Switch selling millions

>switch selling millions
>about 3-5 must buys
>release doom within first year

Bethesda know how to sell games. I image nearly everyone with a switch will buy it due to lack of games (only because it's new mind you).
Who else will scramble to release switch games will the going is good?

Other urls found in this thread:


it literally only have a mario, switch is not worth the money

>literally only have a mario
Your grammar's first rate.

>lack of games
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Square Enix, plenty of stuff they could port to Switch.

>Final Fantasy
>Deus Ex
>Tomb Raider

>it literally only have a mario

I work for a big third party studio.

The game we released on Switch did disastrously poorly. Needless to say, we are not released anything game. ;)

Is the game shit? There's a lot of tat on the e-shop that doesn't look fun at all.

Fuck you Capcom, no one wanted to buy SF2 again

It was an installment in a long running franchise that did very well on other platforms.

hitman isn't owned by square anymore

>Doom Sells well
>Wolfenstein 2 sells well
>Skyrim sells well
>Bethesda think of what to do next
>Get Zenimax studios to make an Elder Scrolls Travels game for the Switch
>It sells like hot cakes
>Normies flock to it cause it's skyrim 2 on the go exclusively
>Release it on other consoles a year later

No one cares about Siberia, its a shit game.

FIFA 2018 is a shit

Nobody buys Nintendo for 3rd party games

What are the 5 "must buys"

I only have Bing Bing Wahoodyssey, Bing Bing Kart, and FE Musou

The Fifa 2018 port for the Switch was missing content and didn't push the Switch to its limit

>Another underpowered gimmick system
>Old ports of games people have played already that are cheaper and look and run better on other platforms
>Wii U ports
>One good Mario game

Into the fucking trash can it goes.

>ir lrerali habe a meriow

I'm not sure if that's the case, this year has been pretty good for Nintendo exclusives such as BOTW, Splatoon 2, Odyssey and soon Xenoblade 2. It's not like Switch owners are hungry for games, right now I'm trying to collect all the moons in time for Xenoblade 2 and I'm not sure I'm able to make it in time.

I do hope Doom does well on Switch though, just to show that third party games can do well on Switch. But I'm being a hypocrite, since I'd rather pirate the game on my PC than buy it on Switch.

Whats up with all the Switch shilling?
Like constantly sales sales sales data, promoting it, discussing its "hype", etc.
I mean I wouldn't mind if it wasn't spammed every few minutes, but this is literally about some old games that released on every relevent platform, for a port that looks and runs like shit, among other mediocre games.

When did Sup Forums become such a Nintendo billboard?

Idiots like you have reduced this word to another way to say "ITS A GAME I DONT LIKE OR A GAME BY A COMPANY I DONT LIKE"
Please cease from being a faggot and ruining the English language anytime please.
And if you want to play some real sholeware play Troll and I or Life of Black Tiger


Anyway, it's not really a shill thread it's more of what do you think might get ported next if doom does well. But I guess you can't read between the lines because you're a fucking spacker.

>only Mario


I won't get it, I have it on pc, playing on the go sounds attractive, but I'm not buying it twice, not to mention I'm not a huge fan of playing shooters with a controller, maybe if they have added motion aim assist.

how does nintendo keep doing this?

how do they keep printing fucking money with minimal design and production costs, while sony keeps sinking hundreds of millions on failing hand helds?

when will this end?

The Switch costs like 257 bucks to make. Nintendo doesn't really make that much money off of them.

It's going to sell 15 copies, because people who buy Nintendo consoles buy Nintendo games and nothing else. This fact is never, ever going to change unless some company somehow makes another "goldeneye".

>>switch selling millions

it sold less than wii u in the same time frame

it's a flop

>what do you think might get ported next if doom does well.
Who fucking cares? The Switch is a shit console for ports that aren't simple indie titles.

>because people who buy Nintendo consoles buy Nintendo games and nothing else
That's wrong. Indies have been selling incredibly well on it.

>while sony keeps sinking hundreds of millions on failing hand helds?
The Vita did fine enough in Asian countries. That and there hasn't been a Vita 2, what the fuck are you talking about?
Sony owns a majority market share and has the best console on the market.

It sucks because 06yssey is boring but I love musou so I still only have 1 game to play

It's not that people buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games, it's that they buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo console exclusives (look at 4 Resident Evil, Sonic Colors, and Bayonetta 2 for example). Mutilplatform games look and run better on a PC than they do on Nintendo consoles so there's really no reason to buy them for the Nintendo console. This might be a little different this gen because the switch version of games gives portability and portable multiplayer, but we'll have to see.

