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This was easy you faggot. I only died 30 times here.
You just have to long jump like 10 times, what's so hard about it?
literally the only hard part is the multiple long jumps, but once you get the timing down it's easy
30? Try 15, you fucking loser.
try 4 times, ya cunt
I figured out that you shouldn't the ZR or else you'll do the roll move. This fucked me up so many times but once I manually press both the ZR and Jump for each long jump, I got it after the third attempt
I have shitty reaction time so I lost about 600 coins on this part. Didn't frustrate me as much as the 4th bound bowl race, though.
You don't even need to platform back, just take the banzai bill. Once you git gud at utilizing the hat and dive in your jumps, the game becomes much easier/more fun.
>dying in mario games
did you feel this feel too, Sup Forums?
The textures of the blue blocks remind me of something but I can't put my finger on what.
>just take the banzai bill
How do you take it?
No hat in that area, it's on the dark side of the moon.
Why would you do it that way instead of throwing your hat at the bullet bill at the bottom and just flying back?
Test maps in Valve games?
throw your hat at it
I held the ZR button to avoid accidentally pressing B first. You can cancel into a longjump out of a roll at any time.
This is an alternate, more difficult version where you don't have Cappy.
shit, I just noticed you don't have a hat at this part
Had no idea there was a second one
what hat
No hat in this version of the room, you disgusting casuals. Go beat the game
wait people had fucking issues with this segment
i did this first try without even thinking about it
wew boy you're going to literally die on culmina crater
b-but I want to 100% the earlier kingdoms in order so I haven't gone to darker side yet
This one only took me a couple tries. Had way more trouble with the hatless version of the room with the invisible floors and the poison piranha plants
thanks for the advice mr pro gamer
>wew boy you're going to literally die on culmina crater
Nothing on Darker Side requires timing as precise as that part, though.
yeah, I exited the game after that happened
I'll try again some other day
Yeah, well I only died 28 times. You fucking casual. You plebian. You cuntfaced fucking neanderthal.
Culmina was way easy once I learned to not panic at the laser rings segment. The pokio was RNG though
This was one of the easiest, now the sinking ruins, that's pure cancer.
Does the PRIMA guide have a guide for all the moons
>capture bill
>fly past the entire thing
>cap the big bill for a free ride back
am i missing something or is everyone actually retarded?
>do the dark moon version of this level first
>spend 5 minutes trying to figure out how to get the bottom bullet bill to the end blocks with the wooded kingdom version
That shit broke me lmao.
how do you keep the camera fixed like that, I can't see SHIT when I do that segment
what timing
you just jump through some damn rocks and then you ride the banzai bill back
this is what you're intended to do, it's how you get the second moon
There's a hatless version of the level in the post game content.
no you're just a fucking faggot who hasnt made it past the main game.
Yes you are
how do you ride the banzai bill?
Culmina was easy when I learned you could skip two whole sections by repeatedly wagglin' during the gliding part. You'll keep arching up, which retains your height enough to make it to the Bowser painting.
Legitimately can't tell if this is bait or not.
oh there's a hatless post-game one
nevermind that's probably harder
i stopped playing after culmina because it seemed like 100%'d be a damn slog
>recycle the exact same room but now with no hat
looks like im not missing out much
I agree, it was one of the more annoying ones. By the way, why do people consider the vanishing road one hard? I got both moons on my first try. The one op posted was harder.
I legit did this in one shot. Both Moons too
Well okay I had to jump back to get the bottom one but I didn't die
Seriously? That skips the hardest parts. Good to know.
Idk what one the vanishing road is, but fuck invisible platforms.
L or R helps.
other than the burrbo laser ring segment darker side wasn't bad at all
was honestly surprised it wasn't as brutal as champion's road
I don't see the problem. Makes you solve the same puzzle, but taking away the obvious solution to force you to get more creative or more gud.
This was really easy.
