Do you ever dream about video games? I had a dream the other day that i was being chased by 20 Rimworld scythers, and they had already killed all of my friends.
Do you ever dream about video games? I had a dream the other day that i was being chased by 20 Rimworld scythers...
Yes, whenever I lucid dream, I have sex (rape) my female videogame companions. For real.
It feels amazing, way better than real sex.
What video game characters do you like to rape?
Strong women warriors. The best dream sex I had was with Two Worlds 2's Dar Pha pic related.
I love women with attitude.
Good taste, i'd probably fuck one of the HotS characters.
kitten came out of the hole and mews.mpeg4
That pic is from the prequel, actually.
I dreamed I was literally raiden fighting necromorphs and i fought a necromorph raiden the other day.
this guy is too good for this world
Used to raise a black kitten that looks similar to the one in the vid. Sadly, I had to leave town. Miss that ugly mug of hers already.
>aww so cute, how could anyone not raise those kittens
>proceeds to support multibilion slavery+murder industry just to feed another pet
>lmao it's ok because kittens are cute xD
Shut the fuck up retard. The quality of life for your beef and pork is astounding compared to how it would be otherwise. Abused animals don’t taste good.
If pigs deserved to not be eaten, then why are they made up of bacon?
I once had a dream that I was a gritty old Com. Shepard and after blowing up a warehouse of alien scum like paper without a care, I went to my ship and had hardcore sex with Miranda Lawson.
Best wet dream I ever had.
Believe me, I'd love to murder my own food. Sadly, hunting permits are hell in my country.
id eat cat if it tasted nice
>a faggot goes on about his moral high-ground, stroking his ego
omnivores eat whatever the fuck they want and it's healthier that they consume a variety
it would be unwise to eschew a good source of iron and other resources meats and animal products in general provide us
I have a question, would you eat this animal? (assuming it was edible and tasted good)
If not, what makes it morally superior to plant life?
Where specifically do you draw the line at what life you can kill and what not?
Why not have sex with Yvonne, the actually attractive woman after whom Miranda was modeled?
If it obviously thinks and feels, it's off limits.
I wouldn't eat insects or jellyfish, but their consumption is not morally indefensible, unlike eating mammals while living in a first world country.
Jewish prank
ive met vegetarians that eat fish
people literally just pick and choose what animals are cute enough to not be eaten
kss kss kss kss kss
Plants think and feel too, asshole. Guess you're not eating anything.
What does Sup Forums think? Should we smash this pussy or nah?
>you will never spend the prime of life on a luxury farm planet living in paradise before being peacefully put to sleep before your body starts to fail
If it was raised to be food, I'll eat it.
What is the purpose of this picture
>morally indefensible
Where do you live, india?
I had a dream a few nights ago, that I was in a JRPG and I had to kill X amount of wolves for a quest. I only had a knife as a weapon, and the wolves were not aggressive.
I remember that I stabbed one and it cried out in pain, and I instantly regretted it and ran away.
That wasn't a dream.
Go back and kill those wolves or you won't be getting any gold or exp, and the quest marker will haunt you forever.
unless you plan on sustaining yourself on completely inorganic matter, you'll be sacrificing a form of life in some way to prolong yours
it is the circle of life
like the cow doesn't give a shit that it eats grass
like the wolf doesn't give a single FUCK that it eats that fucking cow
s-so the right thing to do would be to eat the ancestor...?
who hate anyone to right to decide that animals lives have more value than plant lives?
I will continue the quest in World of Warcraft: Classic™
>checks op's pic related
if you stabbed one, guess what, they're definitely aggressive now
think about that next time you sleep
You had a genetic memory episode of a japanese ancestor. Sorry but your genetic history is fucking weak.
>Hey warthog you mind if I shoot you
>Is that a yes or a no
Animals are retarded, they have no idea what's going on
well of course they don't want to be eaten
nothing that lives on this planet doesn't want to be eaten
plants and animals
but they need to eat something to stay alive
if I were going to be eaten by an animal, I of course would try to resist, but I wouldn't condemn the animal for following its nature. I would do the same if I were in its shoes.
