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Opus Magnum
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Just finished Sword Alloy. Couldn't do it without a few arms idling at times.
Still pretty new, came up with this.
Did I do good?
The speed is pretty decent for the size.
You can make it more compact by just using a single coupler at upper right side though. That way you can pull everything on upper right corner 1-2 slots closer to the middle. Also upper right corner arm doesn't need to be a piston one.
Is this game as hard, complex and autistic as it looks or is it just an impression? I usually don't have trouble with puzzle games, but just looking at webms from this thing make my head hurt.
Ahh yes I see that. The useless piston arm, and the rail track off to the left are the holdouts of my original idea that didn't pan out. I simply forgot to replace the arm/remove the track
I also just finished sword alloy, i think all I have left in ch 4 is invisible ink. It looks pretty fun since its symmetric but i can tell optimizing will be a pain.
Fuck, thats pretty good but my stamina potion was just nuts. I think I got it to the lowest possible time, a ton of 4-cycles. Dont think it can be done faster, though I suppose I could use 6-arms.
Im not at my computer, but I'll post some of mine when I get there.
It's easier than spacechem, but its harder (in some ways) than factorio. Give Codex of Alchemical Engineering, a free online predecessor to this, a shot first and see how you like it.
Life sensing potion. It's fucking retarded, but it's my fucking retarded baby,
It's Friday, post alcohol.
i sense shilling
nah, we're just sharing our pain of being brainlets, that's all
I'm this guy First time I did the hairproduct, came up with a decent idea, but the arm that drags it to the regent pissed me off since it has a couple useless actions. I couldn't get it right for some reason, but I synced it so it wouldn't drag an unfinished product up there at least.
Any idea what I did wrong?
It's a sync problem. The left arm does everything twice because the other arms do their stuff twice as fast. You can avoid that by using the repeat function (V button) on both right side arms once.
jesus christ what the fuck is yours even doing
mine is shit, haven't gone back and looked through ch 2 yet,
I like this one, it moves pretty nicely.
I know I can get this just a bit faster, not totally sure how yet though.
The infinite ones are fun. I haven't done anything screwy like rotate the chain yet though. I'll need to do that to finish optimizing.
It's not worth it, trust me.
What is this? Look interesting and reminds me of SpeceChem and Infinifactory.
l a u g h i n g
m y
o f f
a s s
Cant fucking wait to optimize this for area.
>Tfw brainlet
Wait, is everything there by on hexagon off to the side?
It's by the same guy. Easier than spacechem, though.
Don't fucking remind me of that solar panel level, optimizing it for cycles was such a pain.
Easy one, but it looks so nice.
Oh a new Zachtronics game. Time to not sleep for several days until I complete it.
it's by the same dev, and is a spiritual succsessor to Codex of Alchemical Engieneering, but now instead of a retarded square grid we get a retarded hex grid.
i uh what?
in infinite chain puzzles, the solution doesnt need to be pixel perfect, but i know you can cheese it via some retarded thing i aint even gonna bother with.
Ahh, thanks. I'm learning a bit more. Here's my first rocket propellant. Whats your opinion on this one?
>i uh what?
I didn't play the game yet so I don't know how it exactly works, but from the previous gifs I assumed that you need to place the right balls at the right hexagons and in the other gif it looks like all the balls jump over the hexagons with the same sign so I assumed the solution wasn't right because it just moves away.
there is a frame of time (also known as a cycle, aka one movement of everything) in which my solution and the expected result line up, that's when the game counts in that it's working. since in each puzzle you need 6 to 12 repeats of the solution, i just needed to line it up 12 times to count a pass.
meanwhile, in a much simplier puzzle, i can do it with style.
user posting porn is against the rules.
i uh what?
damn it....
First-tried this yesterday. I dunno, it seems slow but I can't see any obvious ways to speed it up a bunch.
You can probably make it faster just by altering the pace of things a little bit.
Guys, why all the screens I see here are optimised for cycles? Doesn't anybody optimize for cost?
cost and area is for faggots. You should be striving for the least amount of cycles in the most amount of area.
Optimizing for cost usually consists of a single arm doing all sorts of shit slowly. It's a bit dull honestly.
I personally try to keep everything low with fairly equal importance.
No wonder Gelt died.
Life sensing potion is kicking my brain in the ass. I can't fucking picture exactly how I should do it. It's really pissing me off and I just close the game after a few minutes of trying to work out a solution.
they do sometimes, but what would you prefer?
>a 10 g machine that does shit slowly
>a 75 g machine that does shit kinda fast
>a 115g autismotron that does the shit as fast as possible
fig. 1.
Should I buy this or Factorio first?
I'll get the other soon enough.
fig. 2, aka the autismotron
factorio is a whole another game that's so different from this you should ask somewhere else. like /vg/'s engieneering game threads.
The Virgin Alchemical Engineer
The Chadchemist.
split it up into two parts, assemple each on it's own, connect and deliver. if that fails, assembly line it instead.
in the next chapter there's a similar puzzle, but this time with 2 outputs, so you dont need to connect them.
Here is mine, i'm not proud
I think optimizing for cycles first is the most fun. You can get a rough idea of what's theoretically possible and strive for that, which is challenging. After that you can try to reduce cost/area.
Optimizing for area or cost first just means you're going to end up with some slow as balls solution like you posted. You can probably do most puzzles with just one piston and a track, which is just silly.
what's your opinion on symmetry?
Had to use stupid detours on mine.
It seemed obvious to split it up but I just can't figure out how to do it myself. I might have to just give up and copy someone else.
They make sense when there's multiple products. Trying to maintain symmetry is a fucking nightmare at times though.
Is spacechem harder than opus magnum?
yes, because there you're limited to 2 arms and ~4-6 connector "sigils"
no, because arms have free movement across the plane, and can collide with eachother.
yes, because the playfield is finite, and the weird track system is wierd
no, because said tracks are less limited that OM tracks
Much harder. Opus is one of the easiest zacthronic games actually. It games something like tis100 > spacechem > shenzhen = opus.
I feel i'm too stupid to play this game
The game eases you into the mechanics pretty well. Tougher recipes don't start until later.
It's was easier to finish Opus Magnum than Spacechem, but most of the fun and challenge of OM comes from optimizing the solutions.
dont worry, i felt more and more stupider as i progressed.
Recently got it, haven't played it much/
Is the aim of the game just to be efficient; What other Zachtronics games do you recommend?
The Shenzhen bonus campaign is far, far harder than anything in Opus.
It's more like:
SpaceChem > Shenzhen > TIS >> Infinifactory >> Opus
>when your solution is too big to post into Sup Forums, but it's the best you can do
I really like spinning mechanisms. Are there any stuff later in the game that allow you to keep doing that? I'm up to chapter 4 now.
my take on universal solvent - proudest work so far.
Where is fig.3? I want to see Sanic fast.
well, that was supposed to be my take on sanic fast, but i'll cook you up something special, if you ask like that.
aim varies depending on what you want to build, most people here want the fastest machine, others go for aesthetics, but its really up to you want you consider to be good.
lipstick is one of the hardest challenge, im currently working on this here and try to optimize it, its really not easy.
Every other game.
And the aim is to be creative. Optimize by cost, cycles, space or any of the combinations of them. You will always end up with a different design which makes it fun.
>No stalling
so this is basically how cotton candy machines work right
here is fig 3.1, an almost complete autismotron.
each command line is 4 commands long, too.
No. Look again.