what do you guys think of hideo kojima
What do you guys think of hideo kojima
Is this one Hideo or Kojima?
This meme has literally never been funny no matter how hard you guys try to force it
He's a smart guy but he's long ago gone off the deep end thinking he's a movie maker
leg too short
That one's Kojima. It's in the jaw.
Is OP dark side phil?
Super Mario 64 was his best game
But I am.
Hack fraud
I think he should be a food analyst or a movie critic
Has been firmly in the "hack" category since MGS4 and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional. Probably deserved whatever allegedly harsh work environment konami gave him.
He can put together pretty amazing trailers. Those MGSV ones were better than the game itself.
Thanks for killing Konami, cockface.
I think he's a great game designer when he has a good partner to filter out his stupid ideas, like when with Fukushima. Otherwise he's makes dumb stories in his story based games.
I hate his attitude towards America, they nuked his country twice and he thinks they feel sorry about it.
He's cool
Fake. Kojima knows what he's doing. He has enough fetishes to get himself off without it ever being directly called assault. Do you think he full body scanned for the game? Dude probably used some of Konamis funds to make a Joost sex bot. he also made a David Hayter cuckbot to sit in the corner and Watch, the bot is so advanced it actually feels pain
> [Spoiler] he also made a David Hayter cuckbot to sit in the corner and Watch, the bot is so advanced it actually feels pain [/spoiler]
That's the saddest thing I've ever read
I hope it also cries.
What do you think Kojima uses for lubricant?
Keifers drunken puke.
He has the biggest ego in the industry despite only having made two good games in MGS and MGS3, both of which have aged poorly (the former far more than the latter).
I don't think he has the biggest ego. Don't forget, western devs are insane when it comes to egotism.
Not only does his paster his name all over everything, but he also LITERALLY put himself in the game as himself.
I think he's alright
Everybody says he has an ego. The only basis for this is seen in his work and that would be pretentious rather than "having an Ego"
His twitter is filled with cool pictures, food, lego and talking about movies. He is better than most western Dev(some western Dev are pretty cool). You don't have to like him but In the least stop going out of the way to disrespect him.
People who hate MGS are just angry that it's popular. There is basis to not like the games but then again people go out of their way to insult it.
John Romeo did that too!
>He has the biggest ego in the industry despite having two good games
this fucker has one okay game and he's far worse.
Next game will show if really had talent.
>Brainlets are still assblasted because they're too dumb for MGS2
>A game by Hideo Kojima
>By (Hideo) Kojima Productions
>Directed by Hideo Kojima
>Produced by Hideo Kojima
>Staring Hideo Kojima's favorite actor
>Featuring Hideo Kojima as himself
>Also featuring Hideo Kojima's assistant
>In game characters explain the puzzle because Hideo Kojima wants you to know hes smarter than you
MGS GZ, V and 4 were all shit.
MGO2 was fucking 10/10 though but I doubt he had much of a hand in it.
I don't know why people expect Death Stranding to not be shit.
I take it you liked Peace Walker at least?
Imagine if he wrote like a rapey Indian.
>Joost, I liek baby when your leg sex me
>buring you to motherbase and dvleop vagine
It's weird, Peace Walker is a better V and it's on the PSP. I put hundreds of hours into that, and like 40 into V.
what do you guys think of hideo kojima
what do you guys think of hideo kojima
what do you guys think of hideo kojima
what do you guys think of hideo kojima
what do you guys think of hideo kojima
It's a bizarre world we live in, if the same company makes two games from the same series and the one on the handheld is vastly better. How did they drop the ball so hard with V?
PW had more indoor MGS-like sneaking segments, even, despite the fact that V has huge maps.
Alright, stop bawling, OP. Kojima's a good lad.
I'll allow every single fucking Dev to do that(movie styled) rather than them raving on twitter about next billion dollar franchise, political opinions or not wanting to discuss logic in a post apocalyptic world filled with mutants.
He has an ego. Everybody does. I think he is validated with that becuase he really likes cinema styled approach to his games. He doesn't seem like the dude who farts and enjoys the smell of it. He might be that for all we know. But we don't becuase he isn't arrogant enough to show us much of what he is like. All we can take from him is from his work.
There's a mod for V that makes it so every mission you have to find weapons and equipment on site, right?
>Why are we here? Just to do milk?
>He doesn't seem like the dude who farts and enjoys the smell of it.
thats a great way of describing hideo kojima honestly
and if you care about what some developer tweets instead of the actual games they make you're retarded
He's a blistering genius that tries to cram in too many ideas at once. If he could refine the balance between the imrpovements in gameplay and continuation of the story (which could use trimming as well), he'd go a lot further.
