Why does Sup Forums hate Androgynous girls?
Why does Sup Forums hate Androgynous girls?
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Because there is a highly consistent track record of androgynous or simply transgendered characters being added into a game not for the betterment of a game's story or narrative, but because the developers wish to push politics onto the game.
"See trannies~? We're not transphobic, we added you in the game too!"
This Moyra character in particular, I couldn't comment much on, but I don't blame anyone for having that kind of pessimism coming out of the gate with regards to her.
Kill yourself faggot
>I like girls who don't look like girls
Kys faggatron
>Sup Forums
>high test
Sup Forums is hardly high test.
The more feminine and girly a woman the better, every time. The more they love dresses and long hair and doing their nails and babies, the better women they are, period.
Masculinity and femininity are meant to contrast each other, men and women shouldn't be similar. The manlier the man and the girlier the woman, the happier they are together. It compliments each other.
>We tested this common knowledge and found the results concluded shit everybody has known since we painted on cave walls with shit
Because tomboys aren't the same as girls who look like David fucking Bowie you moron.
Hence the trap obsession
>I don't want to fuck her so she's badly designed
What did you expect from a community that bought the game based on waifus?
so has anyone here fapped to her yet?
Is there porn of her yet?
>muh "i dont want to fug so its bad"
No user, look at Moira. No one wants to fuck her, but she's just so BADASS™ and that's the big issue with her.
Of course I know you're just shitposting, but be aware that gaffers will take you serious and think their garbage opinions are wanted here.
Dude it's cool, I like waifus too, I want to booty blast mei until her brain melts, but I recognise not all of the characters they add are going to be fantastic fap bait.
She's a support class so she needs to be a little low key in her design she needs to blend in a crowd and not draw fire, that is for tanks, who have bulky unique designs that pull the eye.
I'm not much for the edgy witch either but Sup Forums complains every time a new hero is added, even when sombra was first revealed, took a while for anons to come out of the woodwork as liking her.
Honestly, complaining about the post release heroes is justified. Ana was the only good one.
Sombra's design is pretty shit, but she can have a cute face at the right angle. And her summer skin is amazing.
Orisa is just god awful.
Doomfist's design is alright, though the tribal shit is retarded. He's a complete shit in all other aspects.
Moira is just Battleborn incarnate. Tranny look, terrible colors, overdesigned, all that shit.
I still hate that dumb mexican. Ana was the only good character they added so far.
>liberal """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""argumentation""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>androgynous girls
my type.
The art gives her a Jamie Lee Curtis kinda vibe.
The model gives her a Brianna Wu kinda vibe.
sharp, flat, and slim is an easy way to make a design look evil or intimidating
thats not a girl, its a woman, and it isn't attractive enough to pass off as "androgynous" its just a ugly woman with a bad haircut
the prominent chin , jaw, and forehead are just ugly from a design perspective
real androgynous women don't have prominent striking features, the entire point is that its not striking, its ambiguous features that give you the vague hint of gender, and thats the entire appeal of androgynous
plus the rest of the suit and outfit and everything, even the hands are just awfully designed, dont get me started on the clothes or those dumb pipes , the entire ensemble is terrible
friendly reminder that your "argument" was just a bunch of subjective opinions based on retard traditions
Looks like a shoddy MtF.
Nothing androgynous about that ugly faggot
Back to RetardERA, faggot.
Your ideals based are against nature and are just a push for population control proposed since the 60's.
And based on scientific studies that involve as minimal (((meddling))) as possible.
What if the trap has a feminine face though?
She’s David Bowie meets Maleficent. I dig it!
Are you 100%? Has blizzard said, they are 100%, born female and remains so? It's really stupid that I even have to ask this, but the world has gone retarded and nothing short of a long bloody war where the weak die will fix it.
>Those hands
thanks doc
Why'd you post salad fingers in a wig?
Ant colonies are entirely female to begin with. This comic is dumb
Some user capped this from Overwatch's own website.
androgynous feminine: yes
androgynous masculine: no
masculinity is ugly. but it's a by-product of strength which is why we still like it. combine the weakness of a woman with the ugliness of a man and obviously everybody who's sane is going to hate it. it's the worst of both worlds.
Is it really insanity when it affects the largest consumer bases?
Maybe you're right. When has the majority ever really gone collectively insane about anything?
I'm just kidding, of course.
Nobody fucking likes this shit. They say they do to get laid and earn brownie points then tolerate it to play the game while slinking off to secretly masturbate to the exact opposite then write long-ass diatribes online about how porn ruins their life because without insane blueballs they can't even get it up for their bitches anymore because of their repressed hatred of them.
It is looks like fucking woman.
>ITT: idiots who don't realize that Moria is supposed to be shadow archetype of Mercy
Moria is a fucking techno-witch.
Actually, fitness, flexibility, and nutrition are good potential for balancing the expression of genes.
Early testosterone environments are claimed, in research, correlative with shapes of faces.
In women, testosterone increases sensations, libido, and orgasm.
>we could have had a hot vampire lady character, not just a Halloween costume, that actually drains from the enemy team
>we get this David Bowie gay clown shit that reddit likes
Zaria is god tier, Moira looks like shit
Its not an androgeneity thing, its a Battleborn tier character design thing
>trusting hacks to read scientific studies for you
>70 women and 30 men
Why are propaganda comic makers so absolutely retarded?
Never seen a good argument from any of them.
They're not the right type of androgynous.
Traps or bust
she looks pretty cute there actually
that's not a bad comparison
She looks like a Battleborne character.
She runs like a Battleborne character.
Also, when I pkay ganes I want to be cool and mighty. She looks like nithing and I have no idea why they greenlit this other than to get some sjw points, attoning for Tracer's ass.
Yeah, that's honestly what the majority of research experiments are.
>It is looks like fucking woman.
Whoa calm down there Skwisgaar
I love androgynous girls. I fucking hate Overwatch.