
You are supporting /ourgirl/ right, chief?
Btw, new banner reveal tonight. What's your hope?

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This game is shit, play Fate GO

who the hell is shanna?

If by that you mean top 1000 supporting amelia, sure

Roy's wife duh

>mfw got banned from /feg/ for replying to an FGO troll

I didn't realize /vg/ had rules.

Is Shanna gonna win?

Why not play both? Neither are interesting enough to play by exclusively.

/feg/got BTFO
How will you ever recover? FGO wins again.

Bet it was my post.

Depends on Amelia. If they overshoot, it's hard for shanna to catch up even with the last 2 consecutive multipliers


Also depends on how many people on team Shanna actually still have flags to spare. Sitting on 1000 myself, so I'm good to drop 800 for the final hours.

I'm with Soren, hoping for the second upset in a row

Good, they've done you a favor.

How does Arden compare to the BK? I was too lazy to get the 2nd copy of BK but I"m curious.

How do I improve my Amelia-chan?

He's a good unit but pretty niche, BK has built-in distant counter, the best special the game has to offer and very high speed for an armored unit. In my opinion BK is clearly better.

Arden hits and tanks harder, Follow-up Ring making him a quadding machine, but he's still an armored unit so he's not gonna see much initiation in his life.
BK has a unique special that makes blues shiver and innate DC which is really good for an armored unit.

BK is better. Arden has some use if you have Armor March or some way to throw him around for quads but BK will be much more useful in most teams

She's -spd right? I have the same, she's worthless and doomed to be a worse hector.

I put fury 3 on mine to patch her -atk shit. IVs were a mistake.

Offensively he's a monster, since pretty much everything will die to him except high def blues like Nowi

Defensively he will get killed by anything magic

I mostly play FE defensively so I much prefer the BK

>new banner reveal tonight
says who?

God I wasted so many on this shitty halloween banner, I hope this one will suck so I won't feel any remorse about it

Do you have an armor team you run her on?

It's been two weeks since last trailer so it checks out. If not today, then tomorrow.

you need to put a lot more work in her than you think

Typically every 2 weeks new characters are announced and then added 1 or days later

>general Amelia is canon
Never played the game, but I am glad this is the case.


No, pic related is my main team

I play fe heroes exclusively since it only eats up about 2hrs of my day. before auto now 15 mins

I wish I wasn't so lazy with merging since I am I have expanded my barracks upto 400 why did I waste all those orbs

>Rolled 15 orbs for Elincia banner
>Got vanilla Lucina instead

Fucking bait banners. I'll wait for Christmas instead...

I've rolled 140 orbs by now, not a single Gold whatsoever.

There are quite a number of red units I'd like, such as Elincia, Ayra, Celica, Leo, etc, but instead I've gotten about 10 Stahls and literally 6 Corrin (M) among the plethora of others.

Dude you need BK to get armor march going. You are only hurting yourself since she's not hector who can sit on his ass and still killing on EP

I would trade my leo for those stahls and corrin any day +atk -res

What's a good b slot for a plus attack -hp amelia? I got fury and armor march


I literally only want him as a red clone of my Cecilia for Assaults where I can't use my Cecilia anymore.

I've given Swap to everyone now, but Corrin has NOTHING worth giving to anyone. So I'm just gonna train them all tomorrow, merge 'em, then promote him later. He'll be pretty strong, but I have more than enough "pretty strong" red infantry swords that blow him up.

Friends with benefits!


I'm glad she's getting fanart of her swimsuit.

How often does Alfonse pound his sister raw?

Reverse it and replace "sister" with "Bruno" and you have a legitimate question.

anyone know how to reroll using the memu emulator?

Why is Sharena so precious?

Heroes with Escape Route when? Marth hasn't been in another banner since the first one and he stopped appearing even as a 4 star.
If you merge than promote, you lose the merges. If you want to 4+10 him, promote one with bad boon/bane for Yato and merge him down.

Damaged Amelia has a cute butt.


>More banners with my wife

Stop, +3 Ninners is enough, I don't want to spend money.

Marthio alt when?


whelp It's official. Shanna's dead. That bitch shoulda been dead last round, but whatever. It's all behind me now.

