What is Sup Forums's honest opinion on boobs in vidya?
What is Sup Forums's honest opinion on boobs in vidya?
depends on how they are handled
b-but we want boipussy
Vidya needs more ass
Men have asses also
You're gay
not enough
need more, never enough
What's so goddamn hot about an embarrassed pantsless girl pulling down the front of her shirt to cover her panties?
I don't know, you should use the reverse image search built in to the site so people who want to find source of an image can without bothering people
They're awesome.
They're nice for when you want them but I'd prefer if people didn't buy games with their dick.
More, I require more. Preferably from jap devs because those come attached to hot pretty girls most of the time. Western tits frequently come attached to the body of a man that they just decided was a womyn with an ugly face all in the name of social justice. Ugh.
Women honestly shouldn't be objectified like this, even in media/video games and if you believe it's totally fine, you should actually consider suicide
kill yourself
Distracting, and should not be in video games. I say that because someone might use the character model and make a pornography video with it in SFM getting titty fucked.
More please
Titties are great, but if they try to take center stage over the gameplay then I don't want it. I've got thousands of gigabytes of porn on my drives that I can check out whenever I want.
I would pay for lootboxes that gave random lewd affixes to characters. Sexy armor, bigger boobs, ass, hips, thighs, and so on, sexy versions of animations, all of it.
I would be content for all of my favorite games to feature pornography in addition to their existing gameplay.
i would just look up porn on the internet for free
>I've got thousands of gigabytes of porn on my drives that I can check out whenever I want.
Sometimes people want cheesecake, not a cream pie.
I fuckin love boobs.
I want to be lewd in my online video games.
If I just wanna look at titties, then I'm not gonna pretend and play a lewd game. I'm just gonna look at titties. You understand, right?
It's gross and I hate them.
Why the fuck would you care?
I like boobs but I find women annoying.
Fan of flat myself, but I do respect a pair when they're used properly.
>What is Sup Forums's honest opinion on boobs in vidya?
The more they try to take boobs out of vidya the more and more likely it is that I would literally vote for Hitler is it was an option.
Im 100% more likely to look into a game because of interesting, unusual, or sexy character designs. The job of a games art should be to catch your eye on some level. A bit of TnA is A-Ok.
Men also have breasts, dummy. Just as woman breasts don't equal man breasts, woman ass doesn't equal man ass. You're correct about me being a fag, though
Men have boobs also
You're gay
I share this same sentiment and it's ruining my life with the internal attrition.
>all this porn and i still enjoy vidya titties
Don't even own overwatch
Needs better physics.
>not even 100GB
Where's your dedication?
Used to be 150gb but i've been trying to delete things i've downloaded and looked at once