Post cut/beta content

post cut/beta content

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Here's a screenshot found in the files of Sticker Star that shows off an unused snake-like enemy & the unused S meter that was shown off in mid-development builds from 2011.

hoping someone can dig up any Earthbound 64 beta images







imagine what could have been
thanks by the way, I always find it difficult to find clean images of this shit
first time I've even seen this webm


holy shit, no wonder it was scrapped. Looks uncanny as fuck


they had a fuckton of trouble with 3D graphics and had the Pokemon Stadium team help them but even that wasn't enough and it was cancelled


>a mother is a beta
but /r9k/ told me it was impossible


>That mongoloid face
Ewwww...glad that's gone.

I'm glad this didn't make it into the game. She's ugly.

Aww man, it would have been fun as fuck running over people in that

Yikes. No wonder they went with the mannequin.

Back when partners were planned


Likely not a partner, but a scrapped power up sticker.


I feel like HL2 stopped short of too many cool, weird ideas. HL1 feels fucking insane by comparison.


This, on the other hand, was kind of dumb. I think the oppressed citizens would be wise to that pretty fucking fast, even if it was hidden behind some kind of "Pyroland Vision" farce. Especially because the Combine doesn't really seem like the type of overlords who would care if the humans are entertained, even as just a front for a more sinister purpose. The second they provide an "arcade" you would be questioning everything about it.

>cut content
>posts the OOT bow
Way to fuck up your thread right out of the gate

Playing some (roughly) fixed versions of the cut content kinda show just how lame it is to fight AGAINST this enemy. While neat to see how dynamic it is, RTB nailed it perfectly in saying that your deaths just ended being you hit by a blue dot and jerking around a little.

What it needed was a scripted animated death for the "spear". The "smacker" could just whack you regularly, and the "eye", well, sees shit. None of which were coded properly.


I liked the other concept of basically 100% slave labor. Like the children assembling cremators (funny considering that the concept for the "ball" on the cremators' stomach is actually using a child as fuel), the citizens working 24/7 in giant floating office-like spaces, and the Vortigaunts used as a fuel source.

I'll never understand why people like this. There's no spinning knife wielding baby-dolls as a RE style infection. I'm glad it turned out to be nothing more than a technological showcase.

>not ok with dolls coming to life
>is ok with knight suits coming to life

While I was never a fan of the enemies, I liked the look and feel of it. Reminded me a lot of code veronica.

A suit of armor is a bit easier to buy. It's human sized, and could have conceivably been filled with a human until the parasite was all that was left.


Well I'm with you there at least. It was dark and oppressive, and felt more intimidating than "Leon the action hero." At least in the real RE4 there was still fuckhuge monsters that make you fear for your life.

idk what specifically youre wanting for in this image, we got all this

>cut/beta content
Someone's gonna post a tiny circumcised penis as a joke. you know that, right?

Tomba! had a fair amount of unused material. Looking back from when I played it as a kid, there's a few things missing from the last game, along with the Iron Village having a purified cutscene, implying there was likely another pig to fight.

Tcrf revealed some events that went unused.
>Miniature Making Trumpets
>Wonders of the Black Water
>The Rusty Steel Car
Going by the items, there may have been two more pages of events to play through.

Nope, initially it was more like The Thousand Year Door with partners and other stuff. Look at more beta footage of the game from E3 2010.

It was a partner dude, they scrapped them early in development though in-favor to have focus on the stickers.

so mother 3 was originally supposed to have ness in it? that would have been way fucking cooler than what we got.


No, that's Lucas. He just looked more like Ness, or that's Claus.

The GR2 demo on PSN is actually one of the first show demos they made, so it's from like 2015 and there are a few things the changed for the final build.
All of the islands actually used to move and this is shown in the reveal trailer:
In the final game they are completely static.
Also the lunar style gravity slide allowed you to stick to wires, railings, and trees like in this webm but you can't in the final game. They probably considered that it was a bug and they "fixed it" for the final game.

no is obviously ness. it looks just like his n64 smash sprite. i am disappoint now, having ness join up with lucas to fight pokey would have been way cooler and would have solved many of the plot problems M3 had with pokey


It's not. Sakurai said Lucas was meant to be added in Melee, replacing Ness but after M64 was cancelled, he kept Ness in. Ness was not in Mother 64, everyone in Mother 3 GBA was present in Mother 64.
Just stop, the rest of your post screams underage.


>source: your ass

It does look like something unintentional, and would've need some polish. But yeah, would've been cool to see something like this in the final game

is the location that link is standing in actually in the game?

didn't think so.

Can you guys not act so esoteric in this little enjoyment we're having?

Blame the underage shitting up the thread.

At least you're here to sooth my soul.

mario used to be able to be covered in goo

what is this

>you will never enter this painting

it looked awesome



>Mamma Beach
This is my fetish



>Mare village
looks like they had a little something for everyone.

>we got all this


This looks laughably edgy, in a bad way

It's from a great comic series that's funny edgy

It couldn't be
>never ever

Pretty sure you can still do that in the final version.

Half Life 2 feels like they wanted to tone it down with the weird shit, but ended up going too far and ending up with a lot of cut content, plenty of which would have objectively made the game better.
I'm not saying it's bad though, Half Life 2 is great however it feels like a lot of creativity went unused and buried within the game's files.


I’m so fucking mad.
I’m still fucking mad.
I will never not be mad.
They took one of their best series of games and completely sucked all the life out of it. That one Iwata asks where they all get together and laugh and gloat about all the stuff they stripped still brings my piss to a boil. Imagine Paper Mario or TTYD but on the scale of rhe WiiU. We could have had that insead of Color Splash. Hell I liked Super Paper Mario and I would have enjoyed another game like that.

Fuck you Miyamoto. This is the one thing I hate your guts over. You should have been fired for this.

I should play timesplitters. I was going to buy it at a flea market and I set it down for a split second to look through N64 games and some chick grabbed it, paid for it and ran off while I was looking.


Is yuriofwind still posting? That little autist was p. cool apart from his weird sperg rants at the end of each video.

What a fucking cock tease.
The completed game hardly has any of this.

Final Fantasy Tactics

nah, looks fine to me, just like Majora's Mask.

pure finnish genes

Guild wars before it got a much better overhaul. It looks like wow because guild wars was made by a bunch of angry ex blizzard employees.

FFXI Japanese beta, the community made its own festival on a specific day

This would later turn into the official Sunbreeze Festival, canonized by Square.


it still hurts

user... don't. It still hurts.

fuck man
I will Will was still making games
he didn't deserve this

holy fuck I am so mad, they were actually going to make a portable paper mario then they bitched out and started the cycle of trash

>I will Will was still making games

>that one user in /vr/who said he know some richfag with earthbound 64 beta cart and wanted to get
>he hasnt returned
It was probably fake but i wish it was real and he returned

I wonder what this hack is doing nowadays

that still happens

>plenty of which would have objectively made the game better.
I think the only things that would make the game better are the cut enemies. Everything about beta HL2 screams "everything and the kitchen sink."

Can't believe I never knew this. I loved that game.