What games have hot latinas in them?
What games have hot latinas in them?
Deportation simulator.
Pack your bags, Pedro.
most games have latinas in them
there are very few games with jamaicans
max payne
red dead
mortal kombat
street fighter
Who is this Sandal Vandal?
tfw no cute latina gf
Latinos /=/ brown people
isnt she canon retarded?
you're thinking of hispanic
That's an european woman
She is canon cute.
is the same
hispanics /=/ brown people
>t. 56%
Street Fighter
King of Fighters
Nah, that's the dothead.
Any game with Japanese people in them. They practically look the same but aren't as tan.
>Amerisharts in charge of whiteness
your shitty meme isn't gonna take off, cunt
just stop
my delicious waifu (Trauma Team)
This percentage point goes down by 11% every few months it seems.
One day I hope we will get a community without low IQ Europeans who haven't been selected for high intelligence like us. Their cognitive abilities simply aren't on our level,
This was a solid 9/10 bait, I honest to God nearly gave you a serious reply.
The "selected for high intelligence" gave it away though.
A real, honest, genuine 9/10 post, my man. Good stuff.
God I need a Latina in my life to peg me gently
He said Latino not white , Hispanics can't be white
Neither Latino nor Hispanic are races though and both can be white
>jewish name like Isabela
you know that Spain is in Europe, right?
Are you insane. Hispanics love Eastern Euro names, especially from us Slavs.
Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race. It's entirely possible to be both Hispanic and of 100% white European descent.
>Who was Queen Isabela
>put a helmet and a balaclava on an above-average looking woman
>temporarily elevated to a 10/10
how does this sorcery work? i'm not even a /k/fig, heck, but those r6s girls are something else
Which also doesn't imply race, color, or ethnicity.
as true as this is. God damn insecure whitey needing to fucking falsely inflate thier numbers and censuses type shit. Fucking stupid that for whatever reason ,even though im not, the closes fucking correct bullshit for me to put down now is that im fucking white.
Fucking retarded as fuck i swear.
probably an inbred jew
Queen Isabella, not Isabela.
Vice City with the twins
Aren't they just blacks with an accent tho?
Redneck retards like using cunt a lot I noticed
Blacks is a broad range. You really think Bob Marley or Snoop Dogg looks like a Nigerian or Botswana Prince ready to give you riches after a loan of $500?
Oi Oi Oi! Back you go!