>Get a -Atk +Spd Elincia as a free roll on her first banner.
>Get OSCARED later on, roll the rest of the orbs in that session.
>Get a -Atk +Def Elincia
>Rollin for Siggy
>MFW I got a +Atk -HP Elincia

Is this a good set for her?

Luna (also knows Memebow)
Ardent Sacrifice
Death Blow 3
Desperation 3
Hone Speed 3 (Goad Flyers when on meme squad)
Stats are 33/52(+6 with DB3)/35/24/28

>If you merge than promote, you lose the merges.
I know. The purpose to merging them now at silver is I'll have a 4*+5 (or so) and get massive inheritance on him. I have a good IV set on him. But I don't have huge feather count right now and he's on a long list of others I'd rather promote.

So, without Yato, he can still at least serve a +5 role and be fully SI's until I do get around to promoting him.

Many characters got a cool costume,
and you want to give him that shitty outfit?
A crossover outfit is understandable, but something else would be better. Maybe DeSu 1 or 2 protag for non-Nintendo, and Will for Nintendo.

Escape route+ Fury Marth has saved my ass more than I ever thought it would.

>Tempest trial
>Ranged unit can't finish off enemy
>Marth right in threshold to TELEPOR right over and finish the job

>Squad assault 3
>Chapter 9 map
>Grind Buncina I had lying around to take out the red mage
>Turns out she can't do shit even with Spring Sparrow
>But ol Marth can warp over and fuck it in the ass

hit and run or dragged back is usually the preferred b skill


I love whitemage!

Marth deserves something, like Tuxedo Marth.

>Tuxedo Marth
Already in the game

I can't believe Soren the Shrewd Strategist is fucking dead.

That's just Lucina, I'm talking about Marth in a dapper white tuxedo.

Who is Lucina get married to??


Lets hope we get some actual new content out of this.

Combine him with a Wings of Mercy Dancer for great results.
Expecting a new game mode to be announced.


>New FEH Channel
Better than a new trailer desu. The only time /feg/ is decent.

>not supporting Amelia


>blew last 20 orbs on Halloween banner.
>got +Atk/-Def Sakura on fifth roll.
Neat. Got Nowi yesterday too.


You got best IV grats bruh

We won't get Jill for a really, really long time.

I'm still mad Ryoma lost to Soren.

We're going to win chief!

No, I'm supporting Tacomeme

>Want to go team Takumi but only have Amelia for that leader bonus.
Wish I got 5 Takumis and Hectors like all the cool kids back in February.

The Nowi was +Res/-Atk.

>almost a week away
This sucks brehs. I guess it's encouragement to keep saving my orbs at least. Delthea was tempting me

Supported Soren for muh feathers, was hoping for last hour multiplier this round, but instead I'm stuck with my flags.

>have Takumi but would prefer if Fates didn't win yet another gauntlet
I'm just going to be spiteful and roll team Shanna/Amelia.

I only wanted to beat Ryoma, but it would have been nice to beat Takumi too.

Don't feel bad - my Jakob was -attack/+spd!


I want to clean her sweaty navel

I have Takumi and Amelia, if Shanna and Soren don't win, who should I support
If that's the case, merge all but one and save him for later to promote. No point in wasting all of those merges . 4+10 is equal to 5+5, so no need to lose that for a promote you probably used frequently.

>20 minutes long

oh baby its a big one

I want Sharena to teach me how to surf! Or rather I wish I just had surfer friends. Lived near the beach but never met anyone that surfs.

Come to team Taco for maximum smug

Yes, that should give them more time to talk about ARMS.

Stat wise, you're 100% correct for that backwards Yato. (I've done that with my Cecilia) But, from a completionist standpoint, I'd rather just have a Gold. I don't care about Corrin (M).

>enemy 1 is Brave Lyn
>enemy 2 is Ryoma with Vantage
>enemy 3 is Effie with Brave Lance+, Distant Counter, and Quick Reposte
>my team is Soren, Brave Roy, and some 4 star Tailtyu with nothing learned

For Xander, do I want Fury with Vantage, or Distant Defense with Quck Riposte? I don't have the DD seal.

You're using a TA gronnraven soren with a defense IV and Distant Defense 3 seal.... right?


Hahaha nope to all of those.


They only talk about FEH info, this is almost as long as the CYL unit one.