery?
What's the best Gothic game?
Which one was right?
How do you prefer your super mode to look in a video game Sup Forums?
What do you guys think of hideo kojima
What do you lot think of Amiibos?
Lawbreakers "Free"
AC Origins
So is it 4k@60fps or 4k OR 60fps?
What you guys playing?
Do you guys prefer to play games with a mouse or with a controller?
Games that fly under the radar from normies and plebs
3x3 Thread
Are you excited for Session?
You've been playing video games for a while. Enjoy a cup of tea!
I bought it and made myself look like super monkey ball man. Everyone keeps borrowing my character so I did a good job
Switch production up to 25 - 30 million next year
White people hate thread
Thoughts on Skyrim?
Xenoblade 2
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
How do you solve the nu male problem in video games, Sup Forums?
Sold twice as much than Syndicate at launch
Doki doki literature club
How do you play MMOs without any friends?
Strongest character is women
Update graphics
What's the worst kingdom in Odyssey and why is it Luncheon Kingdom
Does Sup Forums like Klonoa?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Where does Yuna rank on most usefulness in FFX? tell the truth
I'm thinking about picking up a switch for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 since I loved the original so much
What is your opinion on Joseph Anderson?
The $800 gaming laptop you bought doesn't even beat the old ass i5 3570k + OC'd 660ti combo you had
A Hat in Time
I wanna neck myself with that jump rope
These are your supports and healers. Be nice to them for they're the ones making sure you stay alive
Tew2 thread or games you didn't expect to like as much as you did
What games have the best animal companions?
Sup Forums is way too fast, how do we make it less popular?
Have you considered sexually pleasuring yourself to a fictional video game character?
He doesn't fall asleep listening to AVGN episodes
Rythme games
I want to know every single nintendo platform exclusive you think is a MUST PLAY
What made the persona 4 girls so perfect?
Still the best in the series
Hey user, you called me a desert what?
He didnt like WW
Say something into the super megaphone Sup Forums
I never played a SMT game
"Sorry I moved onto PC, Sony. No hard feelings, right?"
Filename thread
You need to solve the riddle
Boss implores you to reconsider
Draw wimpy kid that gets bullied by everyone
Under Night Thread
Does he really need the attention THAT badly?
Which Battlefield is the best one so far?
Wtf is this? Where is the banter from the Sega Genesis/Super Nintendo era
"Oh hello there! My name is Nern. I'm considered the greatest historian of our time...
Each one fully heals your hp before applying the side effect
Why don't you play fighting games user?
Who is the Diogenes of video game characters?
ITT: examples of terrible game design
Spend 70 (seventy) USD on a controller
Best gameplay in the series right here lads. Let's hope the Switch game can far surpass it
"I'm so glad i wasted my time shitposting about others wasting their time playing video games on an ming dynasty image...
Sony Japan Studio to close in 2018
Is it really the best video game ever made?
Doom for Switch
Final Fantasy girls thread
Still the best
Played through dark souls 3 a second time and steam rolled through it with the greatsword
ITT: Sad moments in vidya
I see that the President's equipped his daughter with ballistics too
Take a memorable vidya quote
Tamriel is a dangerous place. Protect your horse from danger with this beautiful handcrafted armor
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Who was in the wrong here?
Why is this allowed?
Will people finally start admitting this was peak WoW when they realize their feelings for vanilla are just a product...
Sonic Forces was shit, but don’t let that bum you out when we got this. Still the feel good game of the year...
The power...of the XboneX
Sequel has less features than the previous game
Show me them Sonic Forces Customs
Wow, user. Did you seriously bring your 3DS to school? You’re 18 years old, but you still play all those kiddie games...
Some Free Humble Bundle games
Is she virgin?
Game allows you to Critical hit 100% of the time
PC Build help!
Who was in the wrong here?
Le Doom Switch XD
Goddamn it
Did they fuck?
Who is the cutest girl from Fire Emblem and why is it Lucina?
Buy my game or your a literally hitler
This triggers the Sup Forums fag
Thinking about it
Boy, that sure died fast
Kill boss
Read vidya creepypastas
ITT: Your favorite PS2 game(s)
So /fgg/ made a list of the 20 best fighting games of all time, what do you guys think of it?
How can the Horde even compete?
Wish they didn't talk over half of it
Tales of thread
Hello there...
What are some must plays DS games?
Tfw upgrading from leather armor to mail
What did Nintendo mean by this?
The Most Powerful Console Ever Made
PS1 could never do 2D
My father looks very much like Big Boss. Should I post pictures of him if he's okay with this?
