I like how expressive the main cast are this time around
Xenoblade chronicles 2
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are all the girls in this game so fucking ugly
they want the weeb audience
>le busy anime girl
>feminine male for japs to self-insert
>le wacky talking animale
Fuck I really like the voice acting. The cutscene direction is just like XB1. The music too! This scene genuinely mad me laugh. The cast oozes so much charm and are so endearing.
why are you so fucking ugly
also dont open your wardrobe
This really is a Tales game isn't it?
Why is your taste so shit?
>anime art style is the only way to be expressive
Is this what Sup Forums really believes?
I want to impregnate and marry Pyra
>stupid anime faces
What the fuck happened to this series?
>le ebin le faec of le simplicity
contort the face instead of relying on children's scribbles for heavens sake
>typical anime trope faces
yeah no
>generic anime comedy reactions
Throw it in the fucking garbage.
Reminder that if you want a halfway-decent Xenoblade 2 thread, you need to recognize individuals who are very obviously only interested in starting fights and just. Ignore them. It's that easy.
Not at all man. Much better written. Much more charming characters. The writing is more earnest. The cutscene direction is so much more engaging and dynamic, like watching a film. The world design is way above Tales plus the environment detail and topographical design is way above level of Tales. The music sounds so filmic like an real adventure. The concept of living on top of Titans is not something Tales of would ever concieve. The artistry and craft put into this game isn't something Tales of could ever accomplish.
Saying it's Tales is a fucking insult to Monolith Soft. Fuck off.
Look! It's my husband, Zeke, and his Blade, Pandoria!
Ugh!! Nosebleed!!! Fall over on the floor!!!!!!! >_
And I like how this game is destined to bomb. Even their target audience in Japan doesn't want this game.
The message will be loud and clear to Monolith Soft, since they only trust Amazon Japan Reviews. Shonen linear story focused JRPGs will finally be finished, as it should be.
>Feminine male
Rex might look a little young, but he doesn't act feminine in any way
>One of his specials is called 1,000,000 volts
Should have added a few zeros in there.
>""HD"" textures
>People wanted a story focused JRPG after XCX
>This is what they get
ahahahaha serves you right
yes, yes, i like pyra's expressions if ya get what i mean.
So, will Pandoria sport Tatsu 3_3 eyes when she inevitably takes her glasses off?
God please bring back xenogears mature character syle because this shit looks soo cringy
Yep they had the weeb audience until they changed every single weeb sounding name
fucking nintendo trying to please everyone just stop
Yes it's much better than a thousand Tatsu food jokes
>british english
Zeke's VA is going to make or break the dub for me. If it's even decent I'll have to use the dub so that I can understand his chuuni speeches.
i-it gets bigger, I swear
Yeah I'm fine with this. XC1 had it's goofy moments but overall had a great story. Can't wait to see were the story goes.
I'd argue Shulk's hideous face showed more emotion than this emoticon shit.
you wanna be big?
you wanna grow big
Dude look how bad the localization is lmao(
goddamn this board truly is fucking pitiful
Anyone hear his VA? I'd be fine if they use an american like Owain
>you can hear the girl's voice repeatedly crack
This post was made at the very end of the previous, but needs to be seen by blunderfag
reminder that if this game is censored then dont buy, wait to hack or emulate to play uncensored version
When can we see more gameplay of Finch?
But it isn't censored
Anime tropes are fine if it's in Japanese. It's all figured out. It works, it's optimized, like western cartoon dubbing. When you get weeaboos trying to emulate it in English though, it becomes pure cancer. So fuck off with this shit.
Revolutions all the time
>not 'erections all the time'
oops forgot to link the wiki
Pyra !
What does that have to do with the name Dromarch though?
>a fucking dot for a nose
If there was one trend in anime inspired shit I could stop immediately it would be this shit.
Finally they see the light.
this will bomb real hard in japan
games that turned into moeshit or otaku wankfest trash have flopped in most cases
like ex troopers, castlevania, some se titles, that smt plus se one, etc.
bravely default and fe on 3ds could get popular its because the designers styles and they put other aesthetics in games along with moe trash but this one is going full blown anime.
>poledancing whore
I don't like it.
These threads are getting a surprisingly high amount of attention
Took them long enough to realize they couldn't do faces. The anime style is the easy way out.
They collaborated for this game.
If it's censored, all versions are censored and there won't be anything else.
I thought this was common sense at this point.
More for me.
The game is looking pretty good and that for some reason bothers people
"The last chiefs of this branch were Domhnall O'Keeffe of Dromagh"
to break it down further
"O'Keeffe (Irish: Ó Caoimh), also known as simply O'Keefe, Keef, or Keefe, is an Irish Gaelic clan based most prominently in what is today County Cork"
"The name comes from caomh, meaning "kind" or "gentle"
it's derived from a long ass name but dromach name uses parts of it and is described as a butler in the game, he also sounds gentle and kind in the nip trailer.
Also I can't believe im teaching history class in a fucking video game board, I have to admit though, it's fucking fun to do.
sorry just got sick and tired of it from the past two games
They give "suggestions," which means Monolith can tell them to fuck off without it affecting anything
>poledancing ice-elemental delicious brown voiced by Matoi Ryuko
She's a big girl.
But that's the first big RPG on the Switch(a console where anything can sell well right now), and it has Xenoblade in the title.
Post more of my swordfu Pyra
Her eyes can be seen here.
I don;t know what they would have censored. Pyra wears so little clothes, she'd be naked if there were even less clothes.
Was it actually a porn game?
It's a major Nintendo game that's coming out in a month, it's gonna get a lot of attention from shitposters and people who actually want the game.
Thanks user
What the fuck went wrong after ep III
That's an pretty convoluted inspiration for a name, but it sounds awesome. Are you a history major? Or just an enthusiast?
Normalfags out in full damage control mode already it seems.
I want to like the game but the combat breaks the whole thing. Clunky MMO combat isn't a good point.
The music is sporadic and messy seems try hard like sonic game osts.
>tmw there are no husbando games
being gay sucks
>I like how expressive the main cast are this time around
>literally O_O
I was fooled by the first game is the combat still slow and MMO like.
Literally what the fuck was wrong with this style? The armor looks awful in XC but the characters don't, they shouldn't have messed with them for XCX and XC2.
Xcx flopped in japan too lmao
Is Mythra fine too?
Byakko is clearly chosen because it is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations; consisting of the Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise. Azurda's Japanese name is Seiyru, the Azure Dragon, Roc's is Suzaku, the Vermilion Bird, and Zeke is known as Genbu, the Black Tortoise. Zeke's name has been left intact, but the other three have had their connections to the four symbols totally removed by their localized names - all for what? So they can make a vague reference to the nature of a butler? At this point, this is just a fucking joke.
Only because of waifushit
I just lan enthusiast, Im glad my hobby came useful this time around.
Also im surprised how much NoE is digging into multiple mythos to localise some of the stuff, I find it pretty cool
You can faintly hear him say a couple things in English. He sounds British, but that's about it.
You realize this is a mythological character and not real right?
Especially if you are comparing it to Yoshitunse, who was a real person
>white circles
Xenoblade doesn't sell well, which surprises me why its constantly made
But its easily one of my favorite series so fuck it, I don't care I love that Nintendo keeps funding them, even though its probably just a ploy to keep adding characters to smash bros.
In case you didn't see it before, her breasts are really big
ugh too anime...what happened to the Xeno series, bros? It used to have dignity and didn't rely on otaku pandering -_-