When I play a one single game for 7-10 hours one day I have ordinary dreams, but I see the HUD of the game in my dreams.
>nothing that lives on this planet doesn't want to be eaten
He's twice as strong as you and has a spear. Good fucking luck.
anything that lives*
otherwise that made me sound like a vorefag
my mistake it's 1 AM and I'm tired
everytime I play alot of the same vidya over a few days I dream of it
or when I'm sick
Would vegans eat cultured meat?
would you eat this then?
Its sentient, but it REALLY wants you to eat it. If you don't eat him he'll be depressed as fuck. He tastes really good to.
My dick? Yes.
why should i respect the right of the bear to live if he doesnt respect my right to live?
I had a dream about Ace Combat 7 last night
>Takes place above the ocean, with me and my allies flying into neutral ISAF territory following the defeat of one of the Erusean-controlled Arsenal Birds
>Suddenly, a massive Aigaion/Arsenal Bird hybrid drops from low orbit near the space elevator and ambushes us.
>It has these giant missile pod clusters that constantly move around its wings, while endless waves of drones try to kamikaze me
>I go into Macross missile evasion mode, with constant smoke trails behind me
>Upgraded TLS on the Arsenal Bird fires and kills me and my other squadrons.
>Wake up
Even the big boogieman PETA is fine with it:
Why would they care if they read classical literature and play music to cattle?
>haven't played EVE online in years
>still get nightmares about getting lost in 0.0 sectors and trying to find a way back to hi-sec
Last night I had a dream where I was playing CSGO for the first time (I've never played it) and we all were using controllers while each side had one guy who used a kb+m and they were the top fraggers. The whole thing was also a mixup between real life and the game where I was running around with a Desert Eagle.
What is the point of these comics? I do agree that educating people about animal rights is important, but is there anybody who would receive "education" like this well? It's just being "hurr durr look how stupid and hypocritical meat eaters are".
Even if somebody would agree with the point, acting like a snarky cunt about it is just going to turn people away.
...Or are these not meant for education at all, but rather are just wankery material for other vegans?
What are 0.0 sectors?
I get wanting to treat them properly and give them a good and comfortable life but still we have to eat. They should have that high quality of life and a painless death and then we eat. That's the idea anyway. Cats and dogs have been bred to be companions. The tragedy of harming a cat or dogs lies with the fact that the animal actively trusts the abuser. A cow eats grass and then suddenly painless nothingness and now we eat.
So...a vegan is ok with Chinese people eating cats and dogs because they don't discriminate between cute animals and farm animals?
If we didn't eat animals, what would we eat instead?
>implying farm animals aren't cute
When I was a kid watching my older cousins playing RE 1 i had a dream that night with the zombie turn around scenes. Obviously not a very pleasant dream.
sometimes i deliriously hallucinate that i am playing the game in my sleep if ive been playing any game too intensely
>I get wanting to treat them properly and give them a good and comfortable life but still we have to eat.
The fact that we have to eat is actually all the more reason to start switching to less meaty diet as world's population grows. It takes much less energy to produce nutritious fruit/vegetable based meal than one that is focused on meat, and yes, it is possible to live healthily without meat and not have to rely on supplements.
...That is of course assuming that you think much more about what you eat. Non-vegan diet allows for easy variety, and one doesn't have to think much about what to eat to get necessary nutrients for the day.
Also, it would be too much to ask for majority of humanity to suddenly become vegan, when so much of current cultures is based on what we eat. I certainly am not ready to stop eating meat and eggs, or stop drinking milk.
I have no doubt that the change is going to happen out of necessity at some point, but it is going to be gradual.
Tofu, soy milk, water and vitamins.
How many soy beans do you need to feed 6 billion people?