It was only hard when I thought I had to make a return trip to get the bonus moon. I never tried going to the end and realizing it gives you an easymode way back.
You're really not. There not even a reward worth shit for 100% the game. You're better off putting down the game after beating the final mission and playing the Mushroom Kingdom
I always take a hit or two getting to the big plants and then eat it trying to stomp on them.
thats not what the post game is all about but ok cool story, homie.
This actually looks kind of difficult. Is the easy difficulty a meme or is there a lot of difficult content?
I actually don't blame you for being confused since the postgame capless challenge counterparts have the same names as the originals. It's stupid.
you mean the one with the poison? Because the momentum mechanics can fuck you over really easily
It's hard if you don't realize triple jumping is the best way to do the second segment.
nah most of the game is easy
Oh. It's a hatless version. Well fuck me then.
I was honestly expecting them to have a 1-Hit version of that level but I'm very very ok they didnt put that in.
Beating the game is easy mode. Going for 100% is where the meat is. A lot of it is figuring shit out but there's gems like that webm.
Keep in mind that the game will force you out of the glide guy before you make it over. It's still far enough to reach with dives and cap throws, though.
Nah, there are maybe five legitimately challenging segments in the whole game, and even then it's just a matter of optimizing your movement and perfecting your timing. The segments where you don't have your hat are fun, though, it's a real test since you probably relied heavily on your hat the first time around.
I damaged boosted through the big pirahnas so it wasn't a big deal, especially since the "hidden" moon gives your health back. Assuming vanishing road is that one.
The Dark Side moons are all pretty difficult and there's a couple moons that are literally impossible if you don't know the hat dive technique, but for the most part it's pretty easy. Even the game's Champion's Road equivalent is obscenely long rather than particularly difficult
it was a gigantic waste of time to even bother with the rocks, kicking the piranha plants doesnt remove the poison
The lack of daredevil challenges is what makes this game easier to 100% than Galaxy. Galaxy 2's Grand Master Galaxy isn't so bad until you have to do it again without getting hit once.
That was probably the toughest challenge in the game next to invisible road I think it was called.
Rest of the game was baby mode including the final challenge on darker side
I would say most of the post game is pretty fair and "makes you think", but not as mean as this one. Those are probably a couple of handfuls.
I did both dark side and darker side in 4 tries, was pretty damn disappointing compared to champoin's road/the perfect run
That's the hardest thing in the game.
The thing is, 3D Mario has always been piss easy, and anyone openly admiting that they expected Odyssey to be hard is by definition an underage or a casual.
I wasn't "disappointed" by Odyssey's difficulty just like I'm not disappointed when the WWE doesn't make references to classical literature.
Nah, I meant this one. Even the guy on the video says that it's one of the hardest. For me, the one that I've hated the most so far was that one where you have to guide the fucking sheep, the stupid dumbass kept killing itself.
But yeah, that one with the piranha plants was annoying too.
Oh that one, I had a lot of fun with that stage.
>mfw i would just kill myself if i fucked up the start of the second section with the climbing instead of just going back to the platform and trying again
So many lost coins
Oh that one. For some reason I had a hard time doing the section after the straight but otherwise it was pretty smooth.
Most Marios are easy, the meat is the fun of it all. But I would say the real challenges like that aren't the majority of the game.
I wanted to die after this
I actually did this one before the one with the moped. Made me realize that rolling was quite a bit faster than running, even when not going down a slope.
I died less than 5 times on this. Unlike the normal version, I didn't keep missing the bonus moon.
thats insane luck, you should play the lottery
Gotta buy 6 guides
I think the more accurate term would be "misfortune"
This poor fucker would miss the draw by a hair.
Where the hell is Cappy? You're just using the invisible cap aren't you?
its a Cappy-less challenge version
The invisible cap makes all of Mario invisible
There are some postgame challenges that are duplicates of earlier ones, but you have to give up your cap.
The invisible cap makes you completely invisible.