Wow, incredible. I didn't realize indie games were full price.

Not him
Indies are cheap as fuck

100% mad. Mario odyssey literally not a port or indie title.

The Switch has in half a year sold half the total worldwide sales of the Wii U in five years. Unless you're suggesting the Wii U sold over 50% of its total sales in the first six months, your statement is incorrect.

I really hope Nier Automata gets a port just because I want it to sell more. Yoko taro deserves more money.

>switch version of games gives portability and portable multiplayer


Correct. That doesn't chance the fact that their selling well and its BTFO'd the "Nintendofags only buy Nintendo consoles for Ninetndo games" argument that the faggot I responded to is trying to push.

With the Joycons detached it's smaller than the Kindle in your picture, so yes, it's portable.

>30 fps, 720p Doom
Kek that's pathetic
>but muh portability
user, you don't need to play vidya the 5 minutes you spend on the toilet

I know nothing about those games, but indie games are generally incredibly easy to port and there is no reason not to throw it onto every possible platform. Tripple-A game on the other hand takes ages to port and its generally not worth it to bring them to Nintendo consoles for a few hundred thousand sales at best.

Actually its longer (and much thicker) than the kindle.
Also, having to piece it out doesnt make it portable, it makes it inconvenient. If you get caught with one of these in public, you should get punched in the face.

So he's a shoe-in right?

>smashball attack is RIP AND TEAR

One can only dream

>"Nintendofags only buy Nintendo consoles for Ninetndo games"

This is still true. Once actual games start releasing next year, third party sales will be heavily diluted. Its just the fact that the console has a shit ton of trash games and so few worthwhile ones, and people want to justify spending $300 on a tablet with 2 notable games.


I feel like if a western third party got in it would be the skyrim guy. He's by far the most popular aside from maybe Minecraft guy.

I would buy a Smash game just for this.

I prefer FPS on my PC.

Unless these have motion aiming. Do they?

Drones would buy every shitty rehash and port, really makes you think.

Smaller than a 3DS XL and less than half the weight. So yeah.

>Lack of games
People always bitch about Nintendo not having third parties. I guess they're all underage that has to have their parents buy shit for them. I'm legitimately only interested in having a Switch for the first party exclusives. Everything else I have my PC for.

Indies are still games user. You can't just say they don't count because you don't like them.

is that fire emblem any fun? whats your progress on it?

It's a myth that Nintendo fans don't buy third parties, it's just they don't buy some of the typical big names. Basically Nintendo fans fall mainly into two categories:
Children: age 4-13
Young adults: age 18-25
Many western third party games, like Call of Duty are designed for teenagers age 13-18. But third party games that either appeal to children or young adults can sell well on a Nintendo console.

You don't get in just because you're famous. His moveset would be pretty boring.

They are also cheaper elsewhere and more often than not, the Switch is the worst performing versions of said games.

The eshop for the Switch is a mess, its like 85% indie shovelware.

Nobody loves you EA.

Mario and XC2 is enough for me until something else comes out, plus there's a few indies which are great for handheld mode. See, when you have money you can buy things like the Switch as side-consoles to enjoy and not whine because there isn't a new game every week.

why is the switch so good lads?

nintendo are true artists, they managed to fit such powerful hardware into a tiny package that allows us to play DOOM at a stunning 480p 25fps

already bought 3 copies to support my favorite megacorporation, they need the money right?

There is lot of space for a switch in my man purse

>Its a myth
They have literal statistic and developer quotes of them being unhappy with videogame sales on Nintendo platforms. Muramasa sold MUCH LESS on the Wii than the Vita, for example, and look at the install base difference.

>it's just they don't buy some of the typical big names.
Most core fans dont experience games outside their platform period. They are shut in nostalgia fag losers that cling to the past to forget the present. I wouldn't call a NIntendo fan out for having any semblance of good taste when they only eat at one restaurant.

The fact that its on there at all is incredible honestly.

There is literally nothing wrong with playing vidya in public, beta nerd.

The switch fits in my pocket, joy-cons attached.

>waifu emblem: pandering boogaloo


I don't mind paying $60 for a heavily downgraded version of the game that literally kills my eyes due to how blurry it is, because I can take it with me on the go and play it on public so everyone can see how mature I am because I don't care what others think of me ;)

>all this circle jerk by nintenbros
>All I want is a good handheld.
>The Switch is most decidedly a shitty piece of hardware.
>There's like 5 good games total, so that makes up for it...?