Sam Lake's better desu.
>He doesn't seem like the dude who farts and enjoys the smell of it
Play MGS4.
He's a quietly insane auteur who needs someone intelligent and a little more sane to keep his bizarre, but powerful ideas tangible in his projects.
Konami didn't have the imagery or resources to fully realise MGSV as he intended it, so they had to put the clamp on it before it was complete. You can't blame them for that.
With him gone, Metal Gear will be a different beast, but looking at Konami's record, it won't suffer an awful lot. I'm enthusiastic about the notion of a new co-op Metal Gear game.
>who needs someone intelligent and a little more sane to keep his bizarre, but powerful ideas tangible in his projects.
Reminder Kojima had Fukushima killed by the yakuza which is why Metal Gear has been in a decline since 2008.
>if you care about what some developer tweets instead of the actual games they make you're retarded
Then why are we having this discussion?
We are talking about Kojima as a person and a developer. We are not discussing metal gear solid, zone of enders or castevania? We are discussing the individual not the product.
I like metal gear solid, All of them save virtual ops and Acid(never got into it)
ITT we are discussing developers, manly Kojima not their games.
I enjoy video games regardless of the idiot devs personalities. But since we are discussing Devs, twitter is a big look into their opinions and personalities.
If they didn't have the resources to make the crazy open world game he wanted, why the fuck didn't they just make a bunch of Ground Zeroes-esque areas? Like Hitman, instanced but with a lot of room for exploration.
the open world part of the game is what he wanted. it was elsewhere they had to make him hol up
you can discuss developers in relation to their work, ie. kojima is retarded and full of himself and thus reflected in the games he makes or you can discuss their political opinions which have nothing to do with anything unless they're hamfisting them into their game
He single-handedly ruined the gaming industry.
But they are often ham-fisted into their games
I'm not even talking politics. Kojima might make pretentious trash but he doesn't make pretentious trash then go online and tell people how he is God's gift to the industry. No his games imply this but it is never stated outright and it is from something as vague as games that you derive this assumption.
You will get people like Phil Fish, Veto all political opinions of his and he still cancelled a game becuase of a temper tantrum.
We don't have to discuss their politcal ideals and you can hate on Kojima all you want but don't try prevent us from judging the developers themselves for what they do and say outside of game development.
Take that mass effect andromeda dude. Execuse all his twitter history and you have a game that flopped and was dropped dead while he in an interview blamed lack of diversity.
I'm not trying to push an agenda here but allow us to judge the Devs personality type on twitter becuase it seems that there might be a correlation between the Dev and the game.
Anthony Burch and borderlands (writing)
Randy and Battleborn
CLIFFY and Lawbreakers
Director(forget his name) and Andromeda
The best kind of devs are the ones who don't post on twitter at all.
Those of us that aren't psychopaths do.
It has its own closed network twitter account.
I think of hideo kojima
Actually fairly decent at game design but he's an absolutely terrible writer and his ego ruins his games. Basically, he's your typical "modern" dev; failed at their career of choice, fell into game development as a backup, delusions of grandeur and obnoxiousness get in the way of delivering a actual good game.
>Hayterbot posted "Kill me, kill me, oh dear God please kill me." on 10/11/12 at 13:52PM
>@Kojima_Hideo favourited this
i doubt he actually has an ego think he's just a goofy motherfucker
>i doubt he actually has an ego
>A game by Hideo Kojima
>By (Hideo) Kojima Productions
>Directed by Hideo Kojima
>Produced by Hideo Kojima
>Staring Hideo Kojima's favorite actor
>Featuring Hideo Kojima as himself
>I doubt he has an ego
If he didn't have an ego he'd let his work be edited as it desperately needs to be.
Have you ever seen any of the behind the scenes stuff for the making of the MGS games? He seems to be an incredibly frustrating person to work with. He's like a child, he sulks and whines a lot.
Some people like to roll the credits in the beginning.
By your logic police academy has an ego too.
It's often the most insecure people who hate policeacademy I find.
>Have you ever seen any of the behind the scenes stuff for the making of the MGS games? He seems to be an incredibly frustrating person to work with. He's like a child, he sulks and whines a lot.
Not him but a lot of people hate it when companies limit the devs too on what they can and can't do.
What happend tp Fukushima ?
Did he do something else ?
It's wasn't the company that limited him, it's his co-workers. He'll come up with some stupid idea, like another "hilarious" poop joke or something, and he'll run around bugging people to put it in the game. They'll all tell him they have more important thinks to work on than his toilet humor and he'll get pissy about it.