Guy in the left won. Faggot in the right was silenced like a bitch.
They're going to engineer cattle without pain receptors or brains before we go vegan. Either way, something horrible will happen to our bodies over time.
>Tofu, soy milk(...)
Could as well be dead.
eating a plant isn't always killing it.
you don't have to cut down an apple tree to eat an apple or uproot a tomato bush to eat a tomato.
there's many plants you can eat without killing them at all and in many ways doing so actually prolongs their lives.
unlike an animal where cutting any part off it causes it's quality of life to dip to the point where killing it is the preferable option.
Not him but, feeding cattle and eating the cattle is less calorie efficient.
Basically you need to farm more food to feed cattle and eat the cattle than if you just ate what you farmed.
All I dream about is work
There is no vegan anywhere that only eats plants that can be harvested without being killed.
But cows eat grass, don't they?
>millions of insects die every week in order to feed people in poor countries
>vegans never mention insects in their rants against the vile meat eaters
vegans dont care about killing plants
Mostly beans. The meals future are going to be pretty fucking dull.
Fuckton. But you'd need even more farmland to produce food for cattle that you'd use to feed billions of people.
Animals feeling pain isn't a problem, it's the amount of shit you have to feed them for them to be ready for slaughter. What I imagine is going to be engineered is cows and pigs who grow inhumanely big insanely fast, but even then it's matter if you having to put calories in for them to grow.
Meat production is going to get more efficient, but vegetables are always going to be more efficient.
>...Or are these not meant for education at all, but rather are just wankery material for other vegans?
That's all vegan material
Russian cat
there's plenty of ways to propagate plants and even harvest them without killing them. most vegans have their own gardens and do exactly this.
i'm not even a vegan and i do it.
sure commercial gardeners don't give a shit because planting seeds on season for new growth gets better and faster results but if you grow your own shit you don't have to kill anything.
I guess, though they require a vast area for that which would be ridiculously more productive if it was used for farming instead.
They're all Russian. The guy lives in a closed city in Siberia, and apparently there's a shitload of cats there.
Where do you think that grass comes from? That people just send their shit in after they mow the lawn?
Insane amounts of farmland is needed to produce enough feed for all the animals. Farming isn't so small-scale anymore that you could just let all your cows outside and they'd eat their fill happily. Sure, that still happens in some places, but large-scale animal husbandry in America and other countries is way too efficient for something like that now.
you kill plants when you eat them
Why would you fucking care though?
It's plants. Do you care about the bacteria you kill when you wash your hands too?
Do you guys do any kind of thinking before you write something?
Let's try it! A cow eats a wholllle lot of soybeans, grains, etc for several years. Then we kill it. Do you think the calories it ate over those years are equivalent to the calories its meat produces? NO. This is simple thermodynamics.
This world is fucking insane and humanity is fucked. Learn the goddamn facts before spouting your shit.
getting lost in space or massive areas is pretty bad, drowning is also bad
>frogposter having a shitty opinion again
But are cows cute like this?
Cows are pretty cute 2bh
Whatever lol. At least is tastes better then eating leaves
I'd also like to follow up:
Plants don't feel pain
Plants don't have families that are ripped away from them
Plants don't suffer in a claustrophobic cage for their entire lives
Plants aren't aware of their surroundings and don't have eyes/ears to panic
Stop lying to yourselves and admit meat is one of the most fucked up things humanity does on a daily basis.
I had a dream last night where I discovered a hidden Aztec themed kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey. For some reason the Moons there were green Shine Sprites.
Felt a bit bad waking up and realizing I have already completed the game 100%, I really loved it
Here it is guys. Here's why humanity is a cancerous pile of shit.
I don't care about BILLIONS of animals suffering! I don't care that the meat industry is one of the leading causes of my own environment collapsing around me!
>Plants don't suffer in a claustrophobic cage for their entire lives
Only real problem I have. But then I eat neither chicken nor eggs.
So easy to bait kek