I fucking hate non-idorts. You guys throw your weight behind one platform and get blinded to all the bullshit. How long until a better Switch is released? 1 year? No fucking way I'm gonna early adopt this pile of garbage.

>"Nintendo fans buy third party games, I swear!"
>not a single third party franchise sells well on Nintendo consoles (outside of fucking Just Dance)

Really makes you think

You wish you could even look nearly as good as me. You look like a fag playing videogames in public.

Do you wear cargo pants?

Enjoy not playing GOTY, fag

t. fatass with cargo pants

I like how every time people try to shitpost, the resolution and fps on the game goes down.

2k said they're very pleased with current sales on the Switch

>Caring about what people on the bus/train/DMV/Airport think of you.

You got issues, dude. If I had a choice between "BING BING WAHOO" and standing/sitting around doing nothing while on my hour-long commute to work, I think I'm going to chose the BING BING.
If that triggers you, then that's just fucking insane.

>How long until a better Switch is released? 1 year?

This is Nintendo not Sony.

Whats wrong with playing videogames while waiting for your flight? You're waiting for hours with nothing to do, thats one of the few instances were its allowed to whip out your DS/switch.

>lack of games

There's like 9 games in buying in November/December alone

Wow are you telling me a weeaboo game had better sales on the weeaboo console? What I'm saying is that Nintendo has a different audience from the other two systems who mainly sell to teenagers and obviously it has a different audience from the Vita weeaboo station. You need to design your third party games around that audience. The most obvious example is that platformers sell great on Nintendo platforms.

>This cool game is held hostage by this shitty console.

What an argument, man. You sure got me there.

Nintendo typically only does a console revision 2 years into a consoles life or sometimes never.

you are better off buying now, enjoying what you want to play and replacing when and if a revision comes out.

2 of my friends bought a switch so they could play games while they poop. Not even kidding. 1 of them didn't even play Zelda, he bought it for Skyrim

>commuting to work on public transportation
Faggot cant even get a car. Sure sign of success.

>Abloobloo why doesn't this console appeal to me!
Because it's not marketed at shut in needs like you.

There is nothing wrong with playing video games in public.
There is something wrong with being unattractive in public.
There is something very wrong with taking pictures of random people in public.
There is something very VERY wrong with you if you think the average normalfag cares about what someone does in public.
I'm legitimately surprised you didn't post a quieten picture honestly. People like you seem to idolize that underage shitposter.

>All I want is a good handheld.
>The Switch is most decidedly a shitty piece of hardware.

What do you want from a handheld? It has more power than a wii u, so it should be able to play most stuff.

>They have literal statistic
Like Ubisoft saying how they have more sales on Switch that the boner?

>Getting a car in NYC.

And I piss on what you consider "success". Conformist cunt.

>it's shitty because I said so so there
>you're not an idort if you bought the Switch
Maybe don't be a poorfag?

>He's so nervous that someone might look at them funny (they won't) for playing video games in public that he LITERALLY is too afraid to partake in his hobby
Lol at your life.

>There is something wrong with being unattractive in public.
Exactly. ANYTHING you do in public is going to be embarrassing if you're ugly enough. When you see these pictures of obese people playing a 3DS, the problem is not the 3DS, it's the 200 pounds of fat. If they were thin you wouldn't even question it.

The Vita has more Western support than the 3DS ever had though. You are just backpedaling. You do realize that Nintendo consoles are entirely weeb and Japanese right?

Do you have any evidence to suggest that Muramasa is even a "weeb" game?

How come Digimon did better on Vita than the 3DS? Both of which have a large amount of japanese games.

You are being pretty selective and biased. Show me a handful of third party multiplats that did better on Nintendo platforms (recent ones). Even VLR sold better on the Vita.

Maybe a device that doesn't make it a nightmare to attach a headphone, or could maybe even support blutooth headphones in the year 20-fucking-17

Bing Bing wahooesy
Bing Bing watoon 2
Bing of the wahoo
Bing emblem
NBA 2k18

>2k is very pleased with sales
>has literally released one game so far for the switch
>only thing they have planned for the future is a port of LA Noire, a 5 year old game that nobody liked

>Held hostage

It's Nintendo's right to keep their games exclusive. You can keep crying while shitting in your diaper or you can move on and deal with it.

I was weak and bought a switch odyssey bundle. What other games are out/coming out soon that I should get? I have Zelda and Mario Kart on the wii u.