You have joined a RPG protagonist to save the world. What's your:
What games allow me to have a good conversation?
Dragon's Dogma
Is it possible to make a game based on A Nightmare On Elm Street...
What is Sup Forums's honest opinion on boobs in vidya?
That kid whose parents wouldn't let him play vidya on school nights
Any of you fags going to PAX East this year to play some vidya...
Remove IP
Steam Refunds
Make a digital card game
Tfw went to the cap kingdom instead of the dark side of the moon
Roll is love, Roll is life
Legitimately good game or just eye candy?
Is Forces the MN9 of Sonic?
One of the greatest consoles of all time
How do you motivate yourself to get a platinum trophy?
SFV Battle Lounge
Gameplay is what matter
How long do you give Respawn?
Why is Sup Forums against paid online?
Why did it take everyone this long to get upset by loot crate systems? TF2 has been doing this for 7 years...
Would you play a VR boxing game?
What games have hot latinas in them?
Let's discuss this series' games
Now that the dust has settled, what are your thoughts on Hotline Miami 2?
Is Bayonetta good?
Think think Sonic Forces is a "beautiful game"
When this comes out, will it seem kind of outdated...
In another dimension humans are the bad guys of XCOM/XCOM2
Does Bowser only kidnap Peach for Mario’s attention?
On a scale from yes to no, was it worth the wait?
Friend forgets to go offline before playing h-game on steam
Why are women in fighting games so sexy? Wouldn't they all be disfigured from all of the fights that they've been in?
Tfw last jsr game was 15 years ago
Why does Sup Forums hate Androgynous girls?
Xenoblade chronicles 2 thread
Create a video game protagonist and rate others
It's time to discuss the comfiest game ever made
How do we save them from themselves?
Here comes the Ace Combat Thread
Sup Forums plays Jackbox
Post cut/beta content
When will Rouge get her own game?
I still don't understand who the Xbox one x is for. just get a PC
30 FPS on ultra/high or 60 FPS on medium/low
Which Persona 5 girl is best?
Your age
Is the hate towards her justified?
Why does Sup Forums want MHW to fail so badly?
Sucked through a Null Space portal
"random crits are fair and balanced"
The absolute state of gaming "journalists"
Poorfag here. I'm a generation behind and just picked up a playstation 3. What are some essential games for it?
Do you still hate him?
Can we stop being AVGN nostalgiafags and admit this game hasn't aged well?
Final boss is the love interest
This is Aloy, her new DLC just came out. Say something nice about her
World of Warcraft
Final Fantasy XV
Recent pickup thread
Modern storyline
>Half naked slut follows you through the entire game
Current state of mmorpgs
Does Sup Forums worry about getting fat?
Sonic Team will never do anything good with this character ever again
When will DQIX get its remake?
Favorite gym activity back in school
Was he right?
Tfw there are currently zero games worth playing
What would Peach do if Mario somehow died permanently?
Is there a single good thing about this game, unironically?
MMORPG Thread: Instead of Tera 2 we get some game called AI:R
ITT: God-tier bros in games
Meanwhile, on the USG Sup Forumsshimura
How JUST is Sonic Team right now?
Webm thread, webm thread
So I wanna finally play this classic. Can someone post that Silent Hill guide for me?
Why did third party remain with PlayStation after the Nintendo 64?
Whats the most people you've played local games with?
Pick up Overwatch again after a few months
Is there any game where the MC spot got stolen by a secondary character?
Why are these thumbnails allowed?
The comfiest game ever made?
Video game accomplishments that you're genuinely proud of
Now that the dust has settled, what is the OST of the year? this the end of the game? I heard it was short but holy shit this is borderline bare bones...
Bullet sponge bosses
What went wrong?
Start game
Look at this Boo
9.1/10 IGN review
PS3 getting 4.81 firmware hack this Christmas
Anyone got a list of how many studios EA has butchered in the name of Monopoly?
Battlefront is back!
Lol is this for real
Opus Magnum thread
Better than nothing
Xenoblade switch the biggest flop of the year
Pokemon yellow
Comfy games
Breath of the Wild
Look at this nep
Jesus H Christ. I picked this up because I loved Xenoblade Chronicles and 2 is coming so I thought why not
Tfw playing vidya doesn't make me happy anymore
Which non-MMORPG online game are you playing right now?
Save the princess with your vidya knowledge, if you can
Game has a deep gameplay mechanic
Paya loves Link
Press F to pay respects
Breaking News
The greatest Castlevania ever made
Harvest moon story of seasons whatever
Final Fantasy XI
ITT: trigger Sup Forums
So do you just get poisoned (Well, inflicted with Toxin) by just being in Blighttown or something...
Will display technology ever be good again?
What games let me swap genders on the fly?
I'm getting interviewed for dev job at Bethesda, NEED ADVICE!!!
Your game reuses old levels, bosses, or brings back old enemies. It's not a "new" experience
Why are so many game developers just straight up incompetent at their jobs?
Nintendo 4DS when?
Sup Forums I just got an iPhone X
Taiko no tatsujin session de dodon ga Don
I'm going to kill the Best girl
I legitimately got banned for saying faggot twice in a game and nothing more
What went so right?
Just woke up, is it okay to play now? Or is blizzard still jelly and trying to drop all players?
Would you ever buy a daki of a video game character?
He isn't supporting Chris-chan by powering up the neptunia characters by playing their games
ITT: Bad iron sights
EA to Acquire Respawn Entertainment
RIP in pieces
Come out! Your death will be quick and painless
Name a game where I can create characters with huge asses. For science, of course
ITT: Obscure games that defined your childhood
Xenoblade chronicles 2 thread
Do people have fun with this kind of gameplay?
How did they get away with this?
What are your hopes for the next resident evil game?
What're some true 10/10 games
What was his FUCKING problem!?
Wow classic
What's the worst vidya game that you have played?
Physical collection thread
That'll be 39.99 plus tip
Post your battle stations, Sup Forums
Americans loves xbox
Name a more iconic duo
Let's write the Worst plot for a videogame ONE WORD AT A TIME
Local shop is literally just giving away Cuphead merchandise with coffee
Reminder that if you've ever done even one of the following you are cancer that caused the current state of the video...
Sonic is not made to be nade in 3D
That entire third row
Dromers think they can compete your eyes
Content calendar for BF2 was released, looks like they're already adding new campaign missions
Why did Dragon Quest never take off in the west, but Final Fantasy was able to?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Our premium, slightly higher-quality console model has been out for a year and isn't selling well
Try the demo and its cool
Why do you like video games Sup Forums?
What are some 6/10 games?
So is USUM's main campaign the same as SuMo or is it entirely new content on the same map...
Silent Hill
Why did they give the Bandicoot tits?
Is there a more /k/ game than jagged alliance?
Just bought a PS4, I'm now officially an Idort
So that's it? This entire game is just circle strafing until the monster whiffs something and then you mash R1...
I discovered a package in the mail, and it's not addressed to me, and I'm not quite sure...
I wanna get to this CRPG thing. Which one should I buy and play first, Pillars of Eternity or Tyranny?
ITT: only the worst opinions
PlayStation 3
Sup Forums hates Persona 5 now
Is "clunky" a new flavor of the month buzzword when people can't figure out why they suck at a game and they'd rather...
You have 10 seconds to come up with ideas for a Batman RPG video game
Samus use to be up THERE with Master Chief and Doom Guy in the past
What is the most disappointing game youve ever played? What game made you react like Groudon here?
Itt: objectively shit game design
[ faint sounds of cancellation ]
EBaum's World is going down
Do you own any vidya merch Sup Forums?
How do you fuck up this badly?
How did he know they were G's bloodstains
Thoughts on Skyrim?
How did we go from this
Xenoblade chronicles 2
WoW Allied races & character customization speculation
Take a look at this motherfucker and tell me The Horde isn't evil/the bad guys
One will protect you, the other eight will try to kill you. Choose wisely
Sonic forces came out two days ago
What games have aged well 20 years later?
Final Fantasy
1 piece of meat is the base game
Can we have a real conversation? No skewed statistics, no positive news slant, just a review and analysis of reality
4k 30 fps ultra settings
Can any sonic lore autists explain why there are only 6 emeralds in the first game?
With Classic WoW coming back will Thottbot come back?
Nekojishi's release date is this weekend
Saddest moments in gaming
I want Jaina to be my mommy
How do you think Galactic Football could work as a game ?
Hulu on Switch
Builds PC
Meanwhile at Latin American Sup Forums
Squad free weekend
Revolver Ocelot
What video games feature a virgin and Chad dynamic?
Which one did it better?
Was this game actually popular, or are nostalgia fags in denial?
Playstation is a living room only brand
Switch gets a proper JRPG on December meanwhile PC/PS4 fags get this shovelware
Oh fuck me
Post games that make you vomit
I fixed her design
What the fuck were they thinking?
Have you remembered to stretch